Universal Lords: Create A Shinto Fairyland From Scratch

Chapter 16 Reminiscing The Past (1) Suffering?

The waiting time is the most difficult, with nothing to do, and I don't know what to do.

And with Luo Xi's current physical condition, his physical fitness is a full ten points.

This is far beyond the physical fitness of ordinary people. Haha, staying up late is just a minor matter.

Therefore, it is right to insert some other things to dilute this difficulty.

I wandered around the house with a disordered pace, and I couldn't help but walk into the living room.

At this time, Xuandu above the sky is releasing his tenderness to this land.

The moonlight is like ink, and it willfully dyes the already dark balcony into the color of moonlight.

Get closer, get closer, stand in the moonlight, the left side of the body is the color of moonlight, and the right side of the body is the color of darkness.

The yin and yang are clear, and it is obviously not a very harmonious picture, but it seems so reasonable at this time!

Such a beautiful scenery, but it makes Luo Xi's thoughts called memory surge into his heart.

The past, this is an extremely heavy word, for many people.

And for Luo Xi, it is even more so.

Fortunately, I was born in a good country in this life, although there is still no family affection and friendship. Of course, it is also my own fault. I rejected all these external things. He does not need these external things, they are all useless! However, under the dispatch of the country, he lived comfortably. It is not to say that the previous life was not good, but welfare and life are affected by various factors. The unevenness of the world level and the level of the country are naturally not much better in comparison. Looking at the white and beautiful Xuandu, Luo Xi followed some thoughts and gradually fell into the past. Luo Xi often did this, playing everything in the past in his mind over and over again like a movie. He liked to look at himself who was once weak, who had suffered, but also strong! There was a weird feeling of being high above, a little addictive, hahaha! ... It was a windy and snowy night, at the door of the Happy Welfare House. Like many protagonists of suffering stories, I was abandoned, abandoned by my parents whom I had never met.

Maybe it was because my parents still had a conscience in their hearts, or maybe it was because the world had pity on me, a little baby.

I didn't sleep in that whiteness forever, but was saved by a stubborn and "redeeming" old man.

But now thinking back, maybe it would be better to be buried in that whiteness.

In this way, there would definitely be no bad things that followed.


My child, it was a very magical night, it was snowing lightly, and the wind was very strong, blowing on people's bodies and hurting them.

At that time, I, an old man, was wearing two big cotton-padded jackets.

And the child, also wrapped in a big cotton-padded jacket, just lying at the door of our yard.

At that time, I, an old man, couldn't sleep at night, and I always felt my eyelids twitching, and felt that something was going to happen.

Guess what, it was because I couldn't sleep at night and heard the knocking sound on the door, and the crying sound of the baby.

I appeared in front of you, the little baby, like a god descending from heaven. The crying baby stopped crying all of a sudden.

Baby, don't you think it's magical?

At that time, I was thinking, which bastard left such a little baby here.

Really, cough cough cough, it's really inhumane. At that time, your little face was frozen red and your eyes were hard to open.

I shouted a few times outside, but no one answered. Who was the damned one who left his child here with us?

Giving birth but not raising a child is a great sin! There was no other way, so I, the old man, had to keep you.

At that time, you were very well-behaved, except that your face was very pale, there was nothing wrong with you, just like that foreigner's doll, very beautiful!

I, the old man, was also puzzled, why would parents leave such a good child here, I couldn't figure it out.

Later, I figured it out, chest pain, which is what the hospital calls congenital heart disease, cough cough cough, huh, huh.

But fortunately, I, the old man, have learned some Chinese medicine, and I still remember it clearly.

The liquid medicine made of several medicinal materials such as Hanfangji, Yuzhu, Huangqi, Baizhu, Baifuling, etc. can relieve chest pain.

Your mouth is still very small, and it is difficult to open it, so I can't use a spoon. I, the old man, thought about using a straw and a small funnel.

You can drink it, but you can't swallow it. I was so angry at the time, but there was no way, you had to swallow it even if you couldn't swallow it.

So, kid, you have grown up healthily, but your body is still not good.

It's my fault, the hospital doesn't have the conditions to cure you.

Fortunately, when I was young, I practiced some martial arts to strengthen my body. It's martial arts, kid, I'm not that good.

By the way, kid, you are still practicing the Yi Jin Jing, you must practice diligently, so that your body can be better.

Also, kid, don't hate other kids in the hospital.

As the saying goes, human nature is evil at the beginning. They are still young and have no clear concept of good and evil. The evil of kids is so pure.

They don't know anything, they just think it's fun...

"Old man..."

Don't interrupt, let me talk for a while, there's not much time left...

At the beginning, I was just busy looking through the old medical books, thinking about adjusting the kid's body.

I didn't pay attention to the kid's living situation here, kid, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.

Later, I, the old man, resigned from the position of the director. I felt that I was not worthy of it. At first, I thought that it would be enough to raise you fat and white.

But I was wrong. What the little kids in the hospital need most is someone to resolve the evil in their hearts.

Those evils called "abandonment" that have been buried since childhood, if they are not sorted out...

Maybe it's nothing when they are young. At that time, those little kids didn't know what evil was, and their three views were not yet formed.

After growing up, the three views are also formed and can't be changed, but when they go out into society, they generally won't let themselves suffer!

They can survive well, and it doesn't matter how they live, at least they can survive.

But the kids are different. The kids have been bullied since they were young, and they are still isolated when they go to school. They are in a bad mood.

Do you know that when I went back, you were lying quietly in bed.

You didn't eat the food prepared for you, and I, the old man, didn't wake you up no matter how I called you. Baby, I only understood what was wrong with you at that time.

Fortunately, in order to check medical books at that time, my family lived near the Chinese medicine hospital.

You are such a fool. You took sleeping pills in the name of the old man. Although the old man is a nominal doctor, you, you...

Later, you recovered, and the hospital...didn't pursue the matter...

But it is gratifying that you did not continue to seek death.

I couldn't understand why, why would someone not want to live? Isn't living the most important thing in the world?

I am also stupid. It was not until your head teacher came to visit that I understood.

How terrible the human heart is. I can't believe how you live every day. Ahem.

My child, you have to live, live well, and live longer than anyone else.

Let them see what a tenacious person you are. Live. There are still many beautiful places in the motherland that I have not seen.

For...my old man...I, take a good look at this world.

Where is the world full of flowers...

My child, live.

Just live...

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