Universal Sword God

Chapter 1530: Zhongyi

The owner of the Temple of Death, who entered the ruins of chaos with others such as Zun Shenzun, was a total of five people.

The owner of the Temple of Death was hacked, and three of them took the action. Only the fifth deity, Yang Qin, was present at the scene but did not take action.

In Jing Yan's view, the three people who acted on the owner of the Temple of Death were all their own targets. As for the fifth deity of the deity, Jing Yan didn't mean to kill.

This deity, deity of Wang Jie, and deity of Luchen, the fourth deity, will all die here today.

"Jing Yan, what do you want to do? I know you want to take revenge on the owner of the Temple of Death, but you have to be clear, I ca n’t take revenge for you. In particular, it also involves the level of deities in the first and fourth deities Warrior. If I take the shot, neither the Emperor Zhichang nor the Emperor Menglu will agree. "The Emperor Zhanyue spoke to Jingyan with anxiety.

As long as Jing Yan didn't take the shot, the Emperor Zhanyue would save Jing Yan's life. No matter who wanted to take action on Jing Yan, she would not agree. But if Jing Yan had to take the initiative, she would have a hard time.

"Master is assured that I am sure. Although I am young, Master should also know my character. When I just knew that the old thief was his own enemy, why didn't I seek revenge on him?" .

"..." Emperor Zhan Yue looked at Jing Yan, she really did not know why Jing Yan was so confident.

But think about it, this disciple of his own does have a decent attitude in doing things, and rarely comes along.

"The emperor Zhanyue, you also saw that it is Jing Yan who is going to do it. I don't think you would intervene midway because of short-term protection," said Wu Shenzun, looking at the Emperor Zhanyue.

"Hum, naturally I will not intervene in this matter at will." Zhanyue Shenhuang Lengheng said.

Hearing the words of the Emperor Zhanyue God, the eyes of others such as Peng Shenzun brightened. The only thing they were worried about was the forced intervention of Emperor Zhanyue. Now that the Emperor Zhanyue said in front of so many people that she would not intervene, even if Jing Yan was really killed by them, she could not bite.

"Take the old thief, let's go! Let's go out and learn about this grudge." Jing Yan flashed out of the Nine Realms while talking.

Xiaofeng also flew out.

Xie and Wang Jie and Lu Chen looked at each other, all three nodded, followed Jing Jing out of the Nine Realms.

The fifth god, Lord Yang Qin, shook his head and sighed, and stepped out. Anyway, he is also one of the parties.

"Haha, I didn't expect that it would be interesting to have such one at the Nine Worlds Conference. Zhichang Taoist, let's go out and see how?" Menglu God Emperor smiled and said to Emperor Zhichang God.

"Yeah!" Emperor Zhichang nodded.

Deity Wang Jie is the warrior of his first deity.

"Friends of Zhanyue, together?" Emperor Zhichang looked at Emperor Zhanyue.

"Um." The Emperor Zhanyue stood up and walked out.

Even if the Emperor Zhichang did not go out, she would go out. Jing Yan was going to fight with Ji Shenzun and others, and she definitely wanted to see the results with her own eyes.

"The Nine Realms Conference will be suspended for a while, and they will continue after a few of them have concluded this grudge! If you are interested, you can go out and see!" The leader of the Second Divine Realm stood up and said to everyone.

"Wowa ..."

Almost all the warriors in the Nine Realms Shrine stood up and went out one after another.

The outside guards initially saw Jing Yan and others out of the Nine Realms and didn't know what was going on. Later, they saw a large group of powerful people from the Nine Realms came out, all stunned. However, afterwards, they also knew that Jing Yan had grudges with Ji Shenzun and others, and wanted to settle grudges here.

"Divine Emperor Zhanyue, don't you really intervene in Jing Yan and fight against them?" Someone whispered.

"It shouldn't interfere, the emperor of Zhanyue God just said that he wouldn't intervene. How could she be indifferent at will like her?" Another said, shaking her head.

"However, if Jing Yan is about to be killed, she can watch Jing Yan's disciple die? We can all see that Emperor Zhanyue loves her disciple very much." When the man in front spoke, he looked Looked at the Emperor Zhanyue.

"If the God of Zun and other people want to kill Jing Yan, the Emperor Zhan Yue will certainly not agree. But the current situation is that King Yan actively kills of God of Zun Yue and others. There is no reason Intervening in this one ... Moreover, the Menglu God Emperor has always been angry, if the Zhanyue God Emperor really intervenes, I think the Menglu God Emperor will never sit idly by. "Another person analyzed and said.

"Well, I don't know what this Jingyan is thinking. I always think he's crazy."

"Yeah! It's really outrageous. He has a master like the Emperor Zhanyue. As long as he doesn't take the initiative, few people in the entire human territory can kill him. But he just ..."

"It can't be said that he was inherited by the Master of the Death Temple, and in fact he is a master and apprentice with the Master of the Death Temple. The apprentice revenge for the master. Jing Yan can have such courage and prove that he is a man of blood and righteousness. People think that Jing Yan is a person who values ​​feelings, so he said.

"That being said, revenge can only be done within his means. Why doesn't he wait until the future is strong enough to avenge the owner of the temple of death? It is foolish to rush into action just with blood and no strength."

Everyone talked.

"Master, what does Master Yan Yan think?" Brother Shan Hai looked sad.

Shan Hai is certainly worried about Jing Yan.

He knows the strength of Xi and others ~ www.readwn.com ~ He, Wang Jie, and Lu Chen are three deities, none of which is under his single sea. In the face of any one, Jing Yan should have no hope of winning. Ke Jingyan, why do you choose to do it here?

"Master, if Master Jing Yan is really dangerous for a while, then my brother and I will do it! Master you said no, but my brother and I did not say no." The second brother also whispered.

The Emperor Zhanyue stared at the front and said, "Let's look at the situation first! I always think that Jing Yan could possibly kill Puppet. Since the last time your fellow student came out of the sunken land and entered chaos again, there is some time before Maybe, he has stepped into the level of emperor and even God? "

In the heart of Emperor Zhanyue, there was some expectation.

The big brother and the second brother looked at each other, and both of them couldn't believe that Jing Yan could become the emperor in such a short time, let alone step into the level of God.

"Old thief, old Wang Jie and old deer Luchen, let's not waste time, you three together!" Jing Yan stood opposite to the others, Cai Xiajian emerged out loud, Drink.



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