“Ah…” The two shouted, the next moment, the figure turned into Changhong, and the sky disappeared.

“Brother Lin, they…” Ruan Tian said.

Lin Xiao shook his head and said: “They are fine, let them vent and vent outside.”

“Boss, do we want to shoot?” Longlong looked at the sky.

“No.” After that, he said to Fan President: “President, you all have to rest, I believe that it will take a long time and everything will return to normal.”

“Okay, thank you!” everyone was grateful for zero, laughing and leaving.

“Big Brother Ruan, is there any way to resolve the evolutionary bacteria?”

Ruan Tian pondered then said: “Yes, Pluto is researching, you can freeze the evolutionary bacteria and let all the animals return to their functions.”

Lin Xiao sighed: “Are we doing this a bit too selfish?”

Ruan Tian said helplessly: “No way, if every animal has human wisdom, then every day, bloody blood will be staged. In the end, Earth will not break.”

Lin Xiao is silent, he no longer says anything.

In the final analysis, Lin Xiao is a human being. Even in his heart, all life is equal, but at the moment when he is truly equal, his heart is no longer calm.

Now Earth is a good example. Animals have superb wisdom, intend to replace humans, compete for territory, and be their own. In the consciousness of animals, they were slaughtered before, and now they understand everything. They will certainly not repeat the old things and must turn over.

Therefore, they want to attack humans and kill humans. Only when humans die, they are truly safe.

If you want to let the present human beings live in peace with animals, it is undoubtedly a fantasy. If the change is that human beings have been oppressed, it is hard to turn over one day and to live in peace with the opponents. Humans will not agree at all.

To be safe, you must put your opponent to death.

Suddenly, a stone-shattering explosion rang from the air.

Then, the aftermath of the mighty horror made the entire Earth tremble.

“This is the fluctuation of the force of cultivation.” Lin Xiao is stunned.


The violent violent bang, like the Nine Heavens thunderbolt, the scorpio discoloration.

“Hateful, and my family is coming.” Nangong Fei’s voice is loud.

“Oh… interesting, I didn’t think of it, and it really came a sir.” A strange whistle, it was ear-piercing.

“Longlong, we, Xiaofei, who lost, Zi Jing left.” Lin Xiao ordered, three people rushed into the air.

Outside outer space.

One hundred thousand kilometers away, the battleship between the two sides turned into a confrontation scene.

Lin Xiao divine sense swept, startled, Aiwei and Dolly both lost the fleet of nearly thousand ships, and the enemy ships, the same number.

“hong long long ……”

Not far away, the three silhouettes shuttle back and forth, and each time they touch, they can create space cracks. Next to it, standing a young man, expression is very proud.


Long Tiandan flew backwards and blood squirted.


Lin Xiao left and immediately caught Long Tiandan.

“en!” The young man saw a few surprises when he saw Lin Xiao.


The two silhouettes are paired and thrown at the same time.

“Xiaofei, what’s going on?” Lin Xiao asked, asking Nangong Fei, who had a bloody mouth.

Nangong Fei stared at the opposite two and resentfully said: “It is they who killed my family, they are!”

“What?” Lin Xiao heard, and the cold eyes shot at the opposite of the two.

At this time, he saw that the silhouette of the fight with Nangong Fei was a woman who was pretty, but full of seductive.

“Two God Monarch middle-stage.” Lin Xiao’s heart moved, he released Source Power and carefully sensed the two, suddenly fire: “Upper Universe.”

“You really have no opportunity.” Lin Xiao coldly said.

A man and a woman flew in front of him and looked at Lin Xiao five people. The young man joked: “brat, do you know who we are?”

Lin Xiao said coldly: “Of course I know, now I ask you, Situ and Nangong on Earth, is it your hand?”

“ge ge” said with a smile : “They, the cultivation technique is good, but the cultivation base is too low. Originally they just surrender the cultivation technique, we will leave them a life, but they are too fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness, Did not say anything about death.”

Lin Xiao’s long-lost murderous aura shot: “Dare to move my loved ones, you are dead.”

“Giggle, brat, talk less, you guys, I didn’t even look at it.”

The man on the other side said: “Look at you with a strong aura on our side, say it, and you will be misunderstood.”

Nangong Fei: “I am not dead today, but I am dead.”

Long Tiandan clenched his fists and although he was seriously injured, he still wanted to fight.

“Longlong, Xiaofei, you are watching, I have to kill them personally.”

“No!” Nangong Fei called: “I want to kill them.”

Lin Xiao nodded, said: “One person.”

“No, Lin Xiao, you are on the sidelines, don’t let them run.”

Longlong said: “This kind of little thing doesn’t have to be shot by the boss. There is this Sovereign here, they can’t escape.”

“Hateful!” Man’s face fierce-looking: “You guys brat is too arrogant, so sure to eat us?”

Nangong Fei has a chest: “Let your eyes see it.” Yu La, his figure swayed and bullied them.

A man and a woman were cold-stained and attacked at the same time as Nangong Fei.


Nangong Fei was beaten upside down.

Then he slammed and slammed again.

“act recklessly.” The man was sneered, and a sword appeared in his hand, and the sword qi was slanted and smashed toward Nangong Fei.


At the critical juncture, Nangong Fei called “Star Sword” and rushed to resist.


Nangong Fei has a shock, spit a mouthful of blood.

“Boss!” Longlong was anxious.

“Don’t move, let Xiaofei solve it by himself.” Lin Xiao snorted.

“Myriad Transformations.” Nangong Fei screams, Divine Artifact in the hands of the illusion, countless Star Sword, full of void.

A pair of men and women see this, face startled, and then, each hand in the hands of a big move, ready to meet.

” attack!” Nangong Fei waved his hands and countless Star Swords, rushing to them like lightning.

“wind and rain Scorpio.” The man’s sword circle, in contrast, a path of virtual sword qi formed, slammed into Star Sword.

“The whip is a thousand miles away.” There was a long whip in the woman’s hand, and the hand danced like a flying dragon in the air, tumbling and rotating, dazzling and fascinating.

“Boom, bang!”

The sword qi meets, the whip shadow is broken, the explosion is in the ear, the quiet outer space, caught in the rage of the sea.

“Give me death!” Nangong Fei spurted blood, Star Sword in his hands, the mad Cui, the offensive became more and more tight, and the formidable power increased exponentially.

“This brat is going to be desperate, Jiaomei, we will withdraw first.” The man blocked a few waves of attacks and immediately said to the woman.

“Well, brother, let’s go.”

“I want to run? There are no doors.” Nangong Fei eyes Bloody, cold and stunned, he has already killed red eyes.


Another wave of strong offense, countless sword shadow, like one after another shining meteor, with the power of the screaming, screaming to the men and women.

“Come on, this blat doesn’t kill, we can’t play with him.” The man was shocked and slammed back.

“End it!” Nangong Fei’s blood in the mouth, next moment, his hands together, yelling: “The method of jihad, ten times improvement, open!”

Immediately, Nangong Fei’s momentum has increased tenfold, its own cultivation base, and it has suddenly reached the God Monarch late-stage. The true strength is hard to estimate.

“Ah, how could this be?” The man was horrified, and he was struggling to resist. Now, suddenly the formidable power is increased tenfold, and many people are immediately injured.

“Jiaomei, go away.” The man was arrogant, spelling five swords in the body, and pulled back.

“Death!” Nangong Fei pursued, imposing, and shouted: “Nine Yao Devouring the Heaven sword, burst!”

“Boom, Bang…”

With his words, countless Star Sword explosions, energy groups, directly drowning both men and women.

“Ah!” The screams of heartbreaking lungs are shocking, and within the scope of the explosion, a series of space cracks appear and devour everything.


Two rays of light escaped and passed down as a man’s howl: “brat, you remember me, and soon I will decide you.”

“Want to run? Do you think it works?” Longlong’s children rang.

“What?” Two rays of light shocked, and then showed their battered and exhausted prototype.

At this time, their bodies were almost completely destroyed, blood was like a spring, and the bones were sturdy. If the clothes on them are hidden and brilliance, forming a natural protection, I am afraid that it is impossible to escape.

Even so, they are also weak at the moment, only to be slaughtered.

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