In front of them, Longlong, standing in a gold coat, looked at them naughty.

“You…you…” I felt the power of Longlong, and the two kept going back.

“Nan Ming came!” Nangong Fei rushed to the right time, Star Sword in his hands, a cold shadow, cold people, shrouded them.


In the face of Nangong Fei, which has a tenfold increase in combat effectiveness, the two responded, and the tragedy was directly smashed into bloody rain by sword qi.


The light of the second group flashed and fled to the distance.


A golden man’s palm appeared and held the two beams of light in his hand.

“You can’t escape.” Lin Xiao’s voice sounded.

“How come? How do you know that our soul can escape?” The man’s voice was full of horror.

“You don’t need to know, now I ask you, the Long Family on Earth disappears, are you doing it?”

“You…you let us go, I will tell you right away.”

“hmph, act recklessly, dare to bargain?”

“Ah…” The man yelled in pain: “Stop, what did you do to me? My intention is that Sea of ​​Consciousness hurts.”

“Sure enough on the moon.” Lin Xiao sighed, and then, with a palm in his hand, the two stunned and smashed the universe.


In the distance, Nangong Fei burst into tears and blood sprayed.

Lin Xiao waved Long Tiandan with him and said: “I will accept you in, don’t think about anything, first recover the injury.” After that, the two disappeared.

“Xiaoyu, Longlong, to get rid of those battleships.” At this point, Lin Xiao is no longer worried about anything.

“Yes, Boss!” The two responded, the body magnified, and the real body of the Tao was fully open, and slammed up against the enemy ship.

“Ah, run away!” At this point, the Universe Destroyer Star Traveller reacted, but it was too late.

“hong long long !”

The two were angered and attacked. The fists were like stars. The heavy shackles were on the enemy ships. Every punch, the enemy ship was broken into powder, and the skeleton didn’t exist.

They want to escape, but the space has long been blocked by Aiwei and Dolly Planet, there is no way to escape.

“I don’t care if you have any patron, dare to move my loved ones and friends, only die.” Lin Xiao’s voice sounded throughout the outer space.

After half an hour, everything goes to silence.

Universe Destroyer Star Traveller’s battleship was born and died.

Lin Xiao teleportation went to Zi Fan’s battleship and said: “Where, you go back to Earth, I have something to do.”

Zi Fan nodded: “Then you are careful.” Yu La, he will convey the order, leaving only the hundreds of battleships of the hundred thousand, and all returned to Earth.

“Xiaoyu, Longlong, let’s get there.” Lin Xiao pointed finger towards the moon.


On the moon, a huge mountain top of a huge, Lin Xiao slammed down, an energy wall, shattered.

The virtual space disappeared. On the mountain top, there were more than 300 people, ranging from men and women.

“You don’t have to worry about it, I won’t tell you.” Lin Xiao hasn’t spoken yet, and an old voice came.

“Dragon Senior, it is me, Lin Xiao!”

“What?” The sound was a joy, and then an old man quickly greeted him.

This old man is Long Family Old Ancestor, Long Bayu.

“Really… really you.” Long Bayu saw tears after seeing Lin Xiao.

“Are you all right?”

“Nothing, but Nangong is invincible and Situ Xuan are two old fellows…”

Lin Xiao sadly said: “President told me.”

“Lin Xiao, Fei’er, Xiaodan and Feng’er siblings?”

“Xiaofei, Xiaodan Qing has made it clear, and the enemy has already given the first. As for Brother Feng and Qian’er, I came back this time without taking them.”

Long Bayu sighed: “Don’t come back, don’t come back, Lin Xiao, don’t let them know, otherwise, it will be a big mess.”

“I know.”

“Oh, yes, where are we now?”

“On the moon, I am sending you back now.” Finished, and said: “Longlong, Xiaoyu, you two left, waiting for me to come back.” Yu La, released divine sense to cover more than 300 people, flying Earth.

Situ courtyard, Lin Xiao put them down and returned to the moon again and again. Also, bring Zi Jing up.

“How? What did you find?” Lin Xiao asked Yang Xiaoyu and Longlong, asked.

Longlong scratched his head: “Boss, nothing unusual.”

Lin Xiao Shen Yan: “I wonder, how can people from Upper Universe come out here? And, look at the posture, it should be along with Universe Destroyer Star Traveller.”

Then, he released the divine sense and launched a comprehensive search for the moon, and no place was missed.

Go back and forth several times and get nothing.

“Weird, the moon is obviously strange, but why can’t I find the problem?” Lin Xiao does not believe in evil, divine sense penetrates into the ground, and it is still calm.

“It’s amazing, why aren’t there any problems?” Lin Xiao couldn’t help but scream.

“Strange person, no problem, it means normal, why are you squatting?” Zi Jing said.

Lin Xiao looked at her: “You father told me that this planet is suddenly appearing, and, after it appears, it forces the people on Earth to move away. There is definitely a reason for this.”

“Then you found it?”

“No, but think about it, Earth, which was called the center of the Universe in the early days. Now, the moon is running without warning. There should be some kind of involvement between them.”

Zi Jing shook his head and said: “Strange person, don’t think about it, we just hurry back, there is still a bunch of things on Earth.”

Lin Xiao once again aimed at the dead moon, nodded away.


Situ courtyard.

Lin Xiao, Fan President, Long Bayu, Ruan Tian, ​​Zi Fan, Wang Xiaochong and the others gathered together to discuss development plans.

In the meantime, Fan President was grateful to Zi Fan and Wang Xiaochong for coming from the distant Galaxy.

However, their losses are nearly half, and Zi Fan is quite uncomfortable.

Lin Xiao later learned that their battleship was destroyed by the man and the woman.

Four months later.

Earth started normal action.

During the period, everything was restored to peace and no external enemy interference occurred.

In addition, Ruan Tian went to Pluto a month ago and brought back the antidote of frozen evolutionary bacteria.

Immediately, the world broadcasts, not ten days, all animals, including lifeforms in the ocean, are back to the previous status and can truly coexist with humans.

During these few months, Lin Xiao continued to go to the moon to investigate, but still no results.

As a last resort, he ran Divine Ability and completely sealed the moon with “Star Screen”. And to inform the world, no one can land on the moon.

When I saw Lin Xiao’s speech, everyone tried to comply, and no one opposed it.

half year later.

Lin Xiao used a “Primal Chaos Pill” just in case, and based on Source Power, directly promoted Long Bayu to Primal Chaos early-stage, a huge history.

Before the upgrade, Lin Xiao told Long Bayu about the hazards. Long Bayu pondered for a long time, and finally decided to take it to protect Earth.

Of course, to promote the cultivation base, you must do it in “Other Dimension Universe”. Otherwise, it is difficult to support with Spirit Qi outside.

Then, when Long Bayu came out, countless tribulation thunders followed. Lin Xiao gave him a “Star Sword” and, at the cost of a serious injury, was considered to have passed.

However, at this moment, Long Bayu is a Primal Chaos Level powerhouse, but it does not receive the universe’s approval, and no Primal Chaos Palace is formed.

Because of the ring with Primal Chaos Celestial Crystal in the hands of Situ Feng, he could not send Long Bayu. I had to give him only the remaining spirit stone.

Finally, he imitated Qian Shenhui’s “Hui Ling Array” and clumsyly laid out one.

Although it is incomplete, the degree of horror of the universe based on Universe Source is unimaginable. Inside the Spirit Qi, according to Longlong, is no weaker than God World.

At the same time, he passed the control technique of the “Five Elements killing array” in the solar system for the first time to Long Bayu, and in his Sea of ​​Consciousness, he entered a source of Power for the start-up.

With “Five Elements killing array”, even if the real Primal Chaos Level powerhouse comes in, it will not necessarily lose with the killing array.

Really not, it detonated the entire solar system, perish together. Of course, this is just the next step. No Primal Chaos Level powerhouse is willing to fight for no reason.

A year later, every corner of Earth, everyone, officially invested in self-recovery.

During this time, Lin Xiao never dared to show up outside because everyone in the world knew he was back. Only once, in order to commemorate the dead Long Zhong grandfather, he found the forests of the past according to his memory.

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