Universal Sword God

Chapter 1474: Gather people's hearts

Seeing the attitude of King Huang at this time, although Jing Yan felt a little surprised, he couldn't help rejoicing.

Hairdryer is the only **** emperor in Wandao Holy Land. With the clear support of Elder Hairdryer, it will be much easier for him to integrate Wuling Mountain in Wandao Holy Land. As for whether the elders who talked too much on the hair would differ in words and deeds, there is no doubt about this. With the strength and status of the Emperor, it is impossible to do such superficial work, which is meaningless to him.

"Jingyan Lord, I took a shot just now, and please don't blame me."

"I didn't have any malicious intentions against you, I just tried it. The holy land is indeed a gamble," the elder continued.

"The elder wants to verify my strength?" Jing Yan also knew the purpose of the elder at this time.

"Exactly!" Hair nodded and admitted.

"Now it seems that Elder Hairdryer is quite satisfied with my strength." Jing Yan also laughed.

"Jingyan's practice of the Lord makes him admire deeply. He feels that it is the best choice for you to be the Holy Land of Wandao Holy Land." The elder said seriously.

It is not necessary to doubt the elder's loyalty to the Holy Land of All Ways. Although he belongs to Dongzhi Lingshan, for hundreds of millions of years, he has not supported Dongzhi Lingshan's oppression of Benzhi Lingshan, nor does he want to see the division of Wandao Holy Land. But he couldn't stop it alone.

Although he is a powerful emperor, he is not the Lord of Wanda Holy Land. The name is not regular, and the words are not correct.

"Jingyan, Lord, I want to know why you killed Lord Kunlong. Although this is the first time you have met with Lord, I think that Lord should not only kill Kunlong because it offends you, you killed He. "He looked at Jing Yan and asked again.

Lord Kunlong, anyway, he is also a strong god.

For today's Wandao Holy Land, even the gods at the level of emperors and monarchs are scarce, let alone the strong at the level of deities. What's more, Kunlong is also the owner of Lingzhi Mountain in Beizhi.

"The elders think that I shouldn't kill the Lord Kunlong Mountain?" Jing Yan asked in return.

"Lao Shi will not go against the will of the Lord, but it is inevitable that there is some doubt about it, and he wants to know the reason. Otherwise, when Kun Long was killed by the Lord, Lao Shi will save him." Hair shook his head and said.

He did not save Kunlong, and respected the Lord, Jingyan. Although at that time, he had not truly acknowledged the lordship of Jing Yan, but he still did not make a sudden attempt to save Kunlong.

Jing Yan nodded when he heard the words of the elders.

He then took out an image crystal ball. This image crystal ball was also given to Jing Yan when the Viper Emperor fled. The content here is the situation where the Lord Kunlong Mountain and the Treasurer of the Pavilion of the Wanbao Temple met with Tuocheng.

In front of the elders blowing hair, and in front of all the warriors in Wandao Square, Jing Yan directly inspired the image crystal ball.

After everyone saw the images inside, they all understood.

"Elder Blow, do you still think that Kunlong shouldn't die? Wandao Holy Land is absolutely hostile to the Temple of Manpower. As the Lord of the Lingshan Mountains in Beizhi, he met with the owner of the Mansion Temple Pavilion Pavilion in private, and the two of them It ’s still so close. It ’s enough to prove that he has betrayed the Holy Land of Mando, the traitor, **** it! I, as the Lord, will never condone anyone ’s betrayal of the Holy Land of Mando.

Blowing the elder with a sigh, he nodded and said, "Kun Long is indeed damn, Lord Lord said that cleaning up the portal is indeed true. If the old man knew that Kun Long was a traitor, he would also kill him. It was really unexpected Kun Long, would have fallen to such an extent. If Lord Tianzun is still alive, I am afraid that he will also be extremely disappointed! "

The people of Beishan Lingshan on Wandao Square were even more embarrassed.

Most people in Beizhiling Mountain did not know that their owner was a traitor. Kunlong secretly colluded with the Wanbao Temple, and would naturally be cautious. Except for his absolute cronies, he couldn't tell anyone about it.

In Beizhi Lingshan, the vast majority of people never thought of betraying the Holy Land of Wandao and turning to the Temple of Manpower. If Kunlong's betrayal was known by others, the interior of Beizhi Lingshan might have been chaotic.

"Blowing elders, let's go on!" Jing Yan said.

"Okay!" The hair echoed.

From above the sky, they returned to Wandao Square.

At this time, everyone in Wandao Plaza looked at Jing Yan's eyes completely differently from the beginning.

Members of the seven first-class forces, they all realized that they needed to re-evaluate the Holy Land of Mando.

The strength and means of the new Holy Lord of Wandao Holy Land, they have seen one or two. Now, even the only **** emperor in Wandao Holy Land has clearly stated his support for Jing Yan. Perhaps, it won't be long before the Holy Land of All Ways will re-emerge with strong vitality.

If the five spiritual mountains of Wandao Holy Land are united as one, even the strongest temple of Wanbao will be under tremendous pressure.

Once the Mando Shrine and the Manpower Temple are fully engaged, it will be difficult for the seven first-class forces of Mando world to stay completely out of the business.

As for those who do martial arts, they don't need to think too much. Actually, the reason why they came to participate in the Wan Dao Conference before was that they were auctioned off for elixir. But at this moment, some people's minds have undergone subtle changes.

If the King of Words invites them to join the Holy Land of All Ways, how should they choose?

Most of the casual repairs don't want to join any forces. They are idle. If you want to join a force, you have basically acted long ago and will not wait until now.

The Manpower Temple is so powerful that they have not joined the Manpower Temple. Of course, there may be some casual repairs that don't like the Temple of Manpower. In the eyes of many aboriginal peoples of the world, Mando Holy Land is orthodox ~ www.readwn.com ~ they have always been repulsive to the Manpower Temple.

"Dear friends, I'm really sorry to keep you waiting." Jing Yan smiled and said sorry to everyone.

"It's okay!"

"Jingyan Lord, you are so kind. What time is this?"


Everyone said in a word that they didn't care.

"You are not surprised at me, I am really grateful. Now, please take your seats again. Next, let's start the auction of elixir. This time, I have prepared a lot of top-level gods. If you are interested, you can Buying with Shenjing, you can also use other materials to exchange accordingly. "Jing Yan smiled.

The reason why Jing Yan held the Wandao Conference was to buy people's hearts and expand their influence. The master of the Wanbao Temple is the Holy Master, who used elixir to gather many hearts. He Jingyan also can use the medicine to win people's hearts.




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