Universal Sword God

Chapter 1598: Snowy sky

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? The space around the woman's body in a long white dress was slightly twisted, and then she disappeared in place.

The next moment, she appeared on the edge of Kaitian Square.

Her gaze, stared at the center of Kaitian Square, and saw Jing Yan being besieged.

"Jingyan ..." the woman in a long skirt murmured.

There was a slight tremor in the sound of.

"Bully Jingyan, you bastards, **** it!" The cold voice of the woman in the long skirt rang through the sky above Kaitian Square.

At this time, the hundred strong men in the audience realized that there was one more person on the edge of the square. Before the long skirt woman spoke, none of them noticed the arrival of the other.

He looked at each other and turned to the woman in the long skirt.

For a woman in a long skirt, her white arms were raised, and in the space, countless lines formed ripples, spreading around her. These ripples do not seem to have much power, but they are involuntarily giving rise to a feeling of awe.

"who are you?"

Ba Babie's vicious eyes turned, staring at the woman in a long skirt, and yelled angrily.

From what the woman in the white skirt said, it can be seen that this woman should know Jingyan and be friends of Jingyan.

Sui, who is attacking Jing Yan, worshipped the leader of the fire road, but his heart moved slightly.

"It's a human! But it seems very simple, not an extraordinary deity." The leader of worship worship turned his mind, a little more alert.

The face of the woman in the long skirt was covered with frost, and she ignored Babel's inquiry. Over the Kaitian Square, the layers of ripples soon spread out completely. Immediately after that, the sky suddenly appeared. These snowflakes fluttered and fluttered, and the locations where the snowflakes fell were precisely those who besieged Jingjing.

"Be careful, these snowflakes are a little weird, it's best not to touch them." The leader of worship worship said solemnly.

He reminded himself of his five worshippers. However, the strong men of the Yinyang tribe also heard clearly.

"Avoid, don't touch the snowflakes." Babel's eyes flickered, and he immediately reminded the strong of his ethnic group when he heard the words of the worship leader reminding worshipers of the fire path.

At this time, the slowly falling snowflakes have begun to touch the yin and yang poles.

He Babe manipulated the yin and yang poles to break the sky map, he was quite nervous watching the snowflakes flying in the sky, and also paid close attention to the changes of the yin and yang poles to break the sky map. When Snowflake touched the yin and yang pole-breaking sky map, his eyes widened.


"Nothing seems to change! No pressure!" Babel frowned slightly, subconsciously talking to himself.

He was ready, and the yin and yang poles broke the sky to withstand a brutal attack. However, now he feels that the yin and yang poles have not changed much. Those falling snowflakes didn't seem as powerful as they thought. Even, he didn't feel how strong the snowflake was.

The chief of the worship fire also frowned, and he looked again at the woman in the long white dress.

"how come?"

"I feel that she is obviously not an ordinary human deity. However, her attack did not cause any damage to the yin and yang poles breaking the sky map?" The leader of Baihuo was a little skeptical, was it because she was wrong.

"Haha, I am Jingyan's extraordinary support, it seems that it is so!" Babel said with a loud laugh and a disdainful tone.


At this moment, change suddenly appeared.

The yin and yang poles on the sky dome begin to melt at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, as if they were melted. With more and more snowflakes falling, the smile on the yin and yang poles is getting faster and faster.

I just blinked, and the yin and yang poles broke the sky, but most of them disappeared.


"No! Impossible!" Babel was dumbfounded, looking extremely ugly.

Immediately afterwards, the yin and yang poles broke the sky, which was a complete ablation. A large number of snowflakes continued to fly and land, approaching many powerful men who besieged Jing Jing below.

"These snowflakes are unusual. Avoid them!"

"Divergent, don't touch the snowflakes, it's dangerous."

Worshippers of the Taoist practitioners of the Fire Road and the strong members of the Yinfu tribe all screamed and shouted, and both stood up and tried to avoid it.

But, just when they wanted to get away, they suddenly realized that their bodies seemed to be caught in the mud. In the surrounding space, there is an invisible pressure that restrains them from moving. Even if they run their power to the limit, they are still slow.

Especially some relatively low-yin yin and yang tribe strongmen, each time they take a step in the void, it takes a lot of effort. Seeing it, snowflakes were about to fall above their heads.


Every one of the hundreds of powerful people on the square was stunned.

The woman with a long skirt just appeared suddenly, and they were all surprised because they didn't notice the arrival of the woman in white skirt. When women in white dresses shot and the sky snowflakes appeared, their hearts were wondering what the attack power of these snowflakes would be. When the snowflakes fell on the yin and yang poles breaking map ~ www.readwn.com ~ The yin and yang poles breaking map didn't have any sharp fluctuations, and it could quickly dissolve and completely disintegrate.

What is the origin of this woman?

Why is there such a strong existence among the Tatar peoples? Does this woman also have the strength to compare with the second speaker Babel?

"Chun Yu, have you met this Taoist friend?" Elder Xiao Zhu took a breath and asked Chun Yu Tianzun around him.

Hunchun Yu Tianzun shook her head and said, "I have never seen it. There is no such person among the celestial beings of our people. Obviously, her strength is not an ordinary celestial deity."

"Well, she should be very strong, much better than that." Elder Xiao Yan nodded.

Hearing the words of Elder Xiao Yao, Chunyu Tianzun slightly hesitated.

He is much stronger than Elder Xiao Ye. Is n’t that going to surpass the first grade Tianzun? Is she also close to Chaos Supreme?

How can you, Terran, have such a terrible powerhouse? It is already incredible to make a statement. Now, there is another strong man who is close to the chaos supreme level. These people are totally unknown to these people.

I'm fine with Jing Yan. After all, although Jing Yan is young, they know all the footprints that have grown up step by step. As for this woman in white dress, they have no information at all.

Judging from the breath of the woman in the white skirt, it can be determined that it is the human race. And, it should be very familiar with Jing Yan.

"Anyway, with this powerful Taoist to help Jing Yan, Jing Yan should be much easier." Elder Xiao Yan also breathed a sigh of relief.

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