Universal Sword God

Chapter 3500: Unknown creature

Jing Yan enlightened the corpse with divine thoughts.

"This person's strength is not weak. Although he is not a state of extremes, he has a lot of Yuanzu Taoism. He is about ... close to the level of the Great God of Heaven and Emperor Binghai." Jing Yan's thoughts reflected Yuanyuan Remaining fluctuations of the rule.


"This is ... a wound!" Jing Yan found some wounds.

Fang Caijing Yan did not find these wounds, because the body had been corroded in the black sea water, and it was difficult to find intact skin on the entire body. But during further investigation, Jing Yan saw the wound.

This dead practitioner is very strong and physically tough. But after his death, he could not actively procure Divine Power's body, only relying on the toughness of the flesh, could not stop the force of black sea corrosion.

Jing Yan's eyebrows were locked tightly, and the wounds he saw further confirmed his previous guess. This practitioner was not killed by other practitioners. Such a wound was obviously not made by a practitioner. Judging from Jing Yan's experience, it looks like a trace of some beast's claws.

"Space treasures and natal weapons are also on the body." Jing Yan released his divine power and took this person's space treasures and natal weapons into his hands.

"This practitioner is not weak, and there must be a lot of resources on him. If other practitioners killed him, it is not impossible to take away the remaining resources." Jing Yan said in his heart.

Even if you are a powerful man in a state of extremes, you will not completely ignore these resources!

"Is there really a beast here?" Jing Yan became more cautious.


At this moment, not far behind Jing Yan, the originally calm sea suddenly became restless. On the sea, a huge water column rose into the sky. Black water sprayed all around. The power of corrosion suddenly became rich.

"That's ..." Jing Yan looked intently, and the whole body's divine power worked instantly.

Immediately after, Jing Yan saw a huge figure flying out of the sea. It was a black monster with a dark body all over it, with a huge body. When it flew out of the sea, a huge noise appeared on the sea surface.

"There are fierce beasts! What is this thing that can actually survive here?" Jing Yan urged the Dao, and Bingyan Sword instantly condensed into his hands.

Although I don't know what monster I saw at this time, I can guess that the practitioner who just died may have been killed by this monster.

Xu Yanjian, Jing Yan can already see the whole picture of the monster.

This monster looks strange and has a huge head. A head seems to occupy most of the body. On the front of the head, there is a red one-eyed eye. Below the eyes is a large mouth. The red one-eyed monster is staring at Jing Yan.

When Jing Yan saw the whole picture of the monster, he knew how the wound on the dead practitioner was caused.

Below the monster's body, there are four jagged blade-like arms that match the shape of the wound on the dead practitioner.

"It really is this monster that killed that person." Jing Yan took a breath.

Just when Jing Yan considered whether he was going to shoot first, the monster had action.

I saw it opened its mouth, and that mouth was surprisingly large. It opened its mouth, but the body did not rush towards the position where Jing Yan was. It opened its mouth wide and stayed where it was, with a sharp cry, a force appeared from that big mouth.

This force immediately affected Jing Yan. Jing Yan felt a strong suction and wanted to **** himself in. This power, which belongs to the power of darkness, is similar to the mixed beast that Jing Yan had seen in those years. It's just that the power of this monster is by no means comparable to mixed beasts. Compared with it, the mixed beast can only be regarded as the shrimp in front of the predator.

"Open!" Jing Yan felt that the restraining force was getting stronger and his body was a bit difficult to control. He whispered in his mouth, and the divine power broke out, and he was temporarily free of the influence of the black monster's suction.

Then, Jing Yan waved Bingyan Sword, and a sword slashed at the black monster.

Facing Jing Yan's sword, the black monster did not dodge. Jian Guang fell directly on the monster. Although this sword is not a sword of Jing Yan's full strength, the power it contains is also extremely arrogant. But this sword hit the black monster, but it just split the black monster upside down for some distance.

The black monster quickly regained its shape on the surface of the sea, and made a continuous sharp scream in its mouth.

It wobbled a relatively short tail and darted towards Jing Yan.

It opened its mouth wide, and awful suction appeared again, trying to **** Jingyan past. The suction this time is several times stronger than before, and in the suction, there is even more powerful corrosion.

"This thing is not easy to kill!"

"The physical defense of this thing is a bit outrageous. Although its attack method seems simple, it is very effective. Once a practitioner with a lesser strength is within the range of its suction, it is difficult to get rid of it." Jing Yan quickly Turned around.

"Get away from me!" Jing Yan sang again, and a sword slashed at the black monster again.

This sword is the sword of Qian Kun that contains the suit to kill the fairy. Jianguang swept across, leaving a deep wound on the black monster's body. But this monster is huge, and Jing Yan's sword does not seem to cause much damage to the black monster, it seems to have inspired its fierceness.

"Withdraw!" Jing Yan spurred the power of God and then retreated.

Jing Yan gave up and continued to entangle with the black monster.

The black monster chased Jing Yan for a distance, after which he might feel that he could not catch up with Jing Yan, and then re-entered the black sea water. On the sea, calm was restored, and nothing seemed to have happened.

"There are even such monsters in the lonely sea." Jing Yan shook his head gently.

Foreword has spent some time exploring the interior of the black water and found no living things. It now seems that the judgment was wrong at that time. Unknown creatures ~ www.readwn.com ~ are hidden in the black sea water, and it is extremely cruel and terrifying.

He continued to fly a distance over the sea, and Jing Yan stopped.

He took out the space treasure just obtained from the corpse, broke the immortal mark on it, and entered into it to look.

There are indeed many resources in the treasures of space. However, today's ordinary resources are no longer attractive to Jing Yan.

With a thought, Jing Yan took out a jade card from the space treasure.

"This is a coordinate positioning." Jing Yan said softly.

Inside the jade card, there are coordinate positions engraved by the power of the soul. There are several light spots in it, one of which is closer to Jing Yan's position at this time.

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