A chaotic star territory with a comet, Lin Xiao showed figure.

When he saw the situation around him, dashing eyebrows glanced: “The Dark Empire and Interstellar Butcher actually live in this star territory, which is really messy.”

Also, the entire star territory, or a medium-sized Galaxy, has a small number of planets, and there are fewer than ten Stars spread widely.

However, the planets within Lin Xiao’s eyesight range are large and hundreds of times larger than Earth.

The colors vary, red, pink, blue, and so on.

And between the orbits of these planets, the countless little Planet, the meteorite keeps moving. From time to time, there is a small Planet that is disturbed by the gravitational force of the planet, smashing, or slamming into the planet.

In the face of this situation, Lin Xiao is very depressed, and the living environment of Interstellar Butcher and the Dark Empire is too bad.

He traced the divine sense and found two nests of lifeform.

Lin Xiao figure moves, flying to the thousand thousand kilometers, an azure huge planet star territory.

He landed on a small 100-kilometre small Planet and watched the azure planet.


A battleship, taking off from the planet, disappears into the starry sky.

“Upper Universe is related to them again. What is going on?” Lin Xiao didn’t understand.

“Go down and explore.” The idea must be, immediately hide the figure, Source Power all over the body, easily escaped the monitoring system outside the planet, moved towards the ground.

On a mountain peak, Lin Xiao looked far away and said to himself: “The environment is not bad. However, the meteorites in the sky are really disturbing.” Standing on the summit, looking at the sky, you can clearly see that countless swimming rocks and Little Planet reverberates, and there is a danger of rushing in at any time.

Without paying attention to this, Lin Xiao divine sense swept and quickly found the pivot of the entire planet.

In a canyon, dim and dark, all around is covered with electronic eyes, and sensitive devices like infrared. There is even a path of corrugated gas that surrounds the entire canyon and over the sky.

There is no guard here, and Lin Xiao goes straight inside.

After the in-depth, the outside looks like no luster, but the interior is bright and grand, and extremely vast.

Thousands of Universe Battleships are exhausted, and each and everyone human form lifeform moves back and forth, all of which are heavy weapons.

These lifeforms, the whole is no different from humans, two-legged second-hand, one head.

But on their forehead, one more eye, the mouth is sharp, and the sides of the cheeks are covered with a few hard scales. Both hands and feet are longer than humans, and the speed of action is also very fast.

“Are they dark empire, or Interstellar Butcher?” Lin Xiao guessed.

Just at this time –

A group of silhouettes is far and near.

Lin looked away, can not help astonished.

The silhouette of their head is exactly the same as Earth. To be precise, similar to the Chinese, black hair, yellow skin, and a head around 1.8 m, is a middle-aged person.

The lifeform behind him is grotesque, like octopus, like spiders, tentacles densely packed.

Several people rushed into a secret room, and the light flashed and closed instantly.

Lin Xiao communicated with the space, teleportation went in.

Inside, like the one on the Aiwei Planet, all automation, the most amazing thing is that Lin Xiao sees these people coming in and snoring, all the programs are automatically turned on, what is the tea, the table is chaired, the computer is automatically turned on, The folder is placed in front of each person by the robot.

Soon, a few people were seated, and the person who resembled humans spoke: “Everyone, we are free, what do we do next?”

A tall, multi-antenna lifeform, opened a bloody mouth, said: “I propose that our dark empire, with your Interstellar Butcher alliance, a total of the hegemony.”

“General Mies, are we not already in the league now?”

“No, Changer Commander-in-Chief, we used to be coerced and forced to join the alliance. Now, we know from their conversation that both of them are dead, so we will not Being threatened, you can let go of it.”

Chang Yu meditated: “General, you said who will be the lifeform?”

Mies shook his head: “I don’t know, he is very strong. In short, there is a point. We will see him in the future and will immediately flee.”

“After our alliance, if there is any action, what if he suppresses it?”

“This… I think it shouldn’t. A lifeform like him will rarely stay in one place. For us, he may be dismissive.”

“It is true that it is true, but a few days ago, we have lost a lot of battleship, you said, will it be related to him?”

Mi Xiaodao said: “What’s the matter? Have we played it? Besides, we didn’t know his existence before, maybe it was unintentional, our people suddenly offended him, and caused the murder.” ”

“Well, this makes sense.” After a pause, he said: “Well, our alliance, and later sent a scout ship to see if the man left. Once he disappeared, we immediately launched the general attack and took love in one fell swoop.” Wei and Dolly two planets.”

Miyun said: “The two planets, although we have been waiting for a long time, must be successful this time.”

“That is natural, oh, yes, General Miyun. I suggest that we immediately send a message to the fleet hidden behind them. They can act on their own, and it is best to suddenly attack Aiwei and Dolly.”

“Good, yes, I agree.”

“Just do it, and lay them down, we are one family, then, then swallow the Sea Spirit Galaxy, take the Amphora planet, the Vatican planet, the undead planet, etc., all.”

“hahaha, it will not take long for us to become the master of this star territory and to dominate the universe.”

“Let’s go.” Yu La, Chang Yu and his lifeform out of the secret room.

Lin Xiao followed closely from behind, and when he was outside, he fell into meditation.

In the current form, Interstellar Butcher and the Dark Empire intend to swallow Aiwei and Dolly, which is inconsistent with the things of the Upper Universe, old woman and the middle-aged large man. Why should they control them?

Then, from the conversation, I know that the life space of the lifeform’s battleship team is hidden in the outer space of the Aiwei Planet and Dolly Planet. This is not good news.

In order to not be the grass to scare the snake, Lin Xiao is ready to return, find their hidden troops, eliminate the hidden dangers, and then go back to their nest.

Thinking of this, he immediately returned.

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