What the little fox took out was the original version of Jiang Huang Benji written by Taishigong. Now Jiang Huang Benji has been updated to before the Gospel City War.

As for the hundreds of billions of copies of Jiang Huang Benji sold by Jiang Huang Temple, they were handwritten by the clergy of various Jiang Huang Temples with divine power, so that they could have the power no less than that of excellent props.

The more such handwritten copies there are, the more frequently they are used and viewed, and the stronger Jiang Huang Benji as the original version will naturally be.

As a biography of the gods, Jiang Huang Benji is the first prop of Jiang Huang Temple, and it is also closely related to Jiang Chen’s own divine cultivation.

With various additions, the power of Jiang Huang Benji at this moment is only lower than that of the Eternal Treasure.

“The true body of Jiang Huang!”

Jiang Chen gave the little fox absolute power.

Under the burning of billions of divine power crystals, the heavy Jiang Huang Benji was opened for the first time, and countless words flew out of it.

[Emperor Jiang, Jiangnan Province of Blue Star Dragon Country…]

These words containing countless rules constantly rotate around the little fox, stirring the energy of heaven and earth, and constructing a human-shaped phantom hundreds of kilometers high in the void.

“I didn’t expect that Jiang Chen could already condense the true body of the gods! Even if it is a powerful god, not everyone can master this divine art!”

The true body of the gods can only be performed by the original body and clone of the gods. Other clergy, if they are not saints, will be useless even if they are appointed as popes by Jiang Chen.

If the power of the gods is infinite, the power of the true body of the gods is also infinite!

What surprised Lilith was not that Jiang Chen could already condense the true body of the gods.

But the strength of this true body of the gods.

“Even with the suppression of Emperor Jiang’s original history, it is incredible that Emperor Jiang’s true body can reach this level! After the battle of Gospel City, Jiang Chen’s reputation will soar again. Perhaps within a hundred years, he can build a kingdom of God…”

The power of Emperor Jiang’s true body is naturally incomparable to the giant transformed by Yonghengzhou City, and even inferior to several world phantoms, but it is enough to deal with the Youtu Sutra controlled by Medanzo.

Under the control of the little fox, Emperor Jiang’s true body gently grasped, and a huge sword of 100 miles formed by energy appeared in his hand.


Emperor Jiang’s true body slashed the Youtu Sutra with a sword.

Although there is only one page, it is an eternal treasure after all, and it will naturally not be broken by Emperor Jiang’s true body.

But the huge shock made Medanzo spit out a holy flame again.

Logically speaking, the Youtu Sutra is an eternal treasure, and even among the eternal treasures, it is the top one, so it should not be so useless.

But the problem is that due to a wrong decision, Medanzo almost exhausted all the Sixth Heaven’s reserve power crystals. “God” is far away in the First Heaven. Although he can transmit power to the First Heaven in reverse, the loss in this reverse transmission process is terrifying. Even in the special environment of Gospel City, the power that can be transmitted is probably less than one hundredth.

On the other hand, Jiang Chen is right beside the little fox, and the power transmission is not lost.

Of course.

Even if the income in the past few months is taken into account, the power crystals in Jiang Chen’s hand are only a little more than 10 billion, which is definitely not as much as God.

However, according to Jiang Chen’s analysis, God will not consume hundreds of billions of power crystals for a Gospel City, even if God’s net worth is hundreds or thousands of times this value.

Facts have proved.

Jiang Chen’s guess is not wrong.

As the little fox continued to chop the Earth Sutra, the holy light on the Earth Sutra continued to dim, and the size shrank by more than half, but there was no other support from heaven.

With the little fox holding him back and the earth sutra, Jiang Chen punched down twice more.

The Gospel City, which was thousands of kilometers long, was already riddled with holes and cracks.

Inside the Gospel City, because the state capital was fundamentally damaged, large tracts of space were annihilated, and territories and legions were reduced to ashes.

Michael’s voice suddenly came: “Medanzo, all legions in the Gospel City are evacuated.”

Medanzo, who was already extremely depressed, turned pale instantly.

“Lord Michael…”

As the Lord of the Gospel City, she knew what this order meant.

“Jiang Cheng can’t stay in my Heaven Mountain for a long time unless Jiang Chen is willing to give up his foundation in the Blue Star Region.”

Michael continued:

“The destruction of Gospel City will indeed affect the prestige of my Heaven Mountain, but as long as the legion is still there, no one dares to underestimate Heaven Mountain.”

“As for you, even if your territory is destroyed, with your peak mythical rank, you can quickly return to the peak, but it will only waste two thousand years of development time. Go, save the legion of Gospel City, and my Lord can forgive your sins this time.”


Medanzo was extremely angry and unwilling.

Gospel City does not have the characteristics of a “subordinate city”. When the space is sealed, her territory cannot be migrated away.

Once the territory is destroyed, her two thousand years of hard work will be gone.Destroyed in an instant.

Without the blessing of the territory, it is unknown how many years it will take for her to recover from her injuries, and she may even fall in rank.

And… the heroes and soldiers who have accompanied her for two thousand years!

“Huh? You chose to abandon the city so quickly?”

The changes in Gospel City soon attracted Jiang Chen’s attention.

“But it’s okay. If you hold on any longer, the immortal stone will not be able to hold on!”

A thousand kilometers away from the giant that Jiang Cheng turned into, on the other side of Gospel City, countless angel legions were withdrawing from Gospel City. From a distance, it was simply a vast expanse of white.

And Medanzo broke out again, trying his best to stop the attack of the little fox, and seemed to have made up his mind to die.

“Sister Medanzo, Yueyue really feels sorry for you.”

During the fierce battle, the little fox suddenly smiled sweetly at Medanzo:

“You have worked diligently for your God and Tiantang Mountain all your life, but in the end you were abandoned by your God and became a sinner of Tiantang Mountain. Even Brother Jiang Chen and I know that the fall of Gospel City is definitely not your responsibility.”

Medanzo was stunned, and then roared: “Damn heretic, don’t doubt my faith in God!”


The little fox sighed:

“If Sister Medanzo was really absolutely pious to God, she wouldn’t be so eager to explain.”

“And sister knows better than me , with God’s power, if he wants, let alone saving Gospel City, even wiping out Jiangcheng is not impossible, but in order to preserve that little bit of divine power, he completely disregarded the lives of his angel brothers and sisters and refused to take action. ”

Medanzo’s eyes subconsciously showed a struggle: “Shut up, your God Realm has fallen to the evil of Lilith and Lucifer, and you dare to question my Lord?”

“In the war of races, where is there any evil and justice? When you, Heaven Mountain, invaded my Blue Star Domain, causing the death of tens of millions of lords in my Blue Star Domain, was it justice?”

The little fox looked pitiful and had a soft voice, but every word he said was heartbreaking.

“Besides, Lucifer and Lilith are eternal, but you are in the system of Heaven Mountain, and you can’t see the end of your days. Don’t even think about advancing to eternity in this life. Even if you blame Yueyue, Yueyue has to say it, because Yueyue said these things for your own good!”

Under the attack of the little fox’s “transformation level” tea art, Medanzo’s attack frequency finally dropped, muttering the word eternity.

Michael seemed a little anxious, but he was entangled by Lilith and the other two and couldn’t get away at all. He could only try to speak in a gentle tone: “Medanzo, all the temptations of the devil are tests of your faith. If you can pass this test, you will be purified and sublimated, and even become a saint of my Lord.”

The little fox immediately added a knife: “No matter how much you sublimate, you can’t sublimate into eternity…”

Michael couldn’t help but curse: “Damn fox!”

Jiang Chen made a prompt decision and ordered the little fox: “Yueyue, close the net!”

If he continued to talk nonsense, he might make Medanzo give up resistance directly, but every second was a consumption of a large amount of fairy stones and divine crystals.


Medanzo lost his fighting spirit, so the aura of that page of the Tujing had declined to the extreme, but the aura of Jianghuang’s divine body burst out again, and countless words formed a huge net of a hundred kilometers in size, directly covering the Tujing and Medanzo.

The giant net suddenly shrank, sealing one person and one thing.

At the same time, countless words from Jiang Huang Benji flew out again, sticking to Medanzo’s body and Youtu Sutra, turning into a sealing force, and the praise of Jiang Chen was like a devil’s voice, entering Medanzo’s mind.

“No, no, no, my Lord gave me life, I should dedicate everything to my Lord, even if I die…”

It must be said that Medanzo’s worldview is quite correct, at least he understands the grace of giving birth, and he is still struggling madly at this time.

Suddenly, a huge force erupted from Youtu Sutra, easily breaking free from the shackles of Jiang Huang Benji, and then turned into a stream of light, disappearing into the phantom of heaven.

“Sister Medanzo, the suppression force I consumed in Youtu Sutra is ten times that of you, but God would rather spend a lot of divine power to take back Youtu Sutra than save you. What is there for such a God to stay with, sister?”

The little fox’s soft voice was full of pity:

“Change your faith!”

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