“Get rid of God’s shackles, today I know who I am!”

“The world is so big, I want to take you to see it!”

These words are very contagious.

A Seraphim Lord whose territory fell into the Gospel City was originally just a true believer of God. Under the threat of death and Medanzo’s instigation, his mentality changed rapidly.

“If I continue to fight, the best result for me is to give up the territory and escape with my life. Not to mention that thousands of years of hard work will be destroyed, if I want to return to the sixth heaven, I must experience two ascensions!”

“Two ascensions are two life and death catastrophes!”

“Your Majesty Medanzo has cultivated me, and his kindness is far greater than that of the illusory God. Now that His Majesty has fallen, what am I waiting for?”

With the blessing of various factors, the Seraphim Lord quickly completed his self-attack.

“Lord Albert, you…”

Under the horrified eyes of the nearby angel lords, the Seraphim Lord named “Albert” suddenly appeared on the originally white wings of a few black spots.

Like a few drops of ink dropped into a cup of water, the black spots spread rapidly, dyeing all the wings black in a few seconds.

After Albert closed his eyes and felt for a moment, he showed a wanton smile on his face that would never appear on the face of the angel lord.

“Hahahahaha, get rid of the shackles of God, today I know that I am myself, and His Majesty Medanzo will not deceive me…”

This is really not a lie.

The angels were originally created by God to seize territory and spread faith for themselves. Weapons of war.

Since they are war weapons, they are naturally subject to the control of their masters, and they do not need too much self-thinking.

So the spirits of the angel lords are suppressed!

After falling, whether from the genetic level or the spiritual level, they will completely get rid of the constraints of God and become completely independent individuals. The wonderful feeling of sudden liberation cannot be described in words.

Even if you become a true believer or even a fanatic of other gods in the future, you are still an independent individual.

Even if you don’t consider your position, falling is a smooth road for angels.

In essence, falling is a kind of race change.

So after Albert fell, the angel territory below, which was several kilometers in size, originally exuded a sacred and peaceful atmosphere. The territory buildings also turned dark in a second, which was a bit hideous and gloomy.

Even the iconic building of the angel race, the Angel Reincarnation Pond, turned into a pool of dark spring water.

After the lord completed the transformation, all the standard buildings in the territory would naturally be transformed into the standard buildings of the corresponding race.

At the same time, all the angel soldiers under his command also completed the transformation and became fallen angels after the lord fell.

Albert, who had completely completed the fall, looked around and looked at his former partners who were either terrified, thoughtful, or even eager to try. He said with a complicated expression:

“As a former colleague, I don’t want to fight. Those who want to fall can do it as soon as possible. Those who don’t want to fall can do it as you like! The next time we meet, I’m afraid we will be enemies!”

Albert’s words dispelled the last concerns of many angels.

Because this is enough to prove that the fall is just a change of race, not the infection of the mind by evil!

I am still me!

They even clearly felt that Albert was more “lively” than before, and more like a life, not a weapon of war.

In an instant, one angel lord after another around Albert began to fall.

This is just a microcosm of the Gospel City.

From a high-altitude perspective, patches of black spots appeared in the interior space of the Gospel City and continued to spread. Every place was hundreds of newly born fallen angels.

Of course, the fear and faith in God have been engraved in the genes of angels, and more than 70% of the angel lords are still struggling.

But Michael’s decision became the most important catalyst.

Medanzo’s fall was false, but the fall of the angels in the Gospel City was true.

As a saint of God, Michael could not tolerate any form of betrayal of God.

“My Lord created you, even if you are in a desperate situation, you should give your life for my Lord, but you are willing to fall. In this case, let me redeem your souls!”

The phantom of heaven turned from static to sudden explosion.

The Blood Sea, Fallen Heaven, and Infernal Hell were unable to react in time and were forced to retreat hundreds of kilometers.

The phantom of Heaven pressed down towards the Gospel City directly below…

In the past million years since Heaven Mountain was pushed forward, there has never been such a large-scale fall of angels. If this group of fallen angels is allowed to spread, the blow to Heaven Mountain will be even greater than the fall of Gospel City!

Michael could not even take care of most of the white-winged angels in Gospel City.

Michael’s move was beyond everyone’s expectations.

Heaven is directly above Gospel City,The Blood Sea, Fallen Heaven, and Infernal Hell were facing Heaven, and naturally they were located diagonally above the Gospel City. There was no rush to rescue them. After all, no one could have expected Michael to suddenly attack his own people.

Even Jiang Chen was shocked, and he could only shout in a hurry: “Yueyue!”

As the political and economic core of Heaven Mountain, the Gospel City is worth every inch of land. Those who are qualified to move their territories to the Gospel City are at least four-winged angel lords.

Therefore, this soon-to-be-formed Legion of Fallen Angels is an extremely powerful fighting force. As long as the leader, Medanzo, is truly conquered in the near future, they can be used for their own purposes.

The political significance of the Fallen Angels is even stronger than their fighting power.

Imagine how cool it would be to lead a group of Fallen Angels to travel across the world in the future?

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

So without Jiang Chen’s reminder, the little fox manipulated the real body of the Emperor Jiang to take two steps forward, stand on the Gospel City, and hold up the sky with both hands.


Another billion divine power crystals burned, and the hundreds of kilometers tall Jiang Huang’s real body was like a pillar supporting the sky, holding back the falling Heaven’s phantom with both hands.

A billion divine power crystals were enough for a god to hold up the throne.

But under the pressure of the Heaven’s phantom, Jiang Huang’s phantom was visibly hunched, and even his forearms and below instantly collapsed, turning into violent energy, and his legs were deeply sunk into Gospel City for dozens of kilometers.

After all, Jiang Chen hadn’t even forged the Kingdom of God, and there was still a certain gap between Jiang Huang’s real body and the Heaven’s phantom. If Jiang Chen had enough immortal stones, perhaps Yonghengzhou City could challenge Heaven.

“Your Majesty Jiang Huang, I’ll help you!”

Fortunately, in less than a second, the three small worlds of the Sea of ​​Blood, Fallen Heaven, and Infernal Hell appeared in time and bombarded Heaven Mountain from the bottom.

The pressure of Jiang Huang’s real body also disappeared instantly.

“Jiang Chen! Jiang Chen!”

Michael’s sneak attack was fruitless. With Lilith and others prepared, it was impossible to bombard Gospel City and wipe out these newly fallen angels.

This made him furious with Jiang Chen.

But no matter how angry he was, the battle in front of him was already a foregone conclusion.

If the battle continued, it would fall into a stage of consumption, and both sides would suffer losses.

Michael also made a quick decision. Since the war was lost, he would stop the loss in time.

“Jiang Chen, in the sixth heaven, I can’t do anything to you. But as you continue to ascend, the suppression of the heaven will be less and less! The moment you ascend to the first heaven, it will be your death…”

Michael’s voice was getting farther and farther away.

The phantom of heaven that bulged to the sixth heaven like a basketball slowly calmed down.

Finally, the hundreds of kilometers of sacred light column quickly shrank until it disappeared.

All these changes happened too quickly.

So that most of the lords were still in a daze.


“Hahaha, ridiculous, really ridiculous…”

After more than ten seconds of silence, a judgment angel who was still holding on to his faith suddenly laughed wildly:

“The Lord we swore to defend with our lives actually wants to wipe us out; and the one who tried his best to save us is the heretic we always thought, what is the meaning of our persistence?”

Laughing wildly, the white wings of the judgment angel began to be stained with black, and he fell in a few seconds.

Michael’s “betrayal” touched the angels too much.

In less than a minute.

Eighty percent of the angels who had not yet evacuated from the Gospel City had fallen, nearly eight million.

Here we have to sigh at God’s control over the angels.

Half of the remaining 20% ​​are fanatics.

In other words, one out of ten angel lords is a fanatic of God.

And including the seventh heaven, among the hundreds of billions of lords in the God Realm, Jiang Chen’s fanatics do not exceed 100,000, less than one in a million.

There is no comparison!

After the heaven disappeared, the other three small worlds also slowly seeped into the void and eventually disappeared without a trace.

“Finally… it’s over…”

Watching the small worlds disappear, Jiang Chen’s tense nerves finally relaxed, and a smile appeared on his face.

The people in the God’s Domain also felt like they were in another world.

“Victory! We actually won!”

“We conquered Gospel City! Gospel City, known as the ‘city that will never fall’!”

“This is not just in the history textbooks of Dragon Country Elementary School. I’m afraid our names will be left on the human calendar! It’s really worth dying for!”

“Hahaha, Lao Zhang and his friends, let’s go to my territory later, and we won’t return until we’re drunk!”

“Okay, I still have a few [Geisha] military tokens that exploded when I killed the cherry blossoms. I’ll recruit them later to cheer up the brothers!”

After several months of intense fighting, everyone was venting their emotions wantonly.

Jiang Chen naturally followed suit.

“I declare that Jiangcheng will have a ten-day carnival. Each person will receive a bottle of mythical spirit wine and a cup of enlightenment tea. Other spirit wines and spiritual objects will be supplied in unlimited quantities! Enjoy the carnival!”

After squatting for a while, the Divine RealmCheers shook the sky!

After a war, many ethnic armies would indulge in looting or even massacres to reward the three armies.

It was not excessive to just recruit some soldiers of the opposite sex for fun.

Looking at the crazy lords of the God Realm, Jiang Chen smiled, and then appeared outside the state city in a flash.

After paying so much, even taking the trouble to design Medanzo, it was naturally for the harvest at this moment.

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