Universal Sword God

Chapter 1599: Snow White Lord

Several **** emperor warriors in the exclusive area of ​​the human race are also very excited, and the joy is beyond words.

However, Zhanyue Tianzun, Ruchen Tianzun, and Thunder Tianzun are all in the process of healing and cannot be distracted to pay attention to the external situation. Therefore, they do not know the arrival of the white skirt woman, and they do not know that a tribe has come to help.

Snow flakes suddenly became violent in the process of flying.

A snow dragon composed of snowflakes clearly reflects into the sight of all living beings.


Xuelong flipped and rushed towards a strong Yin and Yang tribe.

The strong Yinyang tribe is struggling to leave this snowflake-covered space. When Xuelong swooped towards him, he immediately stimulated the strength of his whole body to resist.

"Bang!" The strong yin and yang tribe flew out, their breath was weak, and a lot of blood spewed from their mouths.

The matter did not end there. After Xuelong struck the strong yin and yang tribe, he turned over again. From Xuelong's body, a part of the snowflakes were separated, and he hurried away to the severely damaged yin and yang tribe.


The strong yin and yang screamed, his body melted into nothingness.

This is a leader of the yin and yang tribe who is equivalent to the second-level Celestial Deity of the Terrans, so he was simply beheaded and killed.

After the yin and yang tribe was beheaded, Xuelong kept pounced on the nearest yin and yang tribe.

This creature has only the strength equivalent to the third rank of Celestial Master. As Xuelong approached, his body disintegrated and dissipated, and he couldn't even stop a blow.

"No!" Babel also screamed and shouted.

Earlier, two strong men of the yin and yang ethnic group were beheaded by Jing Yan, and now two other strong men of the same family were beheaded by this sudden **** woman. Yin and Yang people have lost four leaders.

This loss made Babel extremely distressed.

He waved his arms again and again, and the yin and yang poles broke into the sky again to resist the snow dragon that ravaged the space.

The practitioners worshipping the Fire Road are also a little dumbfounded. The five worshipers of the fire path all strove to mobilize their forces to break free of the forces bound in space. They have realized deeply the terrifying threat that Xuelong brings.

The worship leader is still in fierce battle with Jing Yan. Without the attack of the five worshipers of the fire path and the strong forces of the Yin and Yang clan, Jing Yan's pressure was greatly reduced. In the face of the attack of the leader of worship, Jing Yan can do it easily. Although it is difficult to kill the leader of worship, there is no way to worship the leader of him.

Jing Yan's eyes looked at the woman in a white dress.

"Snow ... City Lord ..."

The woman in a snow-white long dress is the same as the snow-white city owner from a lower world with Jing Yan.

When Jing Yan was still in the lower world, the owner of Bai Xuecheng was sucked into it by a mysterious vortex, and then there was no news. After Jing Yan came to Divine Realm, he also searched for Baixue through many channels, but there was no news at all.

But it was unexpected, this time in Kaitian City, I saw Bai Xue. Moreover, Shirayuki's strength was so horrible.

Jing Yan couldn't imagine how Bai Xue cultivated. He can reach this step today, he has experienced countless dangers, and has many opportunities. But what kind of chance did Bai Xue get?

Jing Yan didn't know where Bai Xue had been for so long, but he was almost sure that Bai Xue was definitely not in the human realm of Divine Realm. If you have cultivated to such an extent in the territory of human beings, then the entire ethnic group will surely know.

But at this time, it is obviously not the time to ask.

"Shirayuki, cooperate with me!"

Jing Yan shouted at Bai Xue.

Bai Xue heard the words and nodded gently, a pair of beautiful eyes fell on Jing Yan's body. She instantly understood the meaning of Jing Yan.

"Ultimate nothingness!"

"Gravity Realm!"

Jing Yan exerts two kinds of ultimate realms one after another. The gravity realm directly acts on the leader of worship. Although the leader of worship is chaos supreme, under the gravity field of Jing Yan, he is still severely affected.

Immediately afterwards, Jing Yan's ultimate realm of nihilism got rid of the leader of worship.

The worship leader is also trying to catch up with Jing Yan.

The next moment, Jing Yan appeared not far from Babel.

Babel is still manipulating the yin and yang poles to break the sky, resisting the snow dragon composed of snowflakes controlled by white snow. Babel, looking very strenuous. In the collision with Xuelong, the poles of the yin and yang shattered, and they were constantly annihilated. If it had not been for his full effort to infuse the yin and yang poles into the sky breaking map, the whole sky breaking map would have completely disappeared.

He vaguely felt that this woman named Bai Xue might be Chaos Supreme!

Babel saw Jing Yan pounce on himself, his body trembling, his eyes full of panic.

His figure flew back and forth, and Jing Yan was terrible, but he saw it with his own eyes. If he faces Jing Yan's attack while he is fighting Xuelong, he will be very dangerous.

However, Jing Yan refused to let him go. With an acceleration of Jing Yan, the palm of the hand was shot out, and the power of the ghosting world was urged.

Where Jing Yan passed, the space annihilated directly.

"Boom!" Babel's speed is obviously not as good as Jing Yan.

In particular, when Jing Yan's spirit storm suddenly burst open to attack his spirit body, his body appeared a short pause. When he regained his mind, the seal of Jing Yan had reached the top of his head.

On the other side, Xuelong also arrived nearby, and some snowflakes had already stained him. Each of those snowflakes contains amazing power. Every time Sulwhor touched his body, his body shivered involuntarily, and the defense energy around his body dropped sharply by one point.

"Pop!" Jing Yan's palm print was heavily printed on Babel's body.

Babel's defensive capabilities around the body ~ www.readwn.com ~ then collapsed.

I have to say that killing Babel is not easy. Although Jing Yan has reached the chaos supreme level, Babel is also a strong player near the chaos supreme level. If it is a one-on-one fight, then Jing Yan's attempt to kill Babel will certainly take some time, and he may be run away.

But now with the cooperation of Bai Xue, Jing Yan made a very successful shot this time.

In the eyes of Babel, with deep horror, when an incomparable destructive force poured into him, he realized that he might be finished.

Babel's eyes faded. Around his body, the scattered energy overflowed. In these energies, there is also the vitality of Babel.

Finally, Babel's body fell from the air.

A strong man close to the chaos supreme level, the leader of the yin and yang tribe in the forefront of the large command level, fell.

And all the hundreds of creatures in the audience were stunned, one by one watching the falling Babel corpses, even their thoughts were frozen and stopped functioning.

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