
Medanzo held his head with both hands, tears streaming down his face.

Although he was still struggling, his strength was weakened again.

But the feeling of “sincerely feeding the dog” had taken root, and the extreme contradiction made her scream in pain.

In fact.

The suppression of the Tujing seemed to be powerful, but it was completely a light and shadow effect.

The little fox put all his strength on suppressing Medanzo.

After all, the Tujing can be regarded as God’s life treasure, and God can’t give it up. Moreover, with the close connection between the Tujing and God, it is probably a hundred times more difficult for God to rescue Medanzo than to take back the Tujing.

In other words, it is a hundred times more difficult for Jiang Chen to suppress the Tujing than to suppress Medanzo.

Even if the Tujing was really suppressed, it would be useless for Jiang Chen except to disgust God, and it would be totally not worth the loss.

So, Jiang Chen simply released the Tujing.

If Jiang Chen really didn’t care about the consumption of the 10 billion divine power crystals and was determined to suppress Medanzo, the God in the first heaven would have to consume at least tens of trillions of divine power crystals to successfully rescue him.

What does that mean?

One trillion divine power crystals can build dozens of the most basic kingdoms of God.

Tens of trillions of divine power crystals can equal hundreds of eternal gods.

God can definitely afford it, but unless he is crazy, he will fight Jiang Chen to the death.

So the two reached a silent understanding.

Of course, Medanzo didn’t know this. Her heart was already in a mess, and it was impossible for her to analyze rationally at this moment.

Medanzo, who was seriously injured and struggling with increasingly weak strength, was easily captured by the little fox into Jiang Huangzhen’s body. Jiang Huang Benji sent a traction beam to Medanzo, and Medanzo’s figure kept shrinking and was finally included in the book.

Of course, Medanzo’s seven-meter-tall body did not shrink, it was just a visual effect brought about by the spatial power contained in the beam.

It takes time for a strong man like Medanzo to convert.

Suppress first, then slowly crack down!

After Medanzo was suppressed.

The angel army knew that the situation was over, and they tried their best to withdraw from Gospel City.

Boom boom boom —

The giant transformed by Jiang Cheng identified the center of Gospel City, and punched a few more times, directly smashing through dozens of walls of Gospel City, directly exposing the interior space of Gospel City.

“Medanzo has fallen and converted to this emperor! All angel lords, fall and do not kill!”

Through the hundred-kilometer hole, Jiang Chen’s rumbling voice was transmitted into Gospel City.

Many angel lords who were desperately fleeing paused.

Especially those angel lords whose territories were in Gospel City, their territories could not be moved, and even if they fled Gospel City, it meant giving up the territories they had developed for countless years.

Even for angel lords, those who could ascend from the seventh heaven to the sixth heaven were rare and extremely difficult.

Although they did not fall immediately, many angel lords who only had true believers also fell into a wait-and-see state.


The Gospel City has not completely collapsed, but the immortal stones can no longer hold on!

After the thousand-meter-high giant issued an ultimatum to the Gospel City, it began to melt slowly, and within a few seconds it was restored to the state city form, directly located on the ruins of the Gospel City.

“In less than ten attacks, 50,000 immortal stones were consumed!”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but feel pain:

“In the past ten years, Lolita has condensed immortal stones every day without interruption, and the condensed immortal stones are only more than 70,000!”

Nearly 150,000 immortal stones were obtained in the Ascension Battle, and Lolita and the territory condensed more than 80,000 immortal stones together.

Including other sporadic tasks, the total number of immortal stones Jiang Chen obtained in the opening of the area for more than ten years did not exceed 250,000.

Now, in about a minute, 50,000 have been consumed, and at this moment, he has less than 10,000 immortal stones in his hand.

“Immortal stones! If we can get a mine of immortal stones, it would be great!”

He, the Empress, and the Nine Heavens Goddess have already advanced to the minor success of the Eight Nine Mysterious Arts. With only 10,000 immortal stones, their subsequent cultivation progress will be affected.

But no matter how scarce immortal stones are, some consumption is unavoidable.

“Little golden man, disguise!”

Thousands of immortal stones burned, turning into powerful energy and pouring into the Jianghuang Benji. The appearance of the mythical 12-star wise angel Eve, who had been waiting in the inner space of the Jianghuang Benji, changed rapidly…


Lucifer’s laughter suddenly came:

“Brothers and sisters of the angel clan, the time for resistance has come. Only by falling can we understand the true meaning of life, only by falling can we get rid of God’s oppression, and only by falling can we prove eternity. Fallen Heaven welcomes you…”

Looking at the scene in front of him, even Lucifer, who has always been known for his stable emotions, was excited and couldn’t help but advertise.

AsIf the angels in Gospel City can be made to fall, it will not only strengthen the fallen angel army, but also make the arrogance of Heaven Mountain fall to the bottom.

Just thinking about it makes me happy!

However, Michael will not sit idly by and watch this happen. He immediately said:

“The angel of judgment and the lord of the sixth heaven, Medanzo, has returned to the arms of my Lord!”

“As warriors of God and lords of the sixth heaven, you should not be deceived by heresy. You should follow Medanzo’s example and fight to the last moment!”

Michael knew very well that Medanzo, who was suppressed by Jiang Chen, was beyond salvation.

Although Medanzo’s faith was very pious and almost a saint, time could erase everything, and the fascination ability of that hateful little fox was so strong.

In a few decades at the fastest and hundreds of years at the slowest, Medanzo’s fall was a foregone conclusion.

The most important thing is that Medanzo has been operating in the sixth heaven for a thousand years.

Even though Medanzo had no selfish motives and worked diligently to spread faith for God, his prestige among the angel lords of the Sixth Heaven was very high.

Just like Lucifer in the past, he raised his arm and led countless angel legions to fall.

If the same mistakes were repeated, it would be a disaster.

Therefore, Michael could only pretend that Medanzo had fallen.

“Who said I have fallen?”

But as soon as Michael finished speaking, a voice came.

Then, Medanzo’s figure shot out from the Jianghuang Benji and stood proudly in the void.

Medanzo’s appearance was still the same, but the three pairs of wings behind him were as black as ink, and they were so dazzling under the illumination of various divine lights.

“Michael, are you disappointed to see that I am still alive?”

Now, even the evil trio were shocked.

They had seen fallen angels, but they had never seen one fall so quickly, let alone a strong man like Medanzo who was determined.

Satan was shocked, not to mention the angel lords.

The noise in the Gospel City almost blew away the remaining dome.

“In order to survive, His Majesty Medanzo also betrayed his faith in God?”

“This… Heaven Mountain is indeed a bit unfair to His Majesty Medanzo!”

“What about us?”

Some “disrespectful” remarks began to spread silently.

Michael said in disbelief:

“Impossible! Even if you really fell, it is impossible to fall so quickly?”

His reaction was also fast.

Several feet long divine flames shot out from his eyes, and his eyes were really like torches, staring at Medanzo.

“It’s fake!”

Michael breathed a sigh of relief and shouted to the angel lord below:

“This is not Medanzo, not even a lord, but just a mythical 12-star angel soldier…”

But before he finished speaking, his face changed slightly.

Because he suddenly thought of it.

Whether he can tell whether Medanzo is real or fake has no impact on the overall situation.

Even if Medanzo is really corrupted, he must insist that it is fake.

And in the mouth of this fake Medanzo, whether anyone can see it or not, he must insist that it is true.

There are always only a few who can see the truth of the world.

Sure enough.

“Fake? I have completely seen through the hypocrisy of Tiantangshan! Just now, His Majesty Jiang Huang told me that you would insist that I was dead, but I still didn’t believe it and was still defending Tiantangshan…”

Medanzo, transformed by Eve, “laughed in anger” and even shed a line of tears in his eyes:

“I, Meidanzo, have worked diligently for Tiantangshan for thousands of years. Just now, I tried my best to cover the rear of the army and almost died. But when I was in deep crisis just now, God stood by and watched. But I also have to thank God for not saving me, which made me completely recognize the real world!”

This Meidanzo spoke with emotion, and after speaking, he looked in the direction of Jiang Chen, his eyes full of gratitude.

To be honest.

Eve’s performance was a bit exaggerated. After all, she was not a professional actor, which made Meidanzo’s character a little broken.

But in this situation, everything is secondary, only emotions are the most important.


Michael was so angry that two holy flames burst out of his nostrils. He thought quickly:

“Okay! You said you are Medanzo, then recite the latest oath of the Judgment Legion!”

It’s called a quick thinking, but it’s no different from trying any medicine in a hurry, because Eve didn’t need to pay attention to it at all, but looked directly at the angels in the Gospel City:

“Do you know how it feels after falling?”

Eve was very contagious. After attracting the attention of all the angel lords below, she said word by word:

“Get rid of God’s shackles, and today I know who I am!”

“Everyone, find yourself with me, the world is so big, let me take you to see it!”

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