Several kilometers outside the state city, there was still a thick smell of gunpowder after the war.

Jiang Chen first came to the little fox and praised it generously:

“Yueyue, you did a good job this time!”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s praise, the little fox shook its tail again and said sweetly:

“Thank you, brother Jiang Chen!”

Following Jiang Chen closely, bursts of light flashed.

Ying Yinman, An Chuxia, Zhu Yeqing and other elders of the Divine Realm who were closest to Jiang Chen all appeared beside Jiang Chen.

Ying Yinman said with envy: “Yueyue really stole the show this time, not only in the Divine Realm, but also among all races!”

Condensing the true body of Emperor Jiang, forcing back the Earth Sutra, and carrying the phantom of heaven… Even many lords of the upper domains did not dare to be so reckless.

After this battle, as the pope of the Jianghuang sect, the little fox really became famous in one battle. The Sky Fox Clan, a race that could not even make it to the Ten Thousand Clan List, finally entered the vision of many powerful people.

Facing Ying Yinman, the little fox’s furry tail suddenly stood up high, and said proudly: “It is better to retreat and weave a net than to envy the fish by the abyss. If you have the ability, you can also become a saint!”

“I praise you a few words, and your tail is up to the sky!”

Ying Yinman took advantage of the little fox’s inattention, grabbed the latter, and ravaged it hard.

“Ying Yinman, let me go, wuwuwuhahaha…”

“Okay, okay…”

In the end, Jiang Chen rescued the little fox from Ying Yinman’s hands and put it on his shoulder.

“Stop messing around, let’s go see what we’ve gained first!”

Ying Yinman rolled her eyes at Jiang Chen: “You’re on her side!”

Jiang Chen spread his hands: “There’s no other way, Yueyue is the only saint, of course I have to treasure her!”

The little fox held both hands in the air, and the Jianghuang Chronicle appeared in his hands.

“Brother Jiang Chen, I’ll give you the Jianghuang Chronicle back!”

“Put it in yours first.”

Jiang Chen’s words made everyone look at the little fox with even more envy.

This is the first divine treasure of the Jianghuang Temple. As long as Jiang Chen successfully builds the kingdom of God, it will probably be promoted to an eternal treasure in the first place.

Of course, Jiang Chen did this for a purpose.

“Don’t bother two masters with one thing, so I’ll give you another task: take down Medanzo as quickly as possible.”

Medanzo is still suppressed in the Jianghuang Chronicle. Under the accelerated space of the territory, I believe it will not be difficult.

Of course, just in case, Jiang Chen will not let Medanzo out if he can’t find the fanatics.

The little fox patted his chest, which was disproportionate to his body, and promised: “Don’t worry, brother Jiang Chen, Yueyue will complete the task.”

In the past few months of consumption, Jiang Cheng almost used up all the resources below the legendary level that he had accumulated.

Jiang Chen personally consumed 2 billion divine power crystals and 50,000 immortal stones.

Of course, compared with the harvest, these efforts are still worth it.

Buzz buzz buzz–

Just when Jiang Chen was about to count the harvest, something unexpected happened.

A huge energy vortex suddenly appeared several kilometers ahead.

Under the vigilant gaze of the empress and others, a few seconds later, the huge energy condensed into the figure of a middle-aged handsome man.

Although Jiang Chen didn’t recognize him, the six pairs of black wings behind the handsome man were enough to prove his identity.

“Is the person coming here His Majesty Lucifer?”

A person’s name is like the shadow of a tree!

As soon as this name came out, everyone subconsciously made a defensive move.

Lucifer bowed gracefully: “Fallen Angel Lucifer, I have long heard of His Majesty Emperor Jiang’s great name, and today I finally meet him.”

After the battle just now, Lucifer no longer dared to underestimate Jiang Chen like he did a few months ago.

Although in terms of real strength, Jiang Chen is not even as good as an ant in his eyes.

But as long as Jiang Chen does not fall, he is likely to become a true eternal lord in the future, and even be on par with them in strength within tens of thousands of years.

For them, the ancient eternities, tens of thousands of years is not a long time.

Jiang Chen returned the bow and probably guessed the other party’s intention, but still asked:

“This time I was able to destroy the Gospel City, and I would like to thank your majesties for their great help. I wonder if your majesties have any advice?”

Lucifer did not hide his purpose:

“I want to discuss the distribution of these fallen angel lords with His Majesty Emperor Jiang. After all, the journey to the Fallen Heaven is long, and migration is also a very troublesome thing!”

Sure enough, they came to rob people!

Fortunately, Jiang Chen had already responded.

His expression darkened, and he said loudly:

“The fallen angel lords are not tools, but living lords, warriors who fight for their ideals and beliefs. How can there be a “distribution”? ”

Lucifer couldn’t help but be moved: “Sorry, I said something wrong!”

Few people respect their own race so much, which made Lucifer have a good impression of Jiang Chen.

“It’s good that His Majesty Lucifer agrees!” Jiang Chen nodded, “So, the fate of these fallen angels should be decided by them, and no one can decide.Can impose his own ideas on them. ”


Lucifer already felt something was wrong, but still said confidently:


Fallen Heaven is the home of fallen angels!

He is the only belief of fallen angels!

Lucifer is very confident that as long as he raises his arm and calls, followers will gather.

Jiang Chen immediately praised: “Your Majesty Lucifer is indeed reasonable!”

Without waiting for Lucifer to say anything else.

“Your Majesty Jiang, Medanzo has a request!”

Medanzo, transformed by Eve, suddenly spoke, pointing to the two million angel lords who refused to fall below, and prayed:

“The culprit is God, and they were just temporarily blinded by God. I beg Your Majesty Jiang to give them a way out. ”

As soon as these words came out, all the other fallen angels looked at Jiang Chen with expectation.

After the angels fell, they became more humane. They did not want to see the angel lords who were close comrades not long ago fall, even if they were destined to become enemies in the future.

Jiang Chen frowned and said, “They are destined to be enemies, and they are powerful enemies. Once they are let go, it is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain!”

Medanzo drew out the blade of judgment, erected it in front of his chest, and said solemnly, “I, Medanzo, hereby swear: I wish to be loyal to His Majesty Emperor Jiang in this life and never betray! I only ask His Majesty Emperor Jiang to let these angel brothers and sisters go.”

Jiang Chen said helplessly, “I admit that you are very powerful, but how can you resist millions of angel lords and hundreds of billions of angel armies?”


After a moment of silence, Lucifer finally knew what Jiang Chen was thinking.

While cursing in his heart, he said loudly:

“I am the fallen angel Lucifer, and the fallen heaven welcomes you. For billions of years, Fallen Heaven has always adhered to the business philosophy of overthrowing God’s corrupt rule. It has a complete welfare system and a fair promotion system. There are even senior masters who personally teach how to advance to 12 wings. We welcome all like-minded people…”

For billions of years, Lucifer has already been familiar with how to recruit fallen angel lords.

But it’s a little late.

Even if someone pays attention to him, most of the angel lords still focus on Medanzo.

A newly fallen judgment angel can’t bear to see Medanzo being wronged, and shouted: “There are also us , as long as His Majesty Jiang Huang lets go of other fallen angel lords, we are willing to follow His Majesty Medanzo…”

There are so many angel lords in the Sixth Heaven who have fallen, and “Medanzo” accounts for at least half of the credit, which shows the influence of Medanzo in the hearts of the angel lords in the Sixth Heaven.

Some angel lords chose to fall because they followed Medanzo’s footsteps.

Seeing that Medanzo was wronged by Jiang Chen, they immediately came forward one by one to stand up for Medanzo.

Medanzo was “touched” and said: “Everyone, being loyal to His Majesty Jiang Chen is my own choice, I have no right to force you! This is too difficult for you!”

“This green tea watch! “Lucifer finally couldn’t help it and cursed.

Although he didn’t come in person like Michael, with his strength, he also vaguely sensed that something was wrong with Medanzo in front of him, and Michael’s previous performance did not seem to be fake.

A few minutes ago, he was just suspicious; but now, he was almost sure that Medanzo in front of him was fake.

How could Medanzo cooperate with Jiang Chen’s trap just when he had just stepped into it?

And Medanzo’s attitude changed too quickly!

But the fallen angel lords were unaware of it and just fell for it.

“Your Majesty Medanzo, this is our own choice, and it’s not difficult at all.”

“We have just fallen, and we don’t know where to go, so we naturally have to follow Your Majesty Medanzo.”

“Yes, Your Majesty Jiang Huang is a respected strong man. Following Your Majesty Jiang Chen is a good way out.”

“Okay! “Lucifer was watching from the side. In order to avoid any more trouble, Medanzo immediately knelt on one knee with a solemn expression, “In this case, I will represent the eight million fallen angel lords present and swear allegiance to His Majesty Emperor Jiang and never betray.”

The fallen angels who were still hesitating or even doubting were all forced to kneel on one knee.

“I am willing to be loyal to His Majesty Emperor Jiang and never betray!”

After all, as long as they are intelligent creatures, they cannot avoid the herd mentality.

Eight million fallen angel lords, with hundreds of billions of fallen angel legions, knelt in front of Jiang Chen, a real black mass.

The lords who are qualified to move into Gospel City are all outstanding even in Heaven Mountain, and the proportion of high-level legions is extremely high.

Among the hundreds of billions of fallen angel legions, there are more than 20 billion legendary legions.

If the strong men in Jiangcheng are not counted, this fallen angel legion can destroy ten blue star regions..

Even though the number of legendary legions in Jiangcheng at this moment has just exceeded the 40 billion mark, it can be seen how powerful this fallen angel legion is!

It is no wonder that Lucifer would covet such a terrifying force.

Jiang Chen sighed and said, “In this case, then this emperor will let the other angel lords go!”

Medanzo said gratefully, “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

The eight million fallen angel lords, under the leadership of Medanzo, followed closely and said, “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Seeing Jiang Chen subdue eight million fallen angel lords with just a few words, Lucifer felt very aggrieved.

But he said it himself, and he could only bear it no matter how aggrieved he was, unless he broke up with Jiang Chen now.

Jiang Chen was not a weakling who could be manipulated by him.

The most important thing was that, like Michael, he had no way to prove that Medanzo in front of him was fake.


“Your Majesty Jiang has a good trick!”

Lucifer seemed to want to struggle, and asked curiously:

“Can you tell me what disguise this fake Medanzo used? It can be mistaken for the real thing.”

Jiang Chen was confused: “What is a fake Medanzo?”

This old fox!

Lucifer cursed in his heart, then silently turned off the video, and gave up completely.


A crazy laugh suddenly came, and then a vortex of energy appeared, quickly condensing the figure of Satan.

“Lucifer, Lucifer, you also have a time to be defeated.”

Lucifer’s face was gloomy.

After mocking Lucifer, Satan looked at Jiang Chen:

“Brother Jiang Chen is great, come to the bottomless abyss when you have time, let me do my best to be a good host.”

This is to send him to hell!

Jiang Chen secretly complained in his heart, and then said politely:

“There is time, there is time!”

After saying two polite words, Satan suddenly moved a distance towards Jiang Chen.

“Brother, I have a secret to tell you!”

Jiang Chen didn’t want to get too close to this big devil, even if he was just a clone, so he quickly stopped him:

“You and I met by chance, since it’s a secret, Your Majesty Satan, don’t tell it!”

Lucifer and Lilith, who also appeared, also looked at Satan curiously, wondering what other secrets Satan had that they didn’t know?

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