Universal Sword God

Chapter 1547: Seducer

Most high-level demons have combat effectiveness comparable to that of human deities.

Under Jing Yan's gravity field, if he can escape, that is a strange thing.

The squad of nine demons was killed in about a few breaths, and the entire army was annihilated.

The demon heart on them naturally fell into Xiaofeng's hands. Although these high-, middle-, and low-level gods can not compare with the magician, as long as the number is enough, it will also help Xiaofeng break through the seal.

"Go, continue to search for the demon. This time the demon is very active in the burial gods realm, and strive to kill as many as possible before they shrink." Jing Yan waved.

Shortly after Jing Yan and Xiao Feng left here, a human patrol team also arrived here. After seeing the bodies of nine demons, their eyes changed slightly.

"Immediately report to the Lord General!" Said the **** leader of the **** level.

Within the iron wall castle.

"Nine demon were killed? One of them is a senior demon?"

"Did it come from Jing Yan and Dao You?"


"After the news goes on, all patrol squads should pay attention. After encountering the Demon squad, try to hide the whereabouts and don't be disturbed, just pass the specific position back as soon as possible!"

Time passed day by day, in a blink of an eye, Jing Yan and Xiao Feng had stayed in the burial gods domain for several years.

With the assistance of the human patrol squadron, Jing Yan has already shot and killed nearly twenty of the Devils squadrons! In the first few months, it was relatively easy to find the Demon Squad. Later, the frequency of the Demon Squad appeared very low.


"Damn human reptiles!"

In a multi-layered space on the edge of the burial gods' realm, a red unicorn with a head and a demon with a height of 10,000 meters was swearing.

Beside him, there was a cyan skin demon who also reached a height of 10,000 meters.

The red one-horned demon is a polar monster who has been active in the funeral realm for five or six years. Another magical general came to the burial gods realm more than three years ago.

"Wolf, I must shoot!" Ji Hai Mo said in a heavy voice.

In the past few years, more than one hundred demons have been killed by Jing Yan, including more than ten senior demons. This is also a great loss for the Devils.

It isn't this that Jihai Devil can't stand the most, but the Tian Mo clan who is now buried in the realm of gods is actually suppressed by the human race, which makes him intolerable.

When was the powerful Demons tribe suppressed by the Terran reptiles?

In the Great Destruction War 600 million years ago, although the Demon Clan was finally repulsed, the human race lost more than the Demon Clan in that battle. Because of this battle, the territory of the human race has been reduced to a large extent to only 10% of the original.

There has never been only a Demon race hunting humans. How could there ever be a time when human reptiles chased down a Demon?

Therefore, Jihai Devil will now kill Jing Yan very much and let out the evil spirit in his heart.

"Jihai, Lord Demon said it, but the human language is not easy to deal with. Do you forget how the Eastern Toad died?" Wolf Tumon shook his head and said.

The reason why Wolfburst came to bury God Realm was actually to follow the meaning of a demon lord. The senior demon clan knew the story of the toad's death, and listed Jing Yan as the focus of attention. The senior demons also knew that Jing Yan came to the burial gods realm. The demon kings, afraid that Jihai Demon will not be Jing Yan's opponent, so they let the Wolf Sudden Demon enter the burial **** realm.

"Huh, Dong Toad is dead. However, it wasn't killed by that Jingyan reptile, but it was human beings who killed Dong Toad!" Ji Hai said in disapproval.

"Jihai, we all know that Ruchen killed Dong Toad, but if it wasn't for that Jingyan, Ruchen couldn't kill Dong Toad. You don't know the strength of Dong Toad. So, about this scene In other words, we must be careful. "The Wolf Demon will say.

"Be careful? Be careful! Always be careful! Do we just watch Erlangs be killed by that **** reptile? Do we want to all exit the Burial God Realm? If we exit the Burial God Realm, would n’t it mean that our demons have bowed their heads to humans Is it? "Ji Hai said with a stare.

"I can't bear it! This reptile must be removed! Lord Wolf, Lord Demon now attaches great importance to this jingle reptile. If we two can kill this reptile in the burial **** realm, this is a big contribution, don't you want to get Is this credit? "Ji Hai Demon will look at Wolf Su Demon.

The Wolf Demon will look a little hesitant.

"Also, in the past three or four years, haven't you noticed that the Jingyan reptile is always in a changing position. Why should he do this? It's not because he's afraid! If he's not afraid of us, why be so careful? Take me See, his strength is nothing more than this. How strong can the human **** emperor warrior be? I can fight three easily by myself! "Ji Hai Mo will continue to say confidently.

Jing Yan did not stop changing her position in the past few years of burying the gods. After hunting a team of demon in one place, she immediately left. It seemed as if he was avoiding a possible siege of the Devils. In Ji Hai's view, such behavior is because Jing Yan was afraid.

"Wolf, how did you become a mother-in-law? No matter how strong the human being is, he is also the Emperor of God, not the human deity! Huh, if you are afraid, then stay here, and I can kill him myself! Ji Hai said impatiently.

"Okay! I'll go with you! But if the strength of that Jingyan really exceeds us, then we must retreat immediately." Lang Tu said.

"It's natural ~ www.readwn.com ~ I'm not stupid. If I can't beat him, of course I know to run." Ji Hai heard that Lang Tu agreed to hunt Jing Yan, and then he said happily.

Ji Hai and Lang Tu, two magic generals, soon left the multi-layer space they were in, and entered the realm of burial gods. Through the following reports from the Tianmo team, we can also roughly determine where Jing Yan is located at this time. The two magicians quickly besieged the area towards Jing Yan's area.

Within the Ironwall Castle!

"Admiral General!" A **** respected warrior came anxiously to General Shi Tai.

"The latest information, Ji Hai Demon and another Demon Demon will enter the burial gods realm!" Said the protoss martial artist, speaking very quickly.

For the whereabouts of the magic generals, the iron wall castle is naturally the focus of attention. When those two demons will enter the realm of burial gods, Ironwall Castle will soon get relevant information. The entry of the two magic generals is undoubtedly a huge pressure for the iron wall castle.

"When will it happen?" General Shi Tai stared.

"Before two hours!" Shen Zunwu answered Shen Sheng.

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