Universal Sword God

Chapter 3492: Growl

The first Jingyan mixed words, Jingyan treasure house.

"Master City Lord, you actually sold the Xiliang corpse for one billion immortal stones!" The Great Axe Emperor looked at Jing Yan with an expression of astonishment.

At first, he did not know why the owner of the Jingyan City wanted to push the family to leave the whole body of Xiliang. Later, the veteran shareholders of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce came to the first Jingyan mixed Yuan, and he only vaguely understood.

But he didn't dare to think that the body of Xiliang could sell one billion immortal stones.

"That's what they asked for!" Jing Yan grinned. "This Xiliang Chamber of Commerce has been against me."

"I'm not a character who must report, but some behavioral methods of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce really angered me. Although the leader of the chamber of commerce at that time was Xiliang, those shareholders also defaulted to Xiliang's behavior." Jing Yan's mouth slightly rose. .

At that time, the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce almost broke the Jingyan event. Fortunately, there was another Feiming Chamber of Commerce that could cooperate. Otherwise, Jing Yan will waste a lot of time and energy.

"They did ask for it, these **** things." The great axe emperor focused his head.

He turned to him and asked, "City Lord, would they give that one billion cents?"

"Don't worry about this, they will definitely give it. Although there are a lot of billions of immortal stones, the knowledge and accumulation of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce can be taken out. Of course, taking into account the resources stolen by Xiliang, this time the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce It must be a serious injury. Feiming Chamber of Commerce has ushered in a rare opportunity. "Jing Yan nodded.

"Big axe, you take a trip to the outpost battlefield and inform the leader of Jiao Yuan! Well, just say that the Niu family has left the alliance territory and promised never to step into the alliance territory half a step." Jing Yan commanded to the axe.

"Yes, Lord City Lord." The Great Axe answered and turned away.

During the time when the great axe went to the outpost battlefield, the Feiming President of the Feiming Chamber of Commerce came to visit Jing Yan. President Feiming talked with Jing Yan for a short time, and finally left Jing Yan treasure house with a smile.

Outpost battlefield.

The leaders of Jiao Yuan and the masters of the various entangled elements have a clear decision on the share of the spoils.

All these trophies will be shipped to Jiaoyuan Hunyuan first. The mixed elementary practitioners participating in this war can exchange their own resources for their own merit. Even those who died in the war can receive pensions for their loved ones. After deducting these expenditures, the mixed yuan will allocate the loot according to the negotiated share.

"Leader, when can we go back to Yuanyuan Space?" Emperor Zhan Wu asked the leader of Jiao Yuan.

The Hunyuan channel leading to the Hunyuan space was blocked by the leader of Jiao Yuan. No one can leave the outpost through the Hunyuan channel. This has been going on for many days, but the blockade of the Junyuan channel has not been lifted, and Emperor Zhanwu and others are a little impatient.

"The Great Emperor Zhanwu doesn't need to worry, I believe that the King Jingyan will soon send a message." Jiao Yuan leader said.

In fact, the leader of Jiao Yuan also wants to return to his own source of Jiao Yuan as soon as possible.

Emperor Zhanwu frowned, but did not say more.

"League, the Great Axe is here." At this time, the Great Emperor Duan came to the leader of Jiao Yuan and said loudly.

"Hurry up!" Jiao Yuanmeng said quickly, and at the same time stood up.

"Leader!" After the great axe came in, he arched his hand to the leader of Jiao Yuan.

"Big Axe, what's the situation in Junyuan Space? What did the Niu family do?" Asked the source leader Jiao Yuan.

"Leaders don't have to worry. The Niu family has left the alliance territory. They promised the city owners that they would not step into the alliance territory. Now, everyone can return to Junyuan space from the outpost battlefield." Giant Axe said with a smile.

"The Niu family left the territory of the Alliance? Emperor Jingyan, why didn't he kill the Niu family?" Zhan Wu the Great asked immediately.

The great axe glanced at Zhanwu the emperor, and sneered, "You said that killing the button family would kill the button family?"

"You don't see what you count?" The Great Axe Emperor did not have a good attitude towards Emperor Zhanwu.

Emperor Zhan Wu's face turned red, but he did not dare to explode. The strength of this great axe emperor is much stronger than him.

"Well, I've already brought it to you. The lord, then I will leave first." The great axe archer arched his hands at the leader of Jiaoyuan at will, and then turned to leave.

Before leaving again, the Great Axe Emperor smiled and greeted the Emperor Huoyang with a smile.

As for the other masters of Yuanyuan, the great axe emperor ignored them.

"Masters of mixed yuan, all right, now we can return to mixed yuan space. Everyone prepares, and then withdraw from the outpost battlefield in an orderly manner." After the great axe emperor left, the leader of Jiaoyuan marched to the crowd.

Soon after, Zhanwu was mixed!

"No!" Emperor Zhanwu gave an angry growl.

In front of him are some of the top powerhouses in Zhanwu. At this time, the place where they were was the Zhanwu Treasury.

When Emperor Zhanwu saw the evacuated Treasury, he almost passed out.

He Zhanwu mixed yuan, after countless years of accumulation, formed the mixed yuan treasure house, but at this time is empty.

"What's going on! What's going on! Who and who did it?" Emperor Zhanwu roared.

"Master, it ’s the Niu family!" Said the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, trembling, "The Niu family suddenly came to our Zhanwu Lunyuan. They went straight to the Lunyuan treasure house and took away all the resources in the treasure house. We ... ... we can't resist it. "

Emperor Zhanwu, he did not speak for a while.

"Damn! Asshole! Damn ..." It took a while before Emperor Zhanwu cursed.

At the same time, similar things happened in the Kunyuan mixed Yuan, Xuanming mixed Yuan, Bi Shang mixed Yuan, and other mixed Yuan spaces.

The Huoyang Emperor of Huoyang was also looted. Emperor Huoyang's face was extremely ugly, but he was calm and not as hysterical as Emperor Zhanwu.

Jiao Yuanhuiyuan ~ www.readwn.com ~ The leader of Jiao Yuan is also listening to his people to report the situation.

"So, the Niu family successfully ransacked all the mixed Yuan space?" Jiao Yuan said.

"Master, this is indeed the case. The Niu family finally arrived at the first Jingyan mixed Yuan, they crossed the barrier from the first Jingyan mixed Yuan, and left the alliance territory." Said a mixed Yuan emperor.

"The Emperor Jingyan should have seen the Niu family."

"Lord, in the first Jingyan mixed Yuan, the Niu family really met the King Jingyan and the Great Axe King. However, we do n’t know what happened between them. The King Jingyan blocked the space of the mixed Yuan. Also, irrelevant persons are prohibited from approaching, so outsiders have no idea what happened, nor what he said to the Niu family. "The emperor of Yuan Dynasty shook his head.

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