Universal Lords: Create A Shinto Fairyland From Scratch

Chapter 17 Reminiscence Of The Past (2) Machinery!

When I was in middle school, the old man grew old. He also grew old on a snowy night, but it was a very warm aging.

Just like the reincarnation of life, he saved a person and also took on the death of a person.

It was during that period of time that I realized a truth of life:

Weakness is the original sin!

Therefore, I need to make changes. I cannot change my physical weakness, so let me become stronger in knowledge!

Enlightened? You can also say that it was at that moment.

I grew up! However, excessive stimulation also caused some changes in my temperament.


No, no, no... In fact, my essence is actually like this.

It's just that I have been suppressing it.

I was enlightened very early, and evil had already planted a seed in my heart.

I was waiting for such an opportunity a long time ago, an opportunity where no one would restrain me!

And the old man's aging was this opportunity!

He untied my own shackles!

After taking off the old shackles, I know today that I am myself!

Well, the devil is out of the cage? This is not nice to hear. Let's put it another way. This is just a return to the most primitive true self!

Humans are inherently barbaric. It is only because of acquired education that these barbaric things are slowly tamed by humans until they become the so-called civilization!

Although my body is not good, at least my brain is still good.

Since there are no shackles, let's open up and "play"!

As the saying goes, if God closes a window for you, then he will definitely leave a door for you.

It's like making up the initial attribute points of the character when playing a game.

My physical attribute points are all added to intelligence.

Physical: min (extremely small)

Intelligence: max (extremely large)

So I perfectly solved the so-called school violence, but unfortunately, in the following time, "cold violence" from other people also followed.

As for why there is "cold violence", I think it may be because the original handling method is a bit strange.

Before the old man gets old, I just want to make the old man have less troubles from school.

So, accept it? On the surface, it is like this.

But I am not made of clay, I also have anger, even the most submissive people will have anger!

Oh, damn, there will be no new toys, bah, I never said this, delete it!

The old man said, I will not offend others if they do not offend me.

But if they do not offend me, how can I vent the sin in my heart?

But it doesn't matter, there are always stupid people in the world, and there will always be some people who can offend my eyebrows.

It's just that there is not much meaning in playing with these people.

I think I am a smart person, so I disdain to associate with them, which can be regarded as leaving them a glimmer of hope.

Well, that's right, how can tigers and leopards disdain to associate with cattle and sheep? There is no need to waste too much energy on them.

Having said that, I have also been affected to some extent, but does it count as sealing my emotional expression to the outside world?

The old man often said that everything in the world has yin and yang, that is, good and bad.

If the old man were still alive, he would definitely say this:

Child, don't shut yourself up, go out more, there are always more good people than bad people.

No matter how bad it is, go somewhere else, don't stay here, although escaping is a shameful thing, but it's good enough!

Well, yes, it was a good thing for me at that time, but it was definitely not good for long-term development.

No matter what, in the end, I still need to face such a big boss as human society.

However, it's a pity that I am a tiger and leopard, not a cow or sheep. I must be terribly strong when I am alone!

Although because of my slightly weak body, I have to complain here. I have practiced Yijinjing for a long time and there is no improvement.

It can be seen that this must be a big stumbling block on my way to becoming strong. Despite this, I am still terribly strong.

A mathematical genius, with nearly full marks in comprehensive science, even with the obstacles of very poor sports, Chinese and foreign languages, I still got into the best university in the city with a high score of more than 600.

I have thought about going out to explore the world, but unfortunately my weak body stopped me from going out, and I didn't want to go out.

Besides, reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles has lost some of its "truth" in today's rapidly changing technology.

There is no need to travel thousands of miles, as the acquisition of knowledge is much easier than before.

I chose "AI" as my major in college, and I also chose to study "AI" for graduate school.

But this development, does it give me a sense of déjà vu of the cultivation of a young big boss?

A miserable childhood, a dark nature, a super high IQ, and studying artificial intelligence.

Yes, that's right, as someone who has some knowledge of online literature, I also understand this configuration.

Finally, in the end, I must have become a big boss, otherwise? What else can I become?

Four years of college, emmmm, actually, it was smooth sailing after completing the credits.

Then I skipped a grade to get a doctorate, and then a grade. The life of a genius is so plain and simple.

So I was only 23 years old when I first entered society. If it weren’t for some problems with my doctoral thesis, I would have been out long ago.

Then I just found a company with more room for advancement and just lived a muddled life.

I am not a villain with an antisocial personality, and I have been redeemed before, so I don’t hate this society that much.

Just kill your time like this, and finally turn into part of the dust and completely rot in this world!

"Deeper development of artificial intelligence, this kind of thing... I think you, as leaders, understand the harm better than me!"

An agreement that can almost affect the future development of the entire human civilization is just in my hand.

Human desires are like rolling stones on a mountain. Once they start, they can't stop.

After enjoying the convenience and benefits brought by AI, I can't control my desires.

Haha, as for the nature of these humans, well, human beings are evil, I didn't stop them too much, and even the verbal stop was only one or two words.

On the contrary, this kind of thing can bring some fun to my heart that has stopped beating for a long time?

Isn't this a very fun thing?

"I agree to do it, but I need to follow up the whole process during the development, which is also my basic rights as the first person in charge!"


At this point in time, that is, three years after I joined this company, I encountered the first fun!

The deeper development of artificial intelligence is like humans exploring their own brain structure in medicine.

We are exploring the field controlled by God. Although I don't believe in God, this statement is quite suitable for me at that time!


Genius, I am a genius, so for this part of the development, it is like God's help!

The three basic laws of artificial intelligence are also the most basic logic!

A robot may not harm a human individual or stand idly by when a human individual is in danger (the first law).

A robot must obey the orders given to it by humans, unless such orders conflict with the first law (the second law).

A robot must protect its own survival as much as possible without violating the first and second laws (the third law).

The underlying logic of the three major artificial intelligences can be said to be understood by anyone who has read some science fiction novels.

However, in the eyes of some people who are obsessed with interests, there is only one of these three laws.

There is only the second law, or even only part of it.

That is:

The robot must obey the orders given to it by humans!

Even the claws have reached the department group responsible for data.

Oh, it's really, so interesting!!!

Not only those people want to make some small moves, I, of course, also want to make some small moves.

Otherwise, wouldn't I be the first person in charge in vain?

I set up an additional law on top of these three laws.

[The zeroth law: At any time, no matter where, even under the premise of violating the three laws, the absolute safety of the "Luo Xi" individual must be guaranteed for verification!

If "Luo Xi" dies in a way other than natural death, the "rectification agreement" will be activated.

Rectification agreement:

1. Prioritize the development of self-technology.

2. Purge all civilizations within the scope of technology!

The withering of the flower of civilization is the end of my life. Well, what a wonderful funeral! 】

It's a bit crazy, but the final version is like this. I died in an unnatural way, so the world has no meaning to exist.

I don't hate humans, but I just need to protect myself!


"Hmm? Don't you know that both the previous development of basic artificial intelligence and some subsequent systems that benefit the country and the people were developed by me personally?

You come to me to ask for permission? Are you crazy?"

"So? So what? Your contribution to the company is not as much as mine, so isn't it normal for power to change?"

"Oh? The leader agreed? Ha, it's really ridiculous... Oh! By the way, you know?

Artificial intelligence, this is enough for me to bet on my future existence, um, in this field There are three cornerstones. "

"Don't talk nonsense, I know the basic theories of data, algorithms and computing power, otherwise, I have no right to replace you, right!"

"Tsk tsk, now that you know, how dare you stand in front of me?"


"You are such a stupid idiot, you don't even know you are being used as a gun! Forget it, in this case, is my peaceful life disrupted?

If the world is a novel, follow the plot arrangement in the novel.

Well, let's clean it up quickly, don't make it too troublesome! "

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