
When he was five meters away from Situ Qian, the vision was suddenly appeared!

I saw a crack in the air above Situ Qian. Inside, there is a strong suction that pulls her!

Di Lun was shocked. Then he was busy increasing Primal Chaos Origin Power and protecting Situ Qian. At the same time, keep the body in front of her!

Lin Xiao also wakes up like a dream, fling and flies…

Awkward, Di Lun’s tragic half-sound, blood spurting, was thrown away hundred meters far!

Lin Xiao, Di Lun is a “Primal Chaos middle-stage” character. Who else can make him look like that?

But at the moment, he has no time to think about it. Because, Situ Qian’s body is slowly being pulled into the crack!

Lin Xiao screamed, turned over the palm, jumped into the air, and a trick “Wind Thunder Rushing Forth Move” shot to the crack!

I saw, countless thunderbolt palm shadow, accompanied by shocking and sharp sound, pounced on the crack!

Unexpectedly, the palm shadow touches, like a mud cow like the sea, without any waves!

Situ Qian’s body, from the crack, is less than ten meters away!

Lin Xiao desperately, jumped to Situ Qian and stretched his hand to pull…

I know, his figure, a short-lived, immediately felt that a huge peerless pressure came!

The “peng” was a muffled sound, and he was knocked out of the casual dozen meters far!

Lin Xiao bounces figure, loudly roared, “Devouring the Sun and Moon” in time!

But listen –

“Hey, hey”

A burst of chestnut ears, the heart of the thorns shakes!

The most powerful trick, “Devouring the Sun and Moon,” only hit the crack halfway. The other half is enough to completely swallow Situ Qian!

Lin Xiao is full of anger, what is this? How is it so resistant?

It’s too late to think about it, and with a hand, “Star Sword” appears in the hands!

At this time, Situ Qian, almost did not enter it!

Lin Xiao handsome face 狰狞, blue glutton, sword body, in one fell swoop, to source Power Power, scream: “Universe Source ‘Star Flash!'”

Yu La, Lin Xiao and the sword are in one, and they slammed into the crack!

“Boom, bang”

The violent explosion shocked the entire Nether World Galaxy!

The powerful wave of qi swept the entire planet!

Countless ghosts, powerhouses, scared to climb to the ground, do not dare to shake, do not understand, what happened?

The glaring of the rays of light, the entire sky, the dust can be argued!

Can not be separated from the spirit of the game, was Yu Bo, rushed out of the planet, fell outside the outer space!

The whole Nether World Galaxy, again and again!

a long time……

Dust is clear!

In the valley, gravel is covered with a lot of ground, countless deep pits, hard to estimate!

A silhouette, holding a colorful brilliance sword proudly, arms, holding a person!

Gradually, silhouette raised his head, he is Lin Xiao!

At this point, his face is like a white paper, his mouth is bloody, and his body is shaking!

However, he did not take it easy, in the eyes, the tenderness looked at the beautiful man in his arms!

A silhouette, from a distance, slanting!

After landing, look at it, it is Nether Lord Di Lun!

However, his face at this time is not as good as Lin Xiao!

Nether Lord Di Lun strode forward and when he saw Lin Xiao look, he said nervously: “Venerable, how are you?”

Lin Xiao smiled hard: “Nothing, how is she now?”

Di Lun stepped forward and said: “Do not worry, Venerable, she is fine, everything is the same as her life. Now, just let her stay in peace, it will be!”

Lin Xiao slightly smiled, looked at her and said softly: “From now on, no one wants to take you away from me!”

Di Lun said: “Venerable, you… are you really okay?”

“Is there a problem?”

“Venerable, I don’t want you to say, just now the attack, I can’t stand the aftermath, I was shocked. Although your cultivation base is high, I am still worried!”

Lin Xiao smiled bitterly: “hehe, Nether Lord, I am not afraid of your jokes, I can’t hold it!”

Di Lun was shocked: “What… what?”

“Help me take care of her, I want to hurt!” With the reverberation, Lin Xiao’s figure disappeared. On the ground gravel, left a large bloodstain!

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