[You have successfully killed all the mechanical minotaurs. ]

[You have passed the third level of this dungeon. ]

[The light gate to the final level has been opened. ]

[You can enter at any time. ]

After the last mechanical minotaur was killed, Yun Chen heard a reminder in his mind.

"Here comes the most exciting BOSS battle!"

"This is the last level!"

When the golden light gate appeared, all the extraordinary professionals who had explored the secret dungeon had their eyes lit up.

Only the light gate leading to the last level was golden.

They really wanted to see how Yun Chen would pass this level of dungeon!

As the Holy Light Angel, Ling Xue had used up her mana and was recovering.

As the successor of the ancient god of magic, Lilith had a very fast mana recovery speed, so she was not short of mana, but her level was too low, so her attack should not have much effect on the BOSS here, so Lilith's combat power should be negligible.

In addition.

The audience also discovered that there seemed to be an unknown little creature in Yunchen's arms. Although they didn't know what it was, they felt that this little creature should not affect the battle situation.


The audience's guess was not wrong at all.

The level of the time dragon Tia was lower than that of Lilith. Although the little guy was a time dragon, the low level was still a flaw.


The next BOSS battle should be Yunchen's personal show.


Can Yunchen beat this difficult dungeon BOSS alone?

Or wait here for the Holy Light Angel Lingxue's mana to recover again?

You can also take out the mana recovery potion for Lingxue to drink.


Yunchen made a very bold decision. He neither waited for Lingxue's mana to recover nor gave Lingxue the mana recovery potion. Instead, he took Lingxue and Lilith and stepped directly into the final level!


This undoubtedly shocked the audience of the barrage!

"Damn! Don't you want to take a break?"

"If it were me, I would definitely let my servants recover their mana first to play it safe."

"Yeah, although Boss Yunchen is strong, it's a bit difficult for him to fight the BOSS by himself."

"Forget it, Boss Yunchen naturally has his own plans, we just need to watch and watch."


On the other side.

"Hmph! This guy is so conceited, he will definitely not be able to beat the BOSS in the end."

Lu Mengying stayed in her sister's shelter and also watched Yunchen's live broadcast.

Seeing this scene, Lu Mengying immediately said disdainfully that Yunchen would definitely lose.

"I think he can pass the level easily. This guy never does anything he is not sure of."

Shen Lingshuang looked at her cousin and said with a smile.

"Sister, what do you think?"

Lu Mengying looked at Lu Chaoge.

Lu Chaoge's eyes were focused on the live broadcast screen. When asked, he just responded lightly: "I think he should be able to pass it easily."

"Why?" Lu Mengying asked.

"He is very strong." Lu Chaoge gave a reason.

"But no matter how strong he is, his level is always a flaw, right?"

Lu Chaoge said seriously: "He is strong, and can ignore the level difference to a certain extent."

Lu Mengying said in disbelief: "Really? But there is a difference of more than ten levels, right?"

Shen Lingshuang interrupted at this time: "Mengying, this guy almost wiped out our group of more than ten levels when he was level 3 or 4. Fortunately, Sister Chaoge was here."

"It was just a game at that time, and now it is reality. Can it be the same?" Lu Mengying still didn't think it was good.

"Oh, just wait and see. Yunchen, this guy, will not do anything he is not sure of." Shen Lingshuang said.


The sense of weightlessness caused by the transmission disappeared, and Yunchen's vision was restored again.

He, Lingxue, Lilith, and Tia have come to the fourth underground floor of the Eris Technology Laboratory Building.

That is the final level.

Compared with the deformed monsters on the first level, the zombies on the second level, the minotaur on the third level...

The boss on the fourth level is completely different.

This is a huge cave stone hall.

In the middle of the stone hall, there is a mechanical throne.

A huge figure sat on the mechanical throne, and experimental tubes were inserted into the body of this huge figure, and the emerald green experimental liquid was continuously transported.

After Yunchen stepped into this cave stone hall, there were faint lights around.

The light shone on this huge figure, and Yunchen and the audience also saw the true appearance of this huge figure very clearly.

This is a small Titan giant.


It is very obvious that this small Titan giant is very flawed, and the flesh and blood on his body are all patched up.

"This should be a corpse of a little Titan that was obtained from somewhere by the staff of the Eris Experimental Building."

"Then they used advanced magic technology to revive it. At the same time, in order to repair the incomplete body of the little Titan, they transplanted some flesh and blood from other powerful beasts and reshaped the body of the little Titan."

Yun Chen explained softly.

He knew what the audience wanted to know most.

He was sure that most of the extraordinary professionals outside had never heard of the Little Titan race.

Yunchen had experienced the ups and downs of his previous life. Not to mention the Little Titans, he had even seen the real Titans.

Although the Little Titans were not as good as the real Titans, being called "Little Titans" was enough to show how powerful this race was.

No wonder the staff of the Eris Technology Laboratory Building chose the Little Titan as the final research object.

The audience was shocked again when they heard Yunchen's story.

They just felt that Yunchen knew a lot.

And perhaps it was Yunchen's whispered explanation that startled the Little Titan sitting on the mechanical throne, and it slowly opened its eyes.

Those were a pair of cold pupils with a scarlet glow. When you look at them, the evil spirit contained in them is enough to put people in a sea of ​​blood and corpses.


"Damn human!"

"How dare you appear in front of me..."

"I'll crush you into a pulp!"

A hoarse and murderous voice came out of the throat of the little Titan.

As he spoke, he stood up from the mechanical throne, and the biochemical catheters inserted into his body were also freed by him.

The rapid healing of those huge pinholes showed that the healing power of the little Titan was extremely terrifying.

He stretched out his hand to the side and grabbed a huge bloodstained mechanical sword.

His eyes were fixed on Yun Chen.

He was like a terrifying lion that would pounce on its prey at any time, exuding a terrifying spirit!

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