Universal Sword God

Chapter 3491: installment

The elders of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce were sweating coldly, and they really felt the terrible coercion from King Yan.

It seems that King Yanyan only needs to raise his hand at will to kill all of them!

One billion immortal stones! The elders, they are very, very reluctant to take out this fairy stone to buy the body of President Xiliang. The problem now is that they don't want to buy it.

If they really stubbornly refuse to buy, then their small lives will probably stay here.

Although Xian Shi is good, compared to his own life, it is actually nothing!

"Veterans, either you take out 1 billion immortal stones and take President Xiliang and others, or you will always stay with President Xiliang forever." Jing Yan's breath was condensed, and the intention of killing oppressed all the people present. The veteran of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce.

"Jingyan the Great breathed his wrath ... heeded his wrath!" Said the chief veteran Trill.

"Emperor Jingyan, our chamber of commerce must not dare to play tricks on you. It's just that ... there are too many billions of immortal stones. The big warehouse of our chamber's headquarters has just been evacuated by Xiliang, a junk thing. We really can't get a billion immortal stones! Emperor Jing Yan, please also be clear, what I said is true and true, and it is the facts. "The chief veteran cried and explained carefully to Jing Yan.

These people are afraid that Jing Yan will slap them over.

"That being the case, your Xiliang Chamber of Commerce is willing to produce 1 billion immortal stones." Jing Yan nodded.

"Yes, yes! We are willing to sell fairy stones, but now we can't really get so many spot stones." The chief veteran nodded.

The other veterans of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce also nodded to the chief veteran Xiang Jingyan.

"Well, I can't take out a billion cents of stone stock at once, which is not to blame you. I can understand this."

"That being the case, I can give you some more time. So, one billion cents, you give me three times. From now on, you need to send 400 million cents here in one month. Then, Within five years, you sent the second batch of 300 million cents. Finally, within five years, you sent the last 300 million cents. "

"Veterans, I allow you to pay in installments in consideration of your difficulties. And, I don't want to pay interest. Now, is there any problem?" Jing Yan's eyes swept from the elders of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce. Too.

Divine power fluctuated, flooding the entire room.

The veterans of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce had no choice but to nod their consent and pay Jingyan the Emperor a total of 1 billion immortal stones in installments.

"Sign the agreement!" Jing Yan said with a smile.

All the veteran shareholders of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce who came to the first scene today have signed their names on the agreement.

"Well, now the problem is perfectly solved."

"Veterans, do you intend to stay in the first Jingyan mixed Yuan for a while, visit my mixed Yuan space, or go back and prepare the first batch of immortal stones now?" Jing Yan asked with a smile.

"Jingyan the Great is polite. We plan to return to the Chamber of Commerce headquarters now." The chief veteran said quickly.

They regret entering the first Jingyan mixed Yuan, regret to meet with the King Jingyan. Knowing this already, they may never come to Jingyan Treasury to see the King of Jingyan anyway.

The resources taken away by Xiliang could not be recovered without saying, but also stiffly compensated for one billion immortal stones. Even if the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce has a deep foundation, this time it is really badly injured, and it will be difficult to say whether it can recover in the future.

"Well, okay! Giant axe, you took me to send you all the veterans to leave the first scene with mixed words." Jing Yan said to the giant axe, and then turned to look at everyone: "Remember, within a month I want to see 400 million immortals. Otherwise, I will go to the headquarters of your chamber of commerce to get back what belongs to me. If the headquarters of your chamber of commerce does not exist, I will go to your family and forces one by one. "


"Emperor Jingyan, we must prepare Xianshi as soon as possible after we return."

"Within a month, we will send 400 million immortal stones to the King Jingyan."

The veterans of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce, under the supervision of the great axe, left the first scene with mixed words.


Jiaoyuan mixed element, near the mixed element channel node.

The veterans of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce breathed a sigh of relief when they came out of the mixed Yuan channel.

In the face of Emperor Jingyan, the pressure on them was too great. Back to Jiao Yuanrenyuan, the minds of the people have stabilized again.

"Xilang, this jerk, really was killed by the Niu family?" A veteran doubted.

"Who killed Xiliang? It's hard to say for the time being." The other veteran shook his head.

"What is the situation of the Niu family? They, why did they not fight with the King Yan? The strength of the five ancestors of the Niu family, are they still afraid that the King Jingyan and the Great Axe will not succeed?"

"The Emperor Jingyan didn't say it. He used words to influence the Niu family."

"Oh ... it's a joke, treat us like kids."

"What shall we do now?"

"What else can we do? First wait for the news and see what's going on out there in the outpost battlefield! Jing Yan said that the alliance defeated the Great God of the Sky, I don't know if it is true or not."

"Who can fight against the terrible powerhouses such as Huatian Devil? In my opinion, King Jingyan may have escaped from the outpost battlefield."

"I'm afraid not." The chief veteran shook his head and said, "Although the outpost battlefield is far away, there is a mixed Yuan channel, and the relevant information of the outpost battlefield will be passed back without taking too much time."

"What if the mixed yuan channel is destroyed?"

"If the mixed Yuan channel from Jiaoyuan Mixed Yuan to the outpost battlefield is destroyed, it can only explain one result, that is, the defeat of the Alliance Legion." The chief veteran condensed his eyes ~ www.readwn.com ~ everyone, no matter what , Our Chamber of Commerce is in great trouble. If the Alliance Legion loses, then we have to consider learning from the button family to leave the Alliance territory. If the Alliance Legion wins, we have to prepare 400 million cents for Jing Yan within a month. The chief veteran said: "The large warehouse of the Chamber of Commerce Headquarters is almost empty. I am afraid that the preparation of these 400 million cents will require our respective forces to take. "

"Well, it's ... what abominable! This **** Xiliang, why is he dead! If he is still alive, I must strip his skin!" A veteran yelled indignantly.

"Well, let's go back to the headquarters of the chamber of commerce immediately, dispose of the corpses of Xiliang and others, and then proceed to prepare the 400 million immortal stones. If Jing Yan kills the chamber of commerce headquarters, then someone must die." The chief veteran waved his hand Road.

Immediately, the pedestrian quickly hurried to the headquarters of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce.

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