Universal Sword God

Chapter 1531: 1 sword shock 9 circles

After coming out of the Nine Realms Shrine, although the three gods confronted Jingyan, none of them had taken the initiative to move forward. In other words, the three acted rather stubbornly, and were considering whether the other two would shoot at Jing Yan.

However, Jing Yan didn't expect to let the three of them shoot together.

It is unbearable!

In the face of provocations such as Jing Yan, the three faces of God Shenzun were all green. All three of them are the best among the gods, and the three of them join forces. Even if the enemy is a warrior at the level of the **** emperor, the three of them can rely on various means for a moment.

A junior in this scene, what did the three of them do? Doesn't it mean that all three of them are ants, can they be crushed to death?

"Wang Jie, Lu Chen, two Taoist friends, this boy wants us all to take a shot together, what do you think?" With extremely gloomy expression on the face of Wu Shenzun, the extremely cold voice asked the two of them.

"Since this is so demanded, can we not meet his wish?" God God Wang Grin grinned.

"The words of Wang Jie and his friends are exactly what I want to say." Lord Lu Chen nodded.

The three took out their own weapons.

And those onlookers have even more weird expressions. Originally, Jing Yan chose to avenge the owner of the Temple of Death at the Nine Realms Conference, which was surprisingly difficult to understand. Now, Jing Yan actually has to fight with the three gods: God of Puppet God, God of Wang Jie and God of Luchen at the same time. What is he trying to do?

Throughout the human realm, among the nine divine realms, among the strong among the gods, no one dared to say that he could defeat the three, Lu Jie and Lu Chen together.

If you want to defeat these three gods and martial arts team together, I am afraid that you need the emperor level martial arts team to do it.

"By dying!" Jing Yan's breath was slightly condensed, and the divine power suddenly flowed. Cai Xiajian's sword body, all the bright swords dazzled.

A coercion was released from Jing Yan's body, and the three men were forced to pass by.

At the same time that Jing Yan was working his divine power, the leaders of the nine divine realms present at the scene, those who were powerful at the level of the emperor, all changed greatly.


"How can it be?"

"It seems that the realm of basic laws has reached a successful atmosphere!"

"Impossible! It's impossible! How can he step into the rank of God Emperor?"

The field of basic laws has reached its completion, which is the symbol of the warrior's promotion to the emperor.

Jing Yan has never spurred divine power before, so even the warriors present, even the strongest in the realm of God Emperor, could not see the real state of Jing Yan. After all, the mentality of the first magic skill of the sky is very powerful to hide the warrior cultivation.

In the universe, there are many kinds of hidden exercises and mental methods. Of course, if the realm is too wide, even if you practice similar exercises and mental methods, you still don't want to hide it. For example, an ordinary Lord God, in the presence of the Lord Lord, it is almost impossible to hide his realm.

Jing Yan is now spurring divine power and is about to launch an attack on the three men. His cultivation will naturally be sensed by the presence of the powerful emperor level. Not only are the warriors at the level of the emperor, but also some stronger warriors at the level of the deity, but they also notice that the breath of Jing Yan is not available to ordinary gods.

Many people have wide eyes and stare at Jing Yan tightly.

The three gods, God of God, God of King Jie, and God of Lu Chen, of course, also felt the unusual taste for the first time. Their hearts sank a little, and their earlier contempt converged. They realized that they might underestimate the power of Jing Yan.

The three glanced at each other quickly, almost at the same time, pushing the divine power in the sea of ​​God to the limit.


"How can this scene saying step into the realm of God Emperor so quickly? In human history, there has never been a warrior who stepped into the Realm of God Emperor in less than 10,000 years. Yes! Impossible! He must have created some Special martial arts, this kind of martial arts fluctuations have a certain deceptive effect. "The leader of the Fourth Divine Realm, Emperor Lulu, turned his mind.

The Emperor of Menglu obviously did not believe that Jing Yan really reached the level of the Emperor and reached the same level as the Emperor.

"Gravity field!" Jing Yan said with a soft drink.

As Jing Yan's voice came out, a powerful gravitational field appeared around the bodies of the three gods. The strength of this gravitational field is enough to affect the powerful Emperor. The three of them are all in the state of deity. Even if they are prepared, they cannot control the influence of Jingyan's gravity field.

"Sword of Chaos!" After the field of gravity was cast, the sword of chaos appeared immediately.

A gray sword image with colorful brilliance emerged.

This Jianguang trembled gently in the space, and then strangled the three gods facing him in the past.

At this time, the three of them are urging their domain power to resist the influence of gravity. They felt the terrible power of the Chaos Sword, and quickly waved their weapons, trying their best to resist them.

The three of them started at the same time, and three kinds of Guanghua emerged from their front, bombarding the sword shadow of Chaos Sword.

The three top-level warriors at the deity level, combined to strike, the power is very scary. Each of these three streamers contains extremely powerful energy, and hits the sword of chaos at the same time.


A sound rang out throughout the audience. The sword shadow of Chaos Sword actually tore apart the attack urged by the three gods in a very short time.

The three streamers quickly collapsed, and the sword shadow of Chaos Sword continued to sweep towards the three of them. The three were involved in the field of gravity and couldn't do anything to avoid it.

"Do not!"

"Damn ~ www.readwn.com ~ How can this little hybrid have such terrible power, this is impossible!"

At this moment, the three gods have a half-arrogant attitude, all of them have red eyes, their bodies are full of blue muscles, and their weapons are waving wildly. Over the years they have cultivated, various defensive treasures accumulated have been thrown one after another.

In front of them, a light curtain barrier was quickly formed. These light curtain barriers are defensive treasures and resist the attack of the sword of Chaos.

However, if it is an attack by a warrior in the realm of ordinary gods and emperors, these means they may use can really resist a while. But what they face is Jing Yan, a **** emperor who can slay Marlboros.

Before entering the realm of the **** emperor, Jing Yan could rival a **** emperor like Tu Yang. Nowadays, Jing Yan's practice is to be infinitely close to Tianzun.

This gray chaotic sword sword shadow, withered and shattered, constantly tears a mighty defensive light curtain, approaching the three gods.



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