President Li ordered a tense recovery job!

In the room of Situ Qian, Lin Xiao showed figure!

At first glance, I stopped!

There are many more people in the room!

Take a closer look at Long Family Old Ancestor, Old Nangong, Old Ancestor Situ, Situ Haonan and a beautiful young married woman!

In addition to them, there is a couple of middle-aged couples. Lin Xiao also knows that they are the father and mother of Nangong Fei!

At this moment, Situ Haonan and young married woman are looking at Situ Qian, keep on chilling, caring again and again!

Seeing this, Lin Xiao understood, Situ Qian’s family, came to see her!

That young married woman is a mother of Situ Qian!

And Teacher Xu, I don’t know where to go!

Lin Xiao’s quietness appeared, and the people in the room didn’t pay attention!

Looking at the Situ Qian and Lin Xiao who were cared for by father and mother, there is an inexplicable bitterness!

At this time, Situ Qian inadvertently saw Lin Xiao, she broke free from the embrace of the two, happy: “Lin Xiao, you are here!”

Everyone is ignorant, it’s one of them!

First of all, Old Ancestor Situ said with a laugh: “A generation is stronger than a generation, we old bones, it should be rotten!”

Situ Qian stepped forward and took Lin Xiao and said, “This is my father and mother!”

Nangong is invincible and smiles: “this girl, so soon, I will introduce the father and mother!”

Situ Qian is very beautiful, and he said: “Nangong grandfather, you are old!”

Long Bayu looked at Lin Xiao, the majestic road: “Lin Xiao, you, good!”

Lin Xiao smells, oh nodded!

Situ Xuan A Long Bayu: “Old Long, don’t be so complicated, look at it!”

After listening to Long Bayu, he grinned and shocked everyone!

Nangong shot him invincible: “Old Long, how are you laughing? It’s ugly than crying!”

Long Bayu said: “I am like this, time is too long, can’t change!”

Looking at the warm side, Lin Xiao, remembered his grandfather!

At this point, he regretted that when he was in Nether World, he should really look for grandfather to see if he is also on the mortal planet!

However, according to the situation, the probability should be small. Nascent Soul dissipates, which means that it will disappear in the universe forever!

“Hey,” he sighed in his heart, put away his sly mood, and looked at the Situ Xuan trio, saying: “Three Seniors, I have something to tell you!”

Situ Xuan waved: “Senior Sima has told us that Feng’er, a few of them, can get this Good Fortune, their merits, we are happy for them!”

Lin Xiao said with a smile : “Since all of you know, I won’t say more. There is another point, their Master has left you a cultivating cultivation technique!”

Long Bayu heard, excited: “Really? Can we also cultivating?”

The rest of the people wait, the eyes are also big ray of light!

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