Nether Lord Di Lun was busy catching Situ Qian, looking at the blood on the ground, shook his head helplessly!

Then, his figure flashed and disappeared!

In “Other Dimension Universe”, Lin Xiao is lying on the void, and the handsome face is fierce!

He is absolutely impossible to estimate, the crack is so powerful!

This time, without the help of “Star Sword”, I can’t break it!

The power of the crack in the space is simply too strong. I don’t understand, where did it come from?

Nowadays, “Other Dimension Universe” has also been greatly shocked. It was originally expanded at the speed of light. Now, even the speed of light can’t keep up!

Moreover, the formation of Star, rays of light dim a lot. Some Nebula around him was rushed. I want to re-aggregate, I am afraid it will take some more time!

Lin Xiao secretly smiled, this time, the injury is really heavy!

He gathered the residual Source Power, communicated the space, and adjusted the time ratio to 1:100. The year outside is equivalent to one hundred years inside!

“Star Sword”, still above the first Galaxy, slowly rotates. Luster, no more than before!

When everything is ready, he starts to recover!

Lin Xiao doesn’t know, Nether World at the moment is already a mess!

The huge aftermath of the attack caused the Nether World Galaxy to be damaged. Ten Planet tracks have been deviated!

Especially mortal planet, countless specter, was smashed by the aftermath!

Moreover, the heavy restrictions laid by Nether Lord Di Lun are ripped by the crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

It can be said that today’s Nether World is completely exposed to the outer space, allowing people to travel!

Unfortunately, Nether Lord Di Lun was heavily wounded, although he tried to save, the loss can not be avoided!

After a long time, I will be restored to the original state!

In “Other Dimension Universe”, Lin Xiao’s body is colorful, brilliance, and revolving, spectacular!

His figure, in the void, slowly turns like a planet!

Suddenly, ten thousand zhang Twilight’s own body shot out, and the outer space of the photo is distorted!

At this time, Lin Xiao, who sits in the void, suddenly has a shock, and the handsome face is quite Zhuangsu!

In his mind, he showed a few words “After life or death, you can realize the reality. The true feelings flow, you can feel the self. Universe Source, like a hundred rivers gathered together, vast endless. Hearts, the experience of all things, the fingers Wise wise!”

These words, Lin Xiao seems to understand and understand, always feel like grabbed, but can not grasp the direction!

Suddenly, Lin Xiao seems to think of something, take a long breath, relax the figure, with the outer space carrying the floating load!

The colorful ray of light on the body continues, and it doesn’t stop!

a long time……

Lin Xiao fiercely picks up the figure, eyes opened eyes, yelled: “I understand, I understand, Universe Source, we must focus on the heart, with the intention to supplement, the two connected, empathy!”

When the voice fell, “Other Dimension Universe”, the change of the huge!

The invisible time, in the eyes of Lin Xiao, is clear and eloquent!

It has not passed for a moment. Everything around all, when time flows, is also slowly forming according to its own rules!

Seeing this, Lin Xiao couldn’t help but scream: “Well, the Universe is like this. The Universe is alive, it’s all the time, it’s all moving!”

Suddenly –

Lin Xiao sank from his head, and countless strange and mysterious messages appeared in his memory, out of thin air!

And, to his surprise, “Universe Source Art”, there are even hierarchical!

With memory, he sees: Nihility – gt; Nebula – gt; Planet – gt; Star – gt; Galaxy – gt; Absolute Beginning – gt; Complete Harmony!

Each stage, no front, middle, and back points!

He roughly looked at his current cultivation base, which is the Planet level!

When he knew this, he was very happy and finally knew his cultivation base stage!

But after thinking about it, no one seems to use this level of title to name it?

At this moment, in his mind, a message emerges!

Lin Xiao, I was amazed!

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