Universal Sword God

Chapter 1475: Of course I made it

Hearing Jing Yan said that the auction of Shen Dan is about to begin, the eyes of many warriors have lighted up, and they look at Jing Yan together.

The news they had previously received from Wandao Lingshan is somewhat general, but it is certain that at least one hundred armillary dandelions will be auctioned at this Wandao conference. It's just the hundred pillballs, and this time they came to Wandao Lingshan for a trip.

Before Jing Yan was talking, he had taken out the jade bottles and placed them neatly on the long table in front of him.

"Dear friends, notice that in each of the jade bottles in front of me, there is an armillary pill, a total of one hundred armillary pill. Now the auction has started, there is no reserve price." Jing Yan looked around the audience and stretched his fingers Said the jade bottle.

There was a sudden uproar.

Unexpectedly, the first elixir that Jingyan the Lord took out was the top-ranking **** pill, and all one hundred pills were put up for auction at one time. So after the Hun Tian Dan auction is over, what kind of elixir does Jing Yansheng mainly offer?

The elixir behind can't be much worse than Hun Tian Dan, right?

Everyone began to flex their muscles.

"Jingyan Lord!"

At this moment, Elder Yan Bin, the representative of Xizhi Lingshan, opened his eyes, and he looked at Jing Yan.

"Elder Yan Bin has something to say?" Jing Yan looked around.

Jing Yan, an important figure in the four mountains in the northeast, southeast, and northwestern China, now knows each other.

"I want to ask the Lord of Jingyan, can we participate in this auction?

For Hun Tian Dan, even people like Yan Bin are extremely hot.

While Yan Bin was speaking, the looks of Master Ma Zhishan also changed. Obviously, they also want to know whether they, members of Wandao Holy Land, can participate in this auction.

"No!" Jing Yan shook his head directly.

"The elixir at this auction only faces warriors or forces outside Wandao Holy Land. Members of Wandao Holy Land are not allowed to participate in the auction." Jing Yan Shen Sheng said.

Elder Yan Bin's face suddenly became ugly.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Jingyan Holy Lord, I don't understand this a little bit. Hun Tian Dan, but the top god, has a great effect on the monarch-level God Lord and even the god-level God cultivation. Understand the Lord, why not allow natural persons to bid! "

Elder Yan Bin said with dissatisfaction.

The casual repairs on Wandao Square, as well as members of the seven first-class forces, looked at Elder Yan Bin and Jingyan, the Holy Land of Wandao.

Jing Yan's eyes narrowed.

"Elder Ruo Bing, please tell the reason for Elder Yan Bin." Jing Yan turned his eyes to the elder Ruo Bing, who is too high on Lingdao Mountain.

Ruo Bing coughed gently before he said, "Sir Lord, has prepared a variety of top-level gods, including Hun Tian Dan, for the four Lingshan mountains. Quantity. Lord, of course, you will not treat yourself. "



Everyone was surprised.

There are four Lingshan mountains and one Lingshan mountain is allocated 50 puppets, which add up to 200. Moreover, this is just an elixir of armillaria. Listen to Elder Ruobing, there are other top gods.

Great job!

This King of Words is a real masterpiece! However, where did Jingyan Lord get so many top-level gods?

Hearing Elder Ruo Bing's words, Elder Yan Bin's face turned red with some shame.

"My Lord Lord forgive me, it is me Meng Lang." Elder Yan Bin said apologizingly.

Ma Zhi and others were relieved, and thankfully, fortunately, they didn't ask in a hurry. Otherwise, it's me who is embarrassed now.

"Jingyan Holy Lord, I am Zihua Suzerain Ding Luo. I want to ask the Lord how to get so many top-level gods." Ding Luo Suze asked loudly.

"The question of Lord Ding Luo is a bit boring. Of course, these elixir were made by myself." Jing Yan said to Ding Luo with a smile.

"What? You made it yourself?"

"Jingyan Lord, aren't you the master of Dan?"


"How is that possible?" Ding Luozong advocated opening his mouth.

The audience in the audience was astonished, including many elders of Wandao Lingshan, with unbelievable eyes? Their Lord Lord Jingyan. Prior to this, they did not know that the Lord of Jingyan could actually make top-level gods.

The Emperor of God sent the elder, and also looked at Jing Yan slightly.

Earlier, he personally verified the strength of Jing Yan. Although he was in the state of divine respect, he was able to face the undefeated emperor. Martial arts do not need any doubt about this. Based on this, coupled with the means of expression of Jing Yan, the elders thought that Jing Yan could serve as the Holy Lord of all kinds of holy places.

However, it was not expected that the Lord of Jingyan not only martial arts was so powerful, he was still a Dan master, and was a Dan master who could make top-level gods. Refining the top god, it is the symbol of the master of the god. In the world of Mando, there are about five masters who can make top-level gods.

"Did you all look at me like this?"

"Can't I be the Dan Master? Oh, I know, you must think that I am relatively young and the martial arts practice is relatively strong. How can I still be the Dan Master, especially those who can make top-level gods Danshi. "

"However, don't forget it. The man of Taobao, the master of Marble, is second only to Supreme Master, but at the same time, he is also a master of the Holy Spirit. Exceptions are always there." Say.

"Well, let's stop talking nonsense and start auctioning Hun Tian Dan!" Jing Yan waved.

"This first Hun Tian Dan ~ www.readwn.com ~ Which Taoist is interested?" Jing Yan picked up a jade bottle, put it in his palm, and asked the audience.

Although the number of warriors participating in the Wandao Conference was not large, the atmosphere of this auction was exceptionally enthusiastic.

The strong repairers in succession have shot one after another, and the members of the seven first-class forces are also willing to make more offers. The quotations have pushed the price of Hun Tian Dan to a very high level. Most of the warriors are directly exchanged for cherished materials.

Every one of them is constantly being auctioned out. Most Hun Tian Dan fell into the hands of the seven first-class forces. The details of these great forces are naturally not comparable to those of casual repair. If the cost-effectiveness factor is not taken into consideration, then I am afraid that casual repairs can't even grab a horde.

Hundred peonies were sold out in less than an hour.

"Dear friends, the auction of Hun Tian Dan has ended. Next, we are going to conduct the auction of the second type of Shen Dan. Although this kind of Shen Dan is not top-level, it is also very good. It is ... Jiu Xia Dan! Jing Yan waved his arm.




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