Charlie snorted, he said, “But this?”

“Reassure, we Chinese, when we say it, we will not play any heart. Besides, in your current situation, we really want to annex you, do you still have trouble?”

Charlie took a sigh of relief, took out the pen, and signed the name on the file!

Other head of state appear strong, also a bite, signed!

After the incident, Charlie said: “Is this ok?”

Lin Xiao suddenly said: “No, in addition to weapons, 100 billion dollars, can not be less!”

“One…100 billion? You…”

He has to endure!

“Okay, this is no problem, let’s go!”

Lin Xiao looked at them, and said with a smile: “Bastard, look at this time without squeezing you, let you be crazy!”

President Li added: “Money, within half a month, must be sent over, do not accept any transfer, we want cash!”


Charlie’s face is green, but he never dares to call it out!

For a long while, he gasped: “Okay, I promised!”

Lin Xiao opened the mouth and said: “All weapons, within half a year, must be delivered here. If you dare to play any tricks, I promise, your country will definitely disappear from Earth!”

Thirteen people are only loyal, reluctantly promised to withdraw from the battle, and return each!

When they left, General Hao first laughed heartily: “Happy, happy, really fucking, just seeing their birds, it’s really great!”

Many of the remaining officials have also expressed their willingness to smile!

President Li walked up to Lin Xiao and said with a deep sigh: “Brother Lin, although you won’t accept it, I have to give it a gift, thank you very much!”

Lin Xiao did not hide, but smiled and said: “Okay, I accepted. In the future, our country will definitely be the first power!”

“That is natural, with all their weapons and equipment, what are you afraid of?”

“President, that money, what do you have to do in cash?”

“Brother Lin, you have seen it, nowadays so many people, want to live again, not enough cash support, it is impossible!”

“Oh, I understand!” Finished, and said: “Things have been solved, I should go!”

President Li was shocked: “Brother Lin, are you leaving now?”

“Well, I have too many things, I can’t worry!”

“That… what if they go back?”

Lin Xiao smiled proudly: “No, I am not wrong!”

“That’s good!”

Lin Xiao grabbed a piece of broken wood from the ground, entered a Source Power and handed it to President Li. He said, “This piece of wood has my thread of divine sense. When it is critical, just break him. I can sense it!”

President Li received the treasure, and said: “Brother Lin, sincerely say, thank you very much!”

“hehe, I hope I can never use it!” Yu La, he said: “Everyone, goodbye!” With the “see” reverberation, Lin Xiao’s figure disappeared!

All the officials, the spirit of the wind, proud!

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