The news of the birth of the Eternal Lord spread quickly throughout the battlefield.

Many demon lords subconsciously stayed away from the area where Jiang Chen was, but demons were also a well-known warlike race among all races, so they were naturally not weak.

“No matter how strong Eternal is, there is only one person. Follow me to kill him!”

In the distance, a demon mythical military lord roared.

Under his leadership, tens of thousands of demon warriors attacked at the same time, and countless skills bombarded the space where Jiang Chen was across several kilometers.

The disadvantage of the blood race’s “short arms” was revealed.

Even the Eternal Lord had an effective attack distance of no more than ten kilometers, and as the distance increased, the power decayed very quickly.

Fortunately, the Blood River Array was the home court.

Jiang Chen’s figure sank quickly and disappeared in the Blood River.


The next moment, the Blood River tributary, which was only tens of meters wide, was violently shaken and directly exploded into a blood mist.

After all, it was just a tributary, and even the thick river water upstream of the Blood River could not stop such a terrifying attack.

But before the demons could smile, the tributary that had just been broken quickly condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“How could the blood river formation have such a terrifying repair ability? Could this blood river come from the upper reaches of the blood river!!”

The demon king just roared.

Then, he suddenly thought of something, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

“Where is the ancestor of the blood clan?”

In the blood river that had just exploded, no blood clan figure was seen.

Of course, he would not be naive to think that the attack just now could kill an eternal.

“Are you looking for me?”

A cold voice suddenly came from behind him.

The demon king reacted quickly, and his figure immediately became ethereal, and he was about to escape into space.


A pair of white palms directly penetrated the demon king’s chest, making his half-empty figure visible again.


The demon king roared and struggled desperately.

But as soon as he uttered a syllable, his body quickly withered and weathered, and finally turned into ashes, revealing the figure of Jiang Chen behind him.

The only trace left by this powerful demon king in the world was the ball of mythical blood floating in the void, and the dozen mythical props that exploded.

The blood clan that reached the ancestor level has mastered all kinds of abilities and can use them at will. At such a close distance, Jiang Chen easily drained all the liquid of a mythical military lord and concentrated the power of time on his palm, causing the latter to turn into ashes.

And a thousand meters behind Jiang Chen was another tributary of the blood river.

In the blood river formation, the tributaries of the blood river are like capillaries. Almost any space must have one or more blood rivers within a thousand meters.

In the blood river summoned by Xia, Jiang Chen’s speed more than doubled.

A distance of ten thousand meters can be reached in an instant.

“The ancestor is mighty, but please take your own safety as the most important!”

Xia controls everything in the Blood River Formation. Seeing Jiang Chen so aggressive, she couldn’t help but respectfully advise.

“It doesn’t matter. Even if you are an eternal strongman, you have to keep your tail between your legs when you enter the Blood River Formation!”

Jiang Chen was full of confidence, and then he said:

“Xia, pay more attention to other people in the territory and try to reduce casualties!”

The small-sized general does not have a resurrection building such as the Fountain of Life.

When heroes and soldiers die, they are really dead, and Jiang Chen will feel sad.

On the other hand, although the small-sized general has no clone, the mythical skill [Blood Brand] has not been activated yet, and he can be resurrected at the source of the Blood River at any time.

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Chen dares to be so radical.

“Yes, Lord!” Xia promised respectfully, and then his consciousness retreated.

Jiang Chen also turned to the next target.

With such a good opportunity, he naturally had to kill more mythical strongmen.

While killing, he shared Xia’s vision and checked the battle situation of other powerful people in the territory.

With the joint efforts of Jiang Chen and Hero Xia, nearly 200 drops of Eternal Blood Essence were condensed again in two months.

One drop of Eternal Blood Essence can upgrade an ordinary Blood Emperor to Mythical Three Stars. ‘

But just like the Soul of the Arms, the resources required for each upgrade above Mythical Three Stars increase exponentially.

200 drops of Emperor Blood Essence can only upgrade all of Jiang Chen’s Blood Clan heroes from Mythical Six Stars to Mythical Eight Stars. If it is concentrated on one person, it is not enough to even upgrade to Mythical 12 Stars.

Even so, with the increase of the original blood, the blood river formation, the territory, etc., the Mythical Eight Star Blood Clan Hero is also invincible.

Every skill of the second hero Alice can take away thousands of demon legions.

Even the Demon Clan Mythical Military Honor Lord may die on the spot if he is not careful.

Although the killing is not as smooth as Jiang Chen, it can still be regarded as a “boss” level enemy for the demon army.

NoAfter a while, Alice killed tens of thousands of enemies.

Although the strong are strong, their numbers are limited after all.

The one who made the greatest contribution was Jiang Chen’s 180,000 blood clan army.

[Your blood emperor army killed the Flame Demon (Legend ☆), you get 3 legendary treasure chests, 2 advanced physical books, 1 legendary army talisman, 2 legendary army souls…]

[Your blood emperor army killed…]

After the battle began, the battle log of the trumpet general was refreshed like a waterfall.

In Xia’s blood river formation, it was completely the world of the blood clan.

These blood clan princes with the lowest legendary nine stars and the highest mythical three stars, all turned into killing machines.

Every second, there are millions of heads.

Fortunately, there were the shocks of Jiang Chen and Xia before, otherwise such a large and powerful army would inevitably cause another wave of shock.

The morale of the Blue Star Army was high, especially the blood clan army.

With Jiang Chen’s secret support, the blood clan army of the Dark Kingdom also has thousands of blood emperors and hundreds of millions of blood clan princes.

It is nothing in the sixth heaven, but in the seventh heaven, especially under the blood river formation presided over by Xia, the power is doubled.

Looking at the blood clan army bursting out with terrifying combat power, Edward shouted excitedly:

“This wave is stable!”

“After eating this demon army in front of us, my Blue Star Army will be greatly strengthened! With the increase and decrease of one, we can completely compete with the logic group and the demon clan!”

“The attack of the demon army will not last long, the lords of the Golden Lion Kingdom are ready to cover and kill.”

Although they belong to the same camp, the human army and the werewolf army do not have much advantage in the blood river formation, so they are still in a defensive formation to resist the attack of the demon army.

Edward’s strategic vision is still very sharp.

Only ten minutes after the battle began, the demon army could not hold on.

“The intelligence is wrong! Not only does the enemy have an Eternal Lord, but the Blood Clan Army is also more than ten times stronger than the intelligence!”

“Such a powerful Blood River Formation, I have never heard of it. I suspect that the one who presides over the Blood River Formation is also the ancestor of the Blood Clan, and at least a hero unit…”

“Hiss… Impossible!”

“Nothing is impossible! We are at a disadvantage in this kind of battle! Let’s retreat! Withdraw from the Blood River Formation first!”

The demon army retreated like a tide.

It had to retreat!

In less than ten minutes, the casualties of the demon army exceeded 1%, nearly 10 billion.

“Xia, try to stop the enemy!” Jiang Chen shouted.

Although the Blood River Formation is strong, it is completely suitable for positional warfare.

Once the demon army leaves the formation and is prepared, it will be impossible to trap hundreds of billions of enemies.

“Yes, Lord!”

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

Xia took a deep breath, and the dense blood river rolled and rushed towards the edge of the battlefield.

If you look from a God’s perspective, you will find that the Blood River Array has almost formed a blood cocoon with a diameter of thousands of kilometers, wrapping the demon army tightly inside!

As the distance of the blood river manipulation increases, Xia’s consumption will also increase sharply, but she can’t care so much at this time.

Look at it the other way around.

Without Xia presiding over the formation, it is impossible to exert such power in the Blood River Array.

This almost confirms the existence of another blood clan ancestor.

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

The human army and the werewolf army, which had already prepared, also rushed out of the defense line and hung behind the demon army to kill.

This made the demon army extremely frustrated.

If it weren’t for the Blood River Array, they would never have taken the human army and the werewolf army seriously.

At the edge of the Blood River Array.


The densely packed demon army piled up here, and countless attacks fell on the blood river and blood statues that were almost connected.

“It’s open!”

Several blood rivers collapsed, revealing a passage several kilometers wide, with blue sky, white clouds and sweet air outside.

Countless demons rushed out.

But within a few seconds, the portal was slowly closed under Xia’s control.

Similar scenes were constantly played out every second on the thousands of kilometers long battle line.

Jiang Chen led a group of strong men to attack desperately, but there were too many demons and the battle line was too long, so he could not focus on one thing and lose another.

So Jiang Chen could only choose mythical strong men to attack and kill.

Two hours later.

The demon army left behind hundreds of billions of corpses, and the rest finally escaped from the range of the blood river formation.

Xia, who presided over the formation, was almost exhausted.

Although most of the enemies escaped, Jiang Chen was extremely satisfied with the results of the battle.

It must be said that as one of the strong races, the proportion of high-level soldiers in the demon army far exceeds that of the human race.

Jiang Chen killed mythical strong men during this period!

In two hours, nearly ten thousand mythical demons and countless legendary demons were killed!

All props and energy were transformed into small trumpets.The nutrients before the upgrade made the trumpet foundation increase again.

The casualties of the Blue Star Legion were only a few billion.

After losing 80% of the mythical strongmen and more than half of the legendary legions, even if this demon legion still had hundreds of billions left, it was just a pile of loose sand and was not worth fearing.

Jiang Chen would naturally not let go of the fat meat in his hands.

“Legendary and above blood clan legions and high-speed legions follow me to pursue, and other legions defend the capital!”


Jiang Chen led the team to start a mighty pursuit.

The news of the birth of eternity was like a storm, quickly sweeping all territories with Territory No. 2580 as the center.

The latest to receive the news was naturally Territory No. 2581, which was extremely close in both distance and relationship.

Just at this moment.

After the Lighthouse Country stabbed the Blue Star Territory in the back, it immediately joined forces with the strongest Silver Clan to launch an attack on the God Territory representing the orthodoxy of Blue Star.

All states are in danger!

On the eastern front.

Hundreds of billions of silver legions are attacking the defense line of the God Realm.

The silver tribe is similar to the gold tribe, both are metal races, and even their arms and fighting methods are very similar.

The only difference is that their combat power is inferior to that of the gold tribe.

The legendary soldier [Silver Overlord] is silver in color and tens of meters tall. Not only is its body extremely hard, but its recovery ability is also extremely strong. It is considered a 70-point meat shield soldier.

At this moment, tens of millions of silver overlords are attacking the defense line of the God Realm, fearless of death.

In the central army tent, Ye Yiren rubbed her eyebrows.

“What is the boss up to?”

She just sighed.


Accompanied by a hurried sound, the intelligence officer trotted into the tent and shouted:

“Boss Ye, the general who founded the Dark Kingdom turned out to be… an ancestor of the blood clan?”

Ye Yiren managed tens of billions of God Realm lords, so naturally she couldn’t do everything herself, nor could she know every detail of any information.

The intelligence officer was responsible for screening important information and then reporting it.

“Ancestor of the blood clan?”

Ye Yiren frowned, and then explained to her intelligence officer:

“You’re talking nonsense, right? In the blood clan, the mythical rank is called the Blood Emperor, and the eternal rank is called the ancestor of the blood clan!”

“I know!”

The intelligence officer didn’t know how to explain, and didn’t care about much, so he waved his hand and popped up an image.

“Oh, Mr. Ye, please see for yourself!”


After confirming that she was not mistaken and repeatedly confirming through more than a dozen other channels, Ye Yiren threw herself on the chair and murmured:

“Eternal Lord! It’s really the Eternal Lord! There is actually an Eternal Hero!”

“Counting the Eternals and the Taoist who appeared when the boss ascended, this is the fifth Eternal Lord to appear in the world in the seventh heaven in the past thousand years. Although he has not yet forged a small world, he is enough to suppress everything in a remote place like the Blue Star Region…”

“No wonder even the boss can’t restrain him. It turns out that Jiang Chen has such a great background!”

Thinking of this, Ye Yiren said excitedly:

“The boss is so powerful that he can even form an ally with the ancestor of the blood clan. No wonder he was so calm just now! Now, not only can we take over Territory No. 2580, but even our Territory No. 2581 can be saved. !”

The intelligence officer also added excitedly:

“Also, under the influence of this general, the Golden Lion Kingdom and some lords who act according to the Golden Lion Kingdom have announced their joining of the Divine Realm, and the Divine Realm has occupied 65 states.”


Ye Yiren clapped her hands and made a prompt decision:

“Immediately spread the news that we have an eternal ally. Then issue a “Letter to Blue Star Compatriots”: Whether it is the lords of the Lighthouse Kingdom or the South Korean Kingdom, as long as they abandon darkness and join the light at this moment, they will all be citizens of the Divine Realm in the future, and the past will not be blamed.”

The intelligence officer hesitated for a moment and asked, “What about the lords of the Sakura Kingdom?”

“War criminal lords will be killed without mercy; civilian lords will be dealt with at their discretion, and lords who have always been close to the Dragon Kingdom will also be accepted; but those who are stubborn, especially those right-wing elements, hum hum…”

Ye Yiren’s eyes were murderous.

This was Jiang Chen’s order.

The intelligence officer said excitedly: “Yes!”

As the news continued to spread.

The lords of the Divine Realm cheered.

Although a few lords who thought deeply and far-sightedly worried that Jiang Chen, the eternal blood clan, was “not of our race and his heart must be different.” But at this moment, with a powerful enemy in front of them, they could not care so much even if they had to drink poison to quench their thirst.

The lord of the Lighthouse Country was naturally the opposite.

“The ancestor of the blood clan? And he publicly announced his support for the Divine Realm!”

“This is a more powerful existence than His Majesty Jiang Chen, the Lord of the Divine Realm!”

“Wait for the strong men from the upper realm of the Divine Realm to descend and unite with Jiang Chen. If we become enemies with the Divine Realm again, wouldn’t it be a dead end!”

“I have long said not to be enemies with the Divine Realm,Fortunately, it’s not too late to stop now!”

Jiang Chen has seen too many strong men. Many of his strong men are as powerful as Eternal. They have even argued with Lilith, an ancient Eternal who successfully created a small world. So naturally, he underestimated the deterrent power of the name “Eternal”.

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