At noon, the 200,000 fleet was a huge army.

Lin Xiao flew to the sky and transported Source Power. “You, don’t move, I will put you in another environment. When you get there, stay well.”

“Okay!” Zi Fan responded. For Lin Xiao’s words, he was in favor of one hundred and twenty.

The divine sense overlay, immediately received the 200,000 battleship in the “Other Dimension Universe”.

“You also go in.” Lin Xiao said to Zi Jing a few humanities, and then they took them in.

Seeing that so many people disappeared, the Zilei couple, as well as many high-ranking officials, were once again shocked and could not express themselves.

Lin Xiao fell to the ground and said: “Uncle, aunt, I am leaving.”

Feng Lan said with a smile : “Okay, Xiao’er, be careful on the road.”

The relationship has been fixed, and the name of Lin Xiao has changed.

Lin Xiao pondered then said: “I have a word I want to tell you.”

The two looked at each other and the purple thunder said: “Let’s talk!”

“This time, after we solved the problem of Earth, I will go to another place with Zi Jing. They will come back.”

Purple Ray said in a dark way: “Jinger has already told us, go, you have your own way, I will not stop you.”

There is tear in the eyes of Fenglan: “Xiao’er, there is time in the future, remember to come back and see us.”

“Yes, Mom!” Lin Xiao called.

“What do you call me?” Fenglan shocked.

Lin Xiao said again: “Mom, Dad.”

Purple Lei couple excited, nodded again and again: “Good, good, child, from now on, we are your parents.”

Lin Xiao stared, how much he hoped to have a close relative, but the reality did not.

Now, Zi Jing’s father and mother have become their parents.

Lin Xiao resisted tears and said: “I am leaving, you take care.”

Purple Lei stepped forward, patted Lin Xiao, took a ball from his arms, and applied the crystal to the silk, handed it to Lin Xiao: “child, this is what the ancestors encountered during the interstellar migration. It is said that this ball It has a great magical effect, which can protect the body from disasters and eliminate martyrdom.”

Lin Xiao took it with a smile and he didn’t say much.

At the moment of the tentacle, Lin Xiao suddenly felt shocked. He felt that a huge Primal Chaos Origin Power was uploaded from the ball.

“This…” Lin Xiao moved, a ball encountered in the interstellar, was actually a non-physical.

“Uncle, this thing is too expensive, I can’t.” Lin Xiao was busy returning, if it was as purple, he could avoid disaster. Then give yourself, if they have an accident, they have no place to cry.

Purple Lei contains said with a smile : “You will accept it, this thing has no use in me. Even if it is encountered in the Universe, it may be just the crystal of the residue, nothing special. I saved it. Because, this is the relic of the ancestors, and we can’t just throw it away.”

“I can’t accept this, the precious relics of the ancestors, how can I ask?”

Purple Lei face: “Don’t you be quiet?”

Lin Xiao startled, nodded.

“That’s it. If you are quiet, you can be considered a half-love planet. You hold it, you should.”

Lin Xiao is not pushing: “Okay, I have accepted it.”

“Let’s go, Earth is waiting for the rescue, there is no time to delay.”

Looking at the two people, Lin Xiao was slightly squatted, and it was a gift to the elders. “I am leaving.”

“hehe,child, you can rest assured that you don’t have to worry about your mom and me. Our planet’s ultimate protection cover has been opened, and it is safe to have Professor Shen Qiang personally.”

“Oh!” Lin Xiao nodded, he hasn’t seen Professor Shen Qiang for so long.

But time is not allowed, he took another look at the eyes, the figure disappeared and returned to Earth.


A month later, a spiral-shaped Galaxy 桓亘outer space.

The space fluctuated and Lin Xiao appeared.

Looking at the vortex Galaxy, he said to himself: “Running around and getting lost, I hope to catch up.” After that, the figure was turned into a streamer and put into the Galaxy.

The solar system.

Pluto periphery.

Kuiper Belt Frozen celestial group.

Lin Xiao eyes is burning in the light, staring at the front, saying: “The celestial body has been destroyed, it seems that the situation is not good.”

The body moved and flew into the solar system.

Passing Pluto, Lin Xiao wanted to land for Ruan Tian, ​​but after thinking about it, he is now very likely to be at Earth.



A laser cannon blew him to him without warning.

Lin Xiao’s heart shook and immediately flashed away.

Staring, Pluto’s orbit, a disc-shaped battleship stares at Lin Xiao, inside lifeform baring fangs and brandishing claws.


The battleship attacked again, and hundreds of rays illuminate, interweaving into a network of light, covering him.

Lin Xiao was shocked and the attack was no weaker than Interstellar Butcher.


Lin Xiao sighs and Source Power runs, punching and smashing.

“Earthling, powerful, very powerful, fast escape.” In the battleship, a mechanical sound is heard.


The round Universe Battleship is going to run.

“Leave your life.” Lin Xiao loudly shouted, flying straight up, the golden palm hit, quickly zoomed in, holding the battleship in his hand.

“Roar, hehe…” Lin Xiao saw that the lifeform in the battleship was actually the Universe Destroyer Star Traveller.

“Earthling, Earthling…” Universe Destroyer Star Traveller’s huge eyes are horrified, and the corners are pointing to the battleship, like Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao coldly snorted, golden The palm of the hand slammed, and the battleship turned into powder.

Without stopping, Lin Xiao quickly flew to Earth.

After the arrival of Mars, Lin Xiao stopped and stopped.

In the outer space, a black Universe Battleship is surrounded by ten disc battleships, and the black Universe Battleship is severely disabled and the fire is constantly flashing.

This black battleship, Lin Xiao remembers very clearly, belongs to the Pluto fleet.


Ten round war warships can be fired and attacked the middle of the black battleship.


At the time of the crisis, a warehouse door opened, a silhouette, and it quickly popped out.

At the same time, the black battleship was shattered.

Lin Xiao looked at the silhouette and lost his voice: “Ruan Tian big brother.”

At this time, Ruan Tian was wearing a green belt and was covered in blood. Although he escaped the fate of the broken bones, he was still surrounded by enemy ships.

He couldn’t help but despair and lost when there was a battleship. There is no battleship now, but a dead end.


One of the disc battleships, extending a mechanical arm, caught the Ruan Tian as fast as electric light.

Ruan Tian didn’t have time to react, and was instantly held in it.

“Hey, it’s hard to die.” Ruan Tian sighed.

Suddenly, the arm trembled and then broke into countless segments, scattered in the outer space.

This scene made Ruan Tian stunned.

At this time, a silhouette, slowly emerged around him.

Ruan Tian saw it, trembled and excited: “Lin… Brother Lin, is… you?”

Lin Xiao reached out and held him, said with a smile: “It’s me, Big Brother Ruan, I am back.”

“Great, that’s great.” Ruan Tian shouted happily.


Ten battleships suddenly attacked, and the laser cans masked the stars.

“Brother Lin is careful…” Ruan Tian yelled.

Lin Xiao handsome face, a single palm, a wave of rushing out of the sea, four times overflowing. Countless attacks have been rolled back.

“Escape…” The enemy ship ordered them to turn around and run.

Lin Xiao raised right hand, the illusion of the side, the golden palm of the ten huge objects, and rushed over.

“Boom, Bang…” Ten battleships annihilated in an instant.

“Good, happy!” Ruan Tian excitedly yelled.

“Big Brother Ruan, let’s go back.”

Ruan Tian said: “No, Brother Lin, now Earth is surrounded by status, I just broke out.”

“What? Surrounded?”

“Yes, Earth is going to die right away. I am going to rush to Pluto for help, but who knows, they have been caught up, if not you, I will die.”

“Why are you rushing over? Can you send a message directly?”

“No, this time the enemy is too strong, but fortunately they don’t know Pluto. If you use a radio call, the underground base on Pluto will definitely be exposed. At that time, our only trump card is gone.”

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