Universal Sword God

Chapter 1547: Xiaofeng shot

The two demons in the burial **** realm will be dispatched at the same time. If they have no purpose, how can General Shi Tai believe it?

"Where have the two generals been?" General Tai Shi asked with a grim expression.

"Before two hours, the two demons will enter the realm of burial gods together. But judging from their course of action, there seems to be no sign of approaching the iron wall castle." God respected warrior said.

"Not near the iron wall castle?"

"Then ... are they ..."

"Not good! Their purpose is likely to be Jing Yan Dao You." General Shi Tai suddenly thought of this possibility.

The two demons will enter the realm of burial gods together. If the purpose is not on the side of Tiebi Castle, they may only be aimed at the King of Gods.

Shi Tai quickly took out the spar of communication and contacted Jing Yan.

"The situation is more urgent. I may need to leave the Iron Wall Castle." Shi Tai said to Jing Yan while she said to the respected warrior in front of her.

"Would you like to gather people?" Shenzun Wu asked: "Also, do you want to inform Master Tianzun?"

"It's too late to gather the people! Notifying Tianzun? That's not possible! The demon will not attack the Iron Castle, and it will not be the Demon King. If Tianzun moves in the burial area, I'm afraid it will cause a serious chain reaction." Shi Tai shook her head.

The **** respected the warrior did not say more, indeed, it was too late in time. Now gathering the strong men of the iron wall castle, and delaying some time, the King of Kings is even more dangerous. With the current balance between the human race and the demon race, if the demon king does not take action, the human deity cannot take the shot.

"Well, I'm going to find Jingyan Taoist friends now, you are responsible for guarding the iron wall castle. If there is an abnormal situation, call me immediately." Shi Taining said in a voice.

"Yes!" God respected martial arts responded.

Shi Tai flew out of the iron wall castle at the fastest speed, and hurried towards Jing Yan's location. During the flight, he was also summoned to Jing Yan for warning.

It didn't take long for Jing Yan's reply to come.

"General Shi Tai need not worry too much," Jing Yan said.

"Jingyan said, you must not underestimate the magic generals. Each of these magical generals is extremely powerful. The warriors at the level of human gods are not as good as the magic generals. The strength of the magic generals exceeds the overall The emperor martial arts team has a plan. "General Shi Tai was afraid of Jing Yan's defiance of the enemy.

Under normal circumstances, human divine warriors need at least three or four or more to compete directly with a magician. But now, there are two demons who might go and kill Jing Yan. Even if Jing Yan's strength exceeds the average **** emperor, it is impossible to have two magic generals together.

"Jingyan Taoist, you quickly return to the iron wall castle, I am also rushing to your position, we will meet halfway." General Shi Tai continued to pass.

"General Shi Tai, it's too late, I have seen those two magic generals." Jing Yan broke the connection after saying this.

Hearing this sentence, General Shi Tai's breath condensed, and he spurred the divine power to the maximum speed.


"It's finally here!" Jing Yan's divine thought has sensed that two powerful breaths are quickly approaching his position.

Over the past few years, Jing Yan and Xiao Feng have deliberately stayed in one place for too long, in order to create an illusion. Jing Yan is hope, and the demons of the demons think that they are jealous.

The hiding place of the magician is very hidden. If they cannot be led out, Jing Yan can't find the hiding place of the magician. Now these two demons will finally leave their hiding place, exactly what Jing Yan wants to see.

"Xiao Feng, haven't you always wanted to fight? Now, the opportunity has come! Can you leave these two demons, it's mainly up to you." Jing Yan said to Xiao Feng.

In recent years, Xiaofeng has been itchy for a long time, but in order to hide her strength, she has been holding back without doing anything.

Xiaofeng's eyes brightened when she heard what Jing Yan said.

A few moments later, two huge figures were in sight of Jing Yan.

The height of the Demon Clan's body can reach at least 10,000 meters, which is much more burly than those of high, middle and low levels.

Generally speaking, the taller the demon is, the stronger it is.

Ji Hai and Lang Tu, the two magic generals, also saw the far-end Jingyan.

"Haha, human reptiles, they didn't even run when we saw us coming." Ji Hai Demon rumbling voice came from afar.

"Just because of your two evil beasts, you can't scare me away!" Jing Yan responded politely.

"Human reptiles, let's die!" Ji Hai Demon approached Jing Yan at high speed, raised his hand, and waved his weapon. The space shook, a force that was overwhelming and crushed towards Jing Yan.

"Hum!" Jing Yan hummed.

Cai Xia sword emerged, the sword of chaos cast.

The grey sword shadow burst out into the air, colliding towards the force of the shaking space.

"Bang!" After a loud noise, the sky was broken.

Jing Yan's body shook slightly.

"The power of these magical generals is really terrible! However, this extremely powerful force is a level worse than that of the toad." Jing Yan secretly said.

Even Dong Yan's frontal attack Jing Yan can be blocked, and this pole is naturally nothing in front of him.

Ji Hai's huge body was backed up a few distances. Although the Chaos Sword failed to hit Ji Hai, it also made him uncomfortable.

Before the fight, although I heard that the human Jingyan is very powerful. But only by personal confrontation can we understand how powerful the human storytelling is.

After this collision, Ji Hai determined that this human was not very provocative.

"Wolf, help me!" Ji Hai shouted to the other wolf.

"Come here!" Lang Tu also took a huge weapon and joined the standing circle.

"Today, both of you will die here." Jing Yan's eyes quilted slightly, and the sword of chaos was cast again.

"Damn human reptiles!" Ji Hai Mo cursed.



Two magic generals ~ www.readwn.com ~ siege Jingyan. Jing Yan, with the sword of chaos and the field of gravity, calmly coped. On this day, the demons of the demons are really difficult to kill, and their defense is too strong. It takes time to kill.

"This human Jingyan is too strong, Jihai, with us two, we can't kill him!" After Lang Tu launched an attack on Jingyan again, he looked at Jihai and said.

Ji Hai obviously realized this too. Both of them tried their best, but still couldn't hurt this human. Among the humans they encountered, this saying was the most powerful human being at the level of the Emperor.

"Well, it really can't kill this humble reptile. Go! Go back and report to Lord Demon King, to kill this Jingyan, you must have at least three magical generals! No, four magical generals can work together." Said willingly.

"Want to leave? Not so easy!"

Just then, a red figure suddenly appeared. This is what Xiaofeng just showed up. Xiao Fengyu waved his hand, and each black silk thread was twined towards Ji Hai and Lang Tu.

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