Universal Shelter, are you the big daddy in the apocalypse?

Chapter 171 Full status! Should we advance recklessly?

[Monster: Little Titan (stitched body). ]

[Level: Level 65. ]

[Note: The highest masterpiece in the Eris Technology Experimental Building, using magic technology to completely revive the Little Titan, and then stitching the flesh and blood of powerful beasts to fill its body, making it an out-and-out killing monster. ]

Here it comes!

Level 65 BOSS!

Seeing this terrifying monster full of terrifying murderous intent, just looking at it is like putting people in a sea of ​​blood, the expressions of the audience in the live broadcast room all became solemn and serious.

Even if they were not there in person, they still felt the oppression brought by this little Titan very clearly.

This is definitely very different from any monster before.

"The aura of this monster alone makes me tremble..."

"Yeah, how is Yunchen going to kill this monster now?"

"The Holy Light Angel has no mana left, and the little girl is not at a high enough level, so we can only rely on Yunchen himself."

The audience all expressed their concerns.


After their bullet screen was launched, they wanted to see panic, solemnity, and seriousness on Yunchen's face, but they were disappointed.

Yunchen's face always remained calm and indifferent.

Even though the monster he was facing was a BOSS whose level was far ahead of his.


A dark dagger transformed from the ancient divine pillar appeared in Yunchen's hand.

Since he got the ancient divine pillar, Yunchen has temporarily put the poison claw into the warehouse.

The ancient divine pillar has an entry of "ever-changing", which allows it to transform into any form of weapon at any time, which is extremely suitable for Yunchen, an extraordinary professional with a dual-professional system.

When Yun Chen picked up the dagger...


The dark air in the sky spread out from his body!

A murderous pressure that was even more terrifying than that of the little Titan Giant spread directly!

"Little Titan Giant, level 65, can barely be considered an opponent..."

"I just don't know if you can survive more than 20 seconds in my hands!"

When Yun Chen's extremely light murmur sounded, countless viewers in the live broadcast room outside all widened their eyes and opened their mouths.

What did they... hear?

Big Boss Yun Chen actually thought that this little Titan Giant was "barely" an opponent? I don't know if he can survive more than 20 seconds in his hands! ?


Shouldn't the little Titan Giant say this to him?

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room all felt the confidence and arrogance that Yun Chen exuded at this moment!


"Boss Yunchen is about to move!"

It was with the reminder of this bullet screen that all the audience saw that the dark aura like a raging sea completely swept outward!

Yunchen, standing in the dark aura wave, with his sleeves fluttering and his hair flying, was like a god of death descending with the aura of death!

'Hunting Moment'!

When this S-level skill is activated, all of Yunchen's attributes will soar by 300% within 120 seconds!

Attack speed, movement speed, armor penetration, critical strike, critical strike damage... will all be raised to an incomparable level!

At the same time...

'Dark Domain'!

An S-level talent unique to the dark warrior is also activated!

With Yunchen as the center of the circle, within a radius of 100 meters, all are permeated and engulfed by the dark aura. The target in the domain will have all attributes reduced by 20%!

And the target itself will be increased by 20%!

But do you think that's enough?

'Fatal Soul'!

Another S-level talent is activated!

The damage of the next attack will soar by 500%, and there is a certain probability that the target will die directly!

At this moment, Yun Chen was like a killer in hell, exuding a monstrous edge that shocked all the audience!

But it was not enough!

Yun Chen took out a bottle of scarlet glass liquid from his backpack space.

After unscrewing the bottle stopper, he drank it directly!

[Item: Crazy Potion. ]

[Description: After taking it, all your attributes will be increased by 50% for 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, the potion will have side effects, causing all your attributes to decrease by 50%. ]

Watching Yun Chen madly improve his combat effectiveness, the audience finally understood...

Yun Chen's whisper just now was definitely not empty talk!

He really intended to resolve the battle within 20 seconds!

It's just that some of the audience agreed with his fighting method, while others thought it was not good.

"Although Yunchen is indeed powerful, isn't it a bit bad to go all out right at the start?"

"Yes, I think even if you want to burst out your power, you should first consume the health of this BOSS..."

"Indeed, the burst period is too short, and after this burst period, Yunchen will fall into a trough. If you can't defeat this BOSS, there will be no way out."

Many viewers have expressed doubts about Yunchen's fighting style.

It's not that they are brainless and black Yunchen, nor that they don't like Yunchen.

This is a very reasonable doubt.

Everyone knows that when the enemy and us just meet, they are at their peak and most prosperous state.

If you use your killing move right at the start, the opponent should be able to resist it in his prime.

Generally speaking, both sides will fight a war of attrition first, and then when the opponent's condition is deteriorating, you can use your killing move. In this way, it can almost be said that you can kill the opponent 100%.

Because the opponent's condition has been almost consumed by you, and he no longer has enough strength to resist the killing move.

In addition.

If you use all your strength right at the start, then if you can't kill the opponent in seconds in your prime, you will be the one who is unlucky next.


This little Titan is the BOSS in the secret dungeon!

When it comes to the BOSS in the secret dungeon, we have to talk about their unreasonable advantages and various mechanisms!

For example...

When the blood volume drops to 50%, the blood volume will be restored to full again.

When the rage value accumulates to more than 80%, a large-scale damage move will be used.

And so on.

Although I don't know what mechanism the little Titan has, as a secret dungeon, it is certain that the opponent definitely has a life-saving mechanism.

"Brother Yunchen is too aggressive."

"Yeah, if we can't kill the little Titan in seconds, we might be done!"

Looking at the discussion in the barrage, Lu Chaoge on the other side had already stood up with a cold face.

"Sister, where are you going?"

Lu Mengying asked quickly.

Lu Chaoge didn't say anything, took out her beautiful white battle skirt and the colorful Haotian sword that was enough to make Yunchen change color from the backpack space, and teleported out of her shelter.

Shen Lingshuang and Lu Mengying looked at each other, gritted their teeth, put on their equipment immediately, and left the shelter.

At this moment, they already knew what their sister was going to do!

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