Universal Sword God

Chapter 3499: Weird

After clearing some matters, Jing Yan entered the sea of ​​silence through the mixed Yuan channel located in the city of Jing Yan.

In fact, although the city of Jingyan is located outside the waters of Wanjing, it seems that the city of Jingyan is not far away from the waters of Wanji, but in fact, if you do not use the hybrid Yuan channel, It takes extremely long time.

Even a practitioner of the level of Jingyan, it will take at least tens of thousands of years to fly from the city of Jingyan to the lonely sea.

The city of Jingyan is located on the road leading to the lonely sea, but it is not the only way.

Another advantage of entering the lonely sea area through the mixed tunnel in the city is that it can avoid many dangers and interference. If it is a flight, there may be many troubles on the way to the lonely sea.

The lonely sea area is a very special place. Outside that sea area, there are all kinds of weird energies. These eccentric energies are not without some extremely dangerous to the practitioner.

When he came out of the node of the mixed yuan channel, Jing Yan was already in the lonely sea.

That's right, the other end of the mixed channel is exactly inside Wanjing Sea, and not on the periphery of Wanjing Sea.

However, near the nodes of the mixed element channel, a relatively stable space has been opened up by the pioneers. Because of this, even the immortal emperor who did not master the ancestral rules of the ancestors could use the mixed Yuan channel to enter the lonely sea. There is nothing special near the nodes, and there are only some carved godliness in space.

"Here is the hinterland of the lonely sea." Jing Yan went out of the channel node and immediately spread his thoughts and looked at the surrounding environment.

Among the thoughts, Jing Yan saw a sea of ​​ocean, appearing black.

The endless black water contains terrible power and strength.

Jing Yan didn't see any practitioners, at least currently near the node, there should be no other practitioners.

After looking at the surrounding environment, Jing Yan took out the Wanji banner.

The banner of silence is the key to the place of silence. This time when he came to the waters of Wanjing, Jing Yan also planned to visit the place of Wanjing. Even if he didn't rush into the place of Wanjing, he would at least determine its specific location.

The star map in the banner of Wan Ji shows that Jing Yan is not far from the place of Wan Ji at this time. However, there is no specific route on the star chart. Next, Jing Yan needs to find a place of silence. However, the banner of Wan Ji is still helpful for Jing Yan to find the place of Wan Ji. In the vague, Jing Yan can perceive a general direction.

Stimulating divine power, Jing Yan flew out of the vicinity of the Junyuan channel node and quickly flew over the black water.

"The seawater is extremely corrosive."

"It's weird."

"It feels similar to Zihuaxianlu." Jing Yan frowned, and during the flight, Jing Yan was constantly searching the black sea water under his body.

Jing Yan felt that the black water beneath him had certain similar characteristics to Zihuaxianlu.

Of course, the black sea water in this lonely sea area must not be the purple Huaxianlu. Practitioners use resources like Zihua Xianlu to quickly improve their strength. Zihua Xianlu is an extremely valuable practice resource. The number of these black waters is endless and cannot be counted. If the practitioners devour the black water here, let alone promote the practice, they may not even be able to save their lives.

In Jing Yan's opinion, the ordinary immortal emperor absolutely could not withstand the corrosive force of the black sea water.

Shaking his head, Jing Yan didn't think too much.

When investigating the black seawater, in addition to analyzing the nature of the seawater, another purpose was to see if there were any resources available in the seawater.

After a period of time, Jing Yan determined that it is almost impossible to have resources inside the seawater that can be used by practitioners. Even if there were some resources, they might have been destroyed by the corrosive force of the black sea water.

"Before, the giant axe and others said that the sea of ​​loneliness is full of various dangers, and the practitioners may die if they are not careful.

"But it's been a few days since I came in, but I didn't see any danger."

"As long as you don't go deep into the sea yourself, it seems that the ordinary Emperor can also survive here." Jing Yan thought during the flight.

Above the sea, the waves were calm, and only the seawater beneath them continued to emit mighty waves. But it doesn't seem to be dangerous without touching the sea. So, where does the danger mentioned by the Great Axe and others come from?

Time passes day by day.

It has been more than a hundred days since Jingyan entered the lonely sea.

Rao is Jing Yan, and I feel a little boring.

This sea area seems to be endless. Jing Yan wanted to find a place of silence, but after flying for so many days, Jing Yan didn't feel that he was close to the place of silence.


On this day, Jing Yan in flight captured an unusual amount of energy.

The reason why it is abnormal energy is not to say how strange this energy is. Instead, this energy is different from the power emitted by the black sea water, which is the energy emitted from the practitioner.

"Someone?" Jing Yan's eyes brightened.

After flying for more than 100 days, everything I saw and felt was the power of black sea water. Suddenly, I felt the spiritual power of the practitioners fluctuated, which really caused Jing Yan's mind to fluctuate.

"Finally met the practitioner." Jing Yan thought for a moment.

He looked for this energy fluctuation and quickly approached the past. Of course, although it feels that this energy fluctuation is not very powerful, Jing Yan is not reckless. When looking for the source, Jing Yan was also on guard. Once he found something wrong, he immediately evacuated and fled.

After half a tea time, Jing Yan saw the source of energy, and he was indeed a practitioner.


The practitioner, now turned into a corpse, floated on the black water.

"It should have just died shortly, so although there is no vitality in the body, it can still passively release the divine power fluctuations ~ www.readwn.com ~ No wonder the divine power fluctuations I feel are very weak."

"It's just, how did he die?" Jing Yan looked at the corpse floating quietly on the sea, his eyes frowning.

Nearby, there are no signs of other practitioners' activities. In the space, there is no remnant of the spiritual power of the second practitioner.

"I'm afraid not killed by other practitioners."

"If it is killed by other practitioners, there should be at least two people's divine power remaining in the space. Unless the other person's strength is much stronger than me and intentionally cover up the atmosphere." Jing Yan changed his mind.

Jing Yan felt that the possibility of this person being killed by other practitioners was low.

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