“I want you not to die!” Youth was resentful in his heart, and his eyes shot the extremely venomous rays of light, staring at the second floor.

“People? Why no one?” Some of the Immortal Emperor’s expert ran to the second floor, but found that the space was empty, and none of the silhouettes.

At this time, the third floor was also stepped down, a total of two people, they found out, a huge aura straight into the pressure, so that everyone can not help but bend their knees, the atmosphere can not breathe.

Two people, divided into one middle-aged, a young married woman, it seems that it is a husband and wife.

“Liu Ge, have you seen them a few?” Young married woman.

The middle-aged person blinked twice and said: “No, although their aura is limited, but the strength is far from this. Especially when they disappeared, I was completely ignorant, the brain was blank, and the scene was forgotten. Thoroughly, sister, you said, will they find out that we are peeping?”

Young married woman: “Impossible, with our cultivation base in Immortal World, although not top, but also can be counted on one’s fingers. They have never seen these people, we can find us, I dare not Believe.”

“That’s blame, why are they clearly observing when they disappear, but we still don’t know?”

“This…” Young married woman has nothing to say, and now she is very entangled in her heart.



A violent ground shaking and shaking, followed by a suffocating murderous aura filled with space per inch.

“Not good, the people of Covering Heaven Sect are killing.” Outside the building, the exclamations came one after another.

“Liu Ge…” young married woman has a tragic face.

“We are going, now we can’t compete with them, back!” After the end, the two quickly disappeared.


Outside the building, the ear-piercing is terrible.

“The one who slanders me to be ruthless must pay the price of blood.” The sound of tearing the sky echoed in Vault of Heaven for a long time.

In the city of Wankong, it is already a mess, and it is difficult to count the death and injury.

In the sky, a large man volleyed, a black body, very arrogant.

“hahaha…” large man laughed, his voice was full of blood, and then he stared at the city, and he said: “In the order of Sect Master, kill a city to pay homage to the soul of my spring pavilion disciple.”

“Ah…” The people in the city sneaked in, all the dead souls, they absolutely impossible to think, Covering Heaven Sect actually took such extreme methods.

“Stop!” large man just wanted to attack, a shouted blocked him.

“Why do you want to kill the people of the old man?” One and a half hundred old man appeared, silk clothes wide robe, a majestic look, cultivation base in Immortal Emperor late-stage.

“Quan Wind City, I am coming to the Sect Master, I hope you will not obstruct.” Large man cold and yin.

Qu Changfeng was furious: “You came to slaughter the city of the old man and actually said such things. Is the old man a dead man?”

Large man said with a sneer : “old bastard , you are courting death and I can’t blame me.” After that, he waved his hand and grabbed him.

“Hateful!” Qu Changfeng’s old face changed, the robes had no wind and drums, and the fists of light shimmered and slammed into the palm of his hand.


The air seemed to be compressed, and the wind was screaming, and it flew back and slammed into the ground.

“This…” Everyone is cold, they know the strength of the City Lord’s Feng’s strength, but now, it was actually taken by the people. What puzzles them is that this large man clearly has only the cultivation base of Immortal Monarch early-stage. How is it possible?

“Cough, cough, cough…” Qu Changfeng was seriously injured, and his heart was cold.

The reason why he dared to shoot was because he saw only the cultivation base of Immortal Monarch early-stage, but he couldn’t think of it. Only one Immortal Monarch, the force of the shot, made him feel like a banyan tree, no strength.

“Dead!” large man smirked and slammed down, and the big feet stepped on the long wind.


It has not yet been touched, and the powerful pressure has made it difficult for him to move. The ground under his feet is even more divided, like a spider web.


The song is long and bloody, and the eyes are full of despair and incredible.

He could hardly believe that an Immortal Monarch was even better than Immortal Venerable.


A crisp drink started, followed by a white silhouette, and the fist slammed into the large man.


Large man groaned, the unmatched momentum disappeared, and the whole man flew out and collapsed a house.

“Who is this?” All the witnesses were shocked, and they pressed the City Lord’s super powerhouse, and they were shot by a later man, life or death.

At this time, the talents can see clearly, this white silhouette is actually a youth, a face of innocence, which also brings some naughty colors.

“I am dizzy, I am not dreaming, who is this little powerhouse? How have you never seen it?”

“Yeah, you look at his expression of harmless to human and animals. No one can think of it. The expert who forced the City Lord to resist without any resistance is kicked out by him.”

People can’t be calm, and there are many arguments.

“oh la la!” In the crumbs of the house, the large man figure rushed up, and the bloody face went up, staring at the white clothed silhouette.

“brat, do you dare to do it to me?” The large man witnessed the cold, like the wild beast.

White clothed people smiled and said: “Do I have to shoot you?”

“Eh…” Everyone is speechless.

Large man looked at it twice and said: “Is the Spring Breeze Club destroyed by you and others?”

“Yes!” white clothed people proudly said.

“hua!” All the listeners were trembled, and they dared not accept this reality.

A youth can actually destroy the spring wind pavilion of Megatron.

“Call your partner and die together!” large man gloomily said.

Just at this time –

The sound of a frozen cracked scorpion sounded: “Xiaodan, destroy him.”

Under the rumor, the large man’s face was distorted, and his eyes showed a terrible rays of light.

“It is him, the voice of Biyuefeng!” Someone yelled.

“Really, I have relatives there, and at the at the crucial moment, I remembered the cold voice with Divine Ability.”

“God, they actually came here. I heard that even the supreme powerhouse that Covering Heaven Sect rushed to reinforce has fallen.”

“Not only that, the expert who went to Mengxiangcheng law enforcement is also dead, which is unprecedented for Covering Heaven Sect.”

“Yeah, I also heard that the expert who rushed to the spring breeze reinforcements, under the screams, countless mountains shattered, the sky collapsed, and the powerhouse was stunned. But in the end, the expert is still not mysterious. The powerhouse attack did not destroy them.”

“Too powerful, who are they?”

Between the crowds, Long Tiandan showed a pure smile, stepped forward and said: “This is the boss’s order, don’t blame me.”

Large man suddenly arrogant: “If you dare to kill me, Covering Heaven Sect expert and Covering Heaven Sect powerhouse, it is bound to level this planet and kill everyone.”

“Damn it, let him destroy both body and soul.” The cold voice burst.

“Understand!” Long Tiandan loudly shouted, the momentum continues to climb.

“Oh my God, this… this imposing Immortal Venerable is too far away.” Some people screamed, even though they were far away, they still felt a horror, squatting on the ground, cold sweats.

“You dare! ”large man is guilty.

“Breaking the sky!” Long Tiandan double palm straight drive, divine sense locked large man, making him difficult to move.


Large man is miserable, the body is torn apart, and finally, the stump is re-exploded, turned into blood rain, soul destroyed.

“Ah…” Everyone sucked in the air, a trick, just a trick, a powerhouse died, and everyone was covered in cold, this is a living killing god.

Above the ground, the severely injured “Sun and Moon” three middle-aged and youth, when they saw this scene, their faces were pale and their lips were stunned.

I have nothing to do with them, but also because they are not good enough to die. At this time, youth is suffering from the extreme. This kind of expert, not to mention the Japanese and the moon, the entire Immortal World has no way.

“shua!” Long Tiandan smashed away and instantly groaned.

Immediately, the chilling voice sounded: “The people of Covering Heaven Sect listened to laozi, and when they have the ability, they came to me, and laozi was always there.” The sound came out and the people were silent.

This person is too daring to dare to be so just, open and honorable.

However, what makes them depressed is that since you have let go, why not tell them the location?

One hundred kilometers away from Wankong City, on a slope.

Lin Xiao stood a few people and his face was slightly heavy.

“I don’t think they will take this approach to force us to show up.” Chen Hua lamented.

Lin Xiao bit his lower jaw and said: “We must find a way to focus their attention on us.”

“What should I do?” everyone asked him.

Lin Xiao stared into the distance, saying: “Take off the Sect Headquarters and occupy the stars and moons, so that they have the goal to find, and they will not kill innocent people.”

Chen Hua said: “This is certainly good, and we are afraid of our strength. The question is, will they do this?”

“This is not accurate, only one step at a time. Now, people from Upper Universe have appeared!”

“Right, the couple who have been watching us in the restaurant?”

“They are people on our side, but as for which forces they belong to, don’t bother with them. With their cultivation base of Immortal Venerable early-stage, we are not in the eye!”

Awkward –

Everyone’s expression is shocked, and the sound is lost: “really strong murderous aura.”

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