Universal Sword God

Chapter 3490: 1 less will not work

The veterans of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce, most of them may never have paid attention to the mixed treasure trove of mixed characters in the first scene.

Even if they knew the first Jingyan mixed Yuan, the King Jingyan set up a mixed Yuan treasure house here, they would not care. Subconsciously, they think that a mixed-yuan space like the first Jingyan mixed Yuan cannot have too many resources, even if there is a treasure chest subsidized by King Jingyan.

But at this moment, each of them was shocked.

In the mixed treasure treasure house of the first scene, the amount and type of resources are so dazzling. However, this is only the first level of the treasure house.

"Veterans, please follow me. Lord City Lord, waiting for you on the top floor." The Great Axe Emperor smiled at these Xiliang Chamber of Commerce veterans.

Following the great axe emperor, the chamber of commerce veterans, went to the top floor.

The closer they are to the top, the more shocked they become. Because the higher they go, the higher the level of treasure they see. Later, you can even see that the second Yuanyuan Yibao is not found in the Yuanyuan territory.

"Master of the city, the veterans of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce, have arrived."

Entering into a room on the top floor of the treasure house, the great axe said to Jing Yan who was inside.

Everyone at the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce stood behind the great axe emperor.

"It's really King Yan."

"The King of Jingyan mixed words in the first."

"It seems that he returned from the outpost battlefield in advance, so ... how is the situation in the outpost battlefield?"

"Jingyan the Great saw that the outpost battle was settled, so did he escape with the Great Axe?"

Everyone in the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce expressed their own thoughts.

"I've seen Emperor Jingyan." The crowd arched their hands toward Jing Yan.

Each of them, the veterans of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce, is extremely wealthy. Behind them, there is a huge force to support. But when it comes to force, they know very well that they can't compare with Jingyan the Great at all. Now that they have seen the treasure house of Jing Yan, they feel that King Jing Yan has exceeded their imagination in terms of financial resources.

"You don't have to be polite." Jing Yan waved his hand and said with a smile.

"I don't know, everyone came to my first scene with mixed words, is there anything?" Jing Yan and Yan Yuese asked.

The veterans looked at each other again. The Great Axe had asked them similar questions before, and they could not answer them. Faced with the existence of King Yan and King Axe, it is obviously not possible to make up a reason to be confused.

"Jingyan the Great, this is actually the case!"

After a moment of silence, the chief veteran spoke out.

"We Xiliang Chamber of Commerce, some time ago, something went wrong. President Xiliang, without the authorization of the Patriarchal Association, privately transferred resources beyond his power. Because of this, we need to find Xiliang President, please give us an explanation. "Chief veteran said slowly.

"It turned out that, you should go to President Xiliang, but why did you come to my first scene with mixed words?" Jing Yan asked with a stunned look.

"Emperor Jingyan, according to some intelligence clues we have, President Xiliang is indeed here.

"Without the permission of King Yan Yan, we entered the first King Yan mixed Yuan and asked the King to forgive me." The chief veteran once again arched at Jing Yan and said, lowering his head.

"Oh, this is okay. My first scene is mixed, but it is not a closed space. You are all big men. It is also an honor for me to come to the first scene, mixed scene." Jing Yan laughed.

Suddenly his words kept turning, with a smile on his face, and he continued: "Xiliang Chamber of Commerce has always been the largest chamber of commerce in the territory of the Alliance. Xiliang Chamber of Commerce is the commercial pillar of the entire Alliance.

"In order to allow you to develop the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce with peace of mind, here I have good news for you." Jing Yan said.

"Emperor Jingyan, did you help us find President Xiliang?" The chief veteran asked with a surprised look on his face.

The other veterans looked at Jing Yan with their eyes glowing.

The thing they were most worried about was that President Xiliang had followed the Niu family out of the mixed space of Jingyan and Yuanyuan and entered the vast mixed Yuanyuan void. If so, they will find it difficult to find President Xiliang.

"President Xiliang is a trivial matter, and we'll talk about it later."

"I would like to tell you that the happy event is that in the outpost battle, our alliance fought with the Huatian Army, and the alliance has won. From then on, the Huatian Army will no longer threaten our territory. The Xiliang Chamber of Commerce can develop in peace. You no longer need to worry about the Huatian Army invading the territory of the Alliance. "Jing Yan announced the good news to the veterans of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce.

I heard Jing Yan said that the elders of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce were really very happy.

This is indeed good news for them and for any practitioner in the league. These veterans, of course, are also very worried about the alliance being attacked by the great demon god.

"Our alliance wins?"

"This ... this is great!"

"Emperor Jingyan, our Alliance Corps, really defeated the Huatian Army Corps?"

The veterans of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce, and the forces behind them, also participated in the war with the Huatian Army.

"Of course it is true. It won't take long for you to get the message from the outpost battlefield." Jing Yan nodded.

"It's just one more thing, but it makes me very angry!" Jing Yan's eyes calmed, his face became cold, and he said with a bit of anger: "In the territory of the alliance, some people think that the alliance will be turned. The Demon God destroyed, so he took members of the entire family and planned to escape from the territory of the Alliance. This is really chilling. "

The veterans of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce all knew that Jing Yan was referring to the Niu family.

The Niu family should have entered the first Jingyan mixed Yuan, and the Jingyan emperor is in the mixed Yuan space. Didn't the Niu family meet the Jingyan great?

"What makes me even more annoyed is that the chairman of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce is also with the Niu family and intends to leave the territory of the Alliance. Everyone, I would like to know whether the plan of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce is the intention of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce . First, President Xiliang followed the Niu family into my Junyuan space, and then you came here again. Are you also planning to join the Niu family in my Junyuan space to escape from the alliance territory? "Jing Yan voice one Shen drinking.

The faces of the elders suddenly changed.

"Jingyan, you must not misunderstand."

"Although Xiliang is the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Xiliang Chamber of Commerce is not his. He alone cannot represent the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce."

"This Xiliang is so abominable, he actually wants to escape the alliance territory. Scum!"

"Emperor Jingyan, we didn't really know Xiliang's plan before. This Xiliang also evacuated the resource warehouse of the Chamber of Commerce headquarters, which is why we immediately caught up. We didn't mean to join the Niu family. . "

The veterans, hurriedly explained.

"That's the case, that's good. I know that everyone in the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce is not that kind of person." Jing Yan nodded, believing in the words of the elders.

"Thank you Jingyan the Great."

"The Emperor Jingyan can trust us, and we really appreciate it."

"..." Everyone quickly thanked them again.

The bodies of these people are already soaked with cold sweat. They are really afraid. The strength of the King Jingyan and the Great Axe are too powerful, and they cannot resist them.

"You guys, you said just now that you came to the first scene and talked about it, was you looking for President Xiliang?" Jing Yan's face resumed a smile.


"Emperor Jingyan, do you know the whereabouts of Xiliang?" The chief veteran asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Well, I know, I know." Jing Yan nodded and said, "You guys, are you going to take President Xiliang back?"

"Emperor Jingyan, we must take Xiliang back. If Emperor Jingyan can tell us the whereabouts of Xiliang, we at Xiliang Chamber of Commerce will be grateful." The chief veteran said immediately.

"Okay, great!" Jing Yan nodded to the great axe emperor and said, "The great axe, will Xiliang be the president, please come out!"

"Yes, the Lord of the City." The great axe the Great answered, and stepped forward.

He raised his hand and waved it. In front of him, a corpse suddenly appeared. It was President Xiliang and his followers.

These corpses, placed as a whole, came into the sight of the elders of the Chamber of Commerce.

At this time, the eyes of the elders were straight again, and their expressions were a little stunned.

Xiliang, dead?

what is happening? what's going on? President Xiliang, why did you suddenly die? Who killed President Xiliang?

The elders of the Chamber of Commerce did not care much about the life and death of President Xiliang himself. They were concerned about the huge amount of resources carried by President Xiliang, which was almost all the resources in the large warehouse of the Chamber of Commerce headquarters.

"Emperor Jingyan, what's going on?" The chief veteran's voice trembled slightly and asked Jingyan.

"The thing is this ..."

"The Niu family and President Xiliang came to the first scene with mixed Yuan. They even wanted to **** my space. I, of course, could not allow them to do so. So, I met the Niu family and severely reprimanded me. To what they did. "

"Under my influence, the Niu family realized the mistakes they made. The Niu family told me that the reason they planned to plunder the first scene was mixed with President Xiliang. The Niu family believed that President Liang is not a good person. "

"So, the Niu family killed President Xiliang. I also wanted to stop the Niu family from killing President Xiliang, but suddenly, I didn't have time to shoot."

"However, President Xiliang is a member of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce. At that time, I felt that the elders of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce definitely wanted to see President Xiliang again. Therefore, I asked the Niu family to replace Xiliang The body of President Liang was left. For this reason, I owe a little bit of humanity to the Niu family. "Jing Yan said these words slowly.

After listening to these words of Jing Yan, the elders were completely dumbfounded.

"Veterans, now I will hand over the bodies of President Xiliang and others to you." Jing Yan added: "However, you also have to pay me a certain amount of compensation. After all, it is me from the button The family returned the body of President Xiliang and kept it for a while. "

"What?" The chief veteran shouted subconsciously.

The Emperor Jingyan even asked them to pay him a fee for Xiliang's body?

"How?" Jing Yan sullenly said, "Did the elders think I should not be paid?"

"No ... no!" The chief veteran alliance waved and explained: "Emperor Jingyan, then ... what about President Xiliang's resources?"

"I don't know about this. You can search on President Xiliang to see if you can find the resources you are looking for." Jing Yan shook his head and said.

The elders looked at each other, crying without tears.

It is obviously impossible for them to believe what Jing Yan said. However, they really don't know what happened.

The Niu family killed Xiliang? This is possible! But where is the Niu family? The Niu family, why didn't they fight with King Yan and Great Axe? The Emperor Jingyan said that he touched the Niu family with words.

Chief veteran, really came forward to inspect the body of President Xiliang. However, it turned out that as expected, there was not even one fairy stone left on the body of President Xiliang.

"Emperor Jingyan, what about the Niu family?" The chief veteran asked scrupulously: "If they took away the resources of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce, we must recover the resources.

"The Niu family has left Jingyan Junyuan and entered the Yuanyuan void. Well, it's not long. If you go now, you may hope to catch up."

"But before that, all the elders had to work with me to handle the matter now. You took back the body of President Xiliang and others and paid me a fee." Jing Yan squinted.

"Jingyan the Great, then we ... how much should we pay for this?" The chief veteran asked tentatively.

"It doesn't take too much, it's probably about a few billion cents." Jing Yan laughed.

Billions of cents?

The veterans' eyes were about to stare out. Billions of immortal stones are also a huge number for the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce.

You should know that at the time of the auction organized by Feiming Chamber of Commerce, when Jingyan provided a lot of large and small xian Nidan, the auction turnover was only about one billion cents.

"Emperor Jingyan, or ... we don't want these bodies anymore." The chief veteran and others really wanted to cry.

They are looking for President Xiliang to recover the treasure house resources. Without resources, what do they want President Xiliang's body?


"Don't these corpses?" Jing Yan's face became gloomy ~ www.readwn.com ~ with a cold tone.

Jing Yan suddenly stood up, a strong killing intention, suddenly surged out.

"Everyone is a big man, and I have already given you face recognition. However, if you think that you can insult me ​​at will, you are very wrong!"

"It was you who said you were looking for President Xiliang. I gave you President Xiliang, and you said no?"

"What do you think of me?" Jing Yan yelled coldly.

Killing intentions became more intense.

"One billion fairy stones, one less will not work!" Jing Yan continued.

(End of this chapter)

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