Two hours later.

Aiwei Planet, Lin Xiao arrives at the periphery of the planet.

Focusing on the Aiwei Planet, the divine sense sweeps over and overwhelmingly, he wants to find out the position of the enemy fleet.

Sure enough, under the penetration of his divine sense, a small group of Universe Battleships was parked in a small Planet group a hundred thousand kilometers from the planet.

After that, the divine sense is retracted and extends again in the other direction. Soon, a light blue planet is presented.

“Look at this aura, it should be Dolly Planet.” Lin Xiao is secret.

Then, the divine sense is mobilized, like a water ripple. Sure enough, from the outer space of Dolly Planet 200,000, a meteorite group, also hidden about the thousand thousand battleship.

Lin Xiao coldly smiled, divine sense, and moved towards planet.

He was very familiar and he quickly found Zi Jing and the others.

At this time, Xiao Yu, Mike ten people are turning around the things in the house, eyes full of envy. At this point, each of them has already brought “Interstellar Language Translator!”

Lin Xiao pushed in and saw that Zi Fan was there.

“Strange person ……” Zi Jing saw him first and hurriedly greeted him.

Lin Xiao glanced at her and said, “What’s the beautiful woman, why is it so urgent in the eyes?”

Zi Jing pointed out Xiao Yu: “He said that Earth is dangerous and wants us to help in the past. Moreover, when you let them come, why not explain the situation, if Longlong finds them, it will definitely make a misunderstanding.”

Lin Xiao smiled: “Unexpected, unexpected, forgot the language is not good.” Finished, looking to Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu saw him, immediately stood up, loudly said: “Divine Immortal, is true, Earth is in a bad situation now, Universe Destroyer Star Traveller is coming back, with a helper, we can’t stop it.”

Lin Xiao was surprised: “Universe Destroyer Star Traveller is coming again?”

“Yes, this time, not only they, but also the unknown lifeform. Their technology is very advanced and their combat power is strong. Earth and Pluto have tried their best to protect themselves.”

“This way!” Lin Xiao whispered.

Universe Destroyer Star Traveller once said that they have a backstage and they say they can’t afford to offend. I don’t think they really committed it.

Lin Xiao waved his hand: “Sit down.”

After sitting down, Lin Xiao said: “How long does Earth still hold?”

Xiao Yu said in a dull way: “The time is not long. We have been using Earth for more than a year since we started from Earth. We are not clear.”

“More than a year?” Lin Xiao was shocked: “It’s okay, I can’t think of Earth’s technological advances so fast.”

“Divine Immortal, I don’t have to say anything else, Earth is in danger. If it is not by Situ, Nangong and Long Family Three Great Families are fighting, Earth is finished early. Even so, their three tribes have a lot of casualties, this is not a long time. The way.”

Nangong Fei and Long Tiandan listened and said: “Do we have a lot of family casualties?”

Xiao Yu is shocked: “You are?”

“My name is Nangong Fei and he is Long Tiandan.”

“Ah, it’s you. Rumors, you have been taken away by Immortal. So far, it has been nearly a hundred years, and you are still very young, it seems to be true.”

Nangong Fei said in a hurry: “Don’t say that it’s useless. How about my Nangong and Long Family?”

“This… I can’t say that I am an outsider. I can only see the surface. What is the real situation of your family? I can’t understand it.”

“As you said, the surface of the discipline is very serious?”


“Oh!” The two are relaxed, but they are not pity on the peripheral discipline. In this case, anyone will only care about their family, others, who will go?

“Fan, what do you mean?” Lin Xiao looked at Zi Fan.

Zi Fan said: “I am unable to help the Lord, I must let my parents get the idea.”

Zi Jing called out: “Brother, talk to your parents right away, we immediately sent troops to reinforce Earth.”

“Okay, let’s go.”

In the language, Lin Xiao entire group stepped out and sat on the spaceship and immediately flew to the place where the Zilei couple worked.

Tianzhiya base.

Lin Xiao and the others fell by spaceship.

They learned that the Zilei couple were checking in here and they rushed in the first time.

“Dad, Mom…” Seeing the Zilei couple in the distance, Zi Jing rushed up.

Looking at the child-like Zi Jing, Lin Xiao’s heart is a bit lost.

Future Crystal, this defying heaven treasure, when I asked if I could be with them, there was Universe starry sky. What does this mean?

He tried to think about the benefits, but what the heart is like to bear heavy weight, he is difficult to relieve.

At this time, Zi Jing has told Xiao Yu’s request.

I heard that Xiao Yu was from Earth, and the one-s feelings in one’s speech.

For the enthusiasm of the Zilei couple, Xiao Yu ten people can not afford to eat.

In their eyes, the Zilei couple’s status is equivalent to the country president. And the status of this planet, which is incomparably developed by this technology, is the status of an Earth’s president.

In the hall, the Zilei couple was silent for a moment, Feng Landao: “Lee, I agree.”

Purple Lei sighed and said: “Well, how Earth is also our hometown, now it is difficult in our hometown, we have no reason to help.” After that, he told Xiao Yudao: “I will contact the multi-plane planet immediately, let them Also sent troops and reinforcements at the same time.”

“Ah, thank you, thank you very much.” Xiao Yu excitedly trembled.

“The uncle, aunt, before that, we need to solve some troubles.” Lin Xiao said.

“Oh, what? Please say.” For Lin Xiao, the Zilei couple did not dare to be disrespectful. They could kill an invincible opponent in an instant, and they could save the dead. Naturally, they had already drawn him to Divine. I went there in Immortal.

Lin Xiao smiled helplessly. “The asteroid belt, which is thousands of kilometers away from us, has a fleet of hidden dark empires and Interstellar Butcher. They are going to have a sneak attack. I was inadvertently heard.”

Purple Thunder startled: “What are you going to do?”

“Of course, it is strong to start with, otherwise, when they attack us, they will definitely be passive.”

“Well, wherever, you immediately gather the hunting thousand fleet and immediately kill them.”

“Yes, Dad!” Zi Fan responded and turned and left.

Lin Xiao is not good intention thinking: “Uncle, why do you ask why I know? How do you know?”

Purple mine said with a smile: “No need, if you say, we fully believe.”

“Thank you, and there is also the Dolly Planet. The location is similar. You’d better act together and let them take care of the end.”

“No problem, Lanmei, I will give it to you.”

“Okay, Ray Ge!” Feng Lan left.


One day later, the fleet is ready.

Zi Lei informed that Dolly Planet is also ready to be launched and unified attack.

Lin Xiao entered the coordinates into Zi Fan’s brain and took Nangong Fei to the mountain top that discovered “Future Crystal”.

Whistling in the ear, the battleship team set off.

Lin Xiao divine sense sweeps, but has no feeling for the “future crystal”.

“Strange person, what are you doing here?” Zi Jing was curious.

‘It’s nothing. “Lin Xiao wants to find the crystal of the future, and confirms it again.

Xiao Yu, Mike ten people are very quiet at the moment, in front of Lin Xiao, they dare not be too mad.

Five hours later, the battleship team returned.

Lin Xiao and the others rushed over and saw Zi Fan, not yet open, Zi Fan said with a big smile : “Slow, really refreshing, dark empire and Interstellar Butcher are still worried, we launched a Thunder offensive, hit them utterly Defeated, the wolf will escape.”

Lin Xiao nodded: “Dolly Planet?”

“The same result, this time thanks to your news, otherwise, when they come to hit us, they will suffer.”

“hehe, it should be.”

“Fan Ge, as for their nest, I thought about it. After this pain, they should converge. In this star territory, everyone is coexisting and there is no need to kill to the last one.”

Zi Fan nodded: “You are reasonable, sometimes a step back, your opponent may be aware.”

“hehe, hope is it!”


Three days later, the 200,000 battleship team was fully armed and parked at the “Universe Police Port” to prepare for the interstellar rescue.

This 200,000 fleet, Dolly and Avignon half.

In the conference room, the two parties issued the order, Zi Fan was the highest Commander-in-Chief, and Wang Xiaochong of Dolly Planet was the deputy.

For this arrangement, Wang Xiaochong has nothing to say. Zi Fan is much stronger than him, and he has self-knowledge.

In the distance, at the peak, Lin Xiao and Zi Jing are dependent.

“Beautiful woman, we are going to go there, it is very likely that we will not go back here, go directly to Cultivator World.”

Zi Jing big eyes red, said: “I told my parents and brothers last night, they said, willing to support me.”

Lin Xiao took her half-heartedly and said: “unimportant, your parents are only a few decades old, and how many centuries? With the medicine pill I sent, it is not a problem to live a year or two.”

“I told you what I told you, medicine pill can only take one capsule a year. Mom and Dad said, say…”

“Say what?”

“They said, let me follow you consistently.”

Lin Xiao smiled badly: “So, my uncle, my aunt agreed?”

“en!” Zi Jing pretty face is red.

“hehe, Zi Jing, when are we?”


“That is that one.”

Zi Jing stunned, then raised the powder punch and smashed the past: “strange person, you give me go to hell.”

“Oh… murdering the husband.” Lin Xiao screamed and screamed.

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