Longlong called: “It was from the side of Xingyue Dongtian, and it is approaching the city of Wankong.”

Nangong Fei: “I heard someone screaming, the sound of wild beast roar, and the strong bloody smell.”

Lin Xiao didn’t think much about it. When he first figured up, he shot it. The rest of the people have set off, followed closely from behind.

Six thousand kilometers away, a small city has become a blood market at the moment.

“Fast escape!” An Immortal Monarch-level expert escaped from the city, but the next moment, a giant beast of the severe ten zhang swiftly passed, the expert flew in the flesh and fell.


The beasts of Heaven and Earth were stunned, the earth trembled, the mountain range was broken, and the ten thousand zhang was dusty and covered.

“hong long long !”

The countless Strange Beast is rushing from the distance, and each beast is more than ten zhang. It looks like a tiger lion, and looks like a dragon. It is very awkward.

On each of the giant beasts, there is a silhouette of a sacred dress, killing intent, ignoring everything.


Only a moment, this small city disappeared under the iron hoof of the herd.

“The people of Covering Heaven Sect are coming, run!” A hundred kilometers away, a medium-sized city is flustered.

They received news that Covering Heaven Sect was rushing, and all six vital organs fail.


It seems that the sky is boring, and it is like a raging wave of the body, a wild beast, and a mighty rush.

“Escape!” Everyone is brave and dead. In the face of this scene, they are scared only to escape.


The tragedy was heartbreaking, and the iron-riding army ignored everything and slammed into the city.

Immediately, the residual limbs were scattered, the blood was sprayed, and the beasts screamed and shook the sky, and a doomsday scene was folded.

“You are so bold, dare to slaughter.” An old man of the Immortal Emperor middle-stage flies into the air and rushes toward the army.



A wild beast jumped out of thin air, a giant mouth, swallowed the old man directly, and blood flowed out of its mouth.

“Ah, ah…” People who are slow-moving, both men, women and children, are killed. Where the iron rider was passing by, the house was flattened and turned into a barren land.

It’s a horrible day, and it’s a bloody word. It’s not enough to describe the picture at this time.

A city turned into Nihility in a blink of an eye.

“Hateful, you damn it.” The roaring blast like a blast, Nine Heavens clouds collapsed invisible, and the sun seemed to be smashed.


Hundreds of wild beasts at the forefront screamed, and then burst open and burst into bloody fireworks.

With the accompanying, the silhouette of the body can not be saved.

Suddenly changed, the beasts are in chaos.

“Devouring the Sun and Moon!” A cold and ruthless shouted sounded, and then a black silhouette stood out in the air, with both palms trembled. Each and everyone naked eye visible palm shadow, full of void, overwhelming.


The wild beast screams, the silhouette is chaotic, and a savage beast like Qilin jumps out of the air, a black silhouette that bites into the air.


Not waiting for it to come, a palm shadow instantly shot it, and immediately, it was a tragic half-sound, in the air, exploded.

“go with!”

Black silhouette Two palms push, tens of thousands of palm shadows, like a rushing electric thunder, smashing shores, rushing to the wild herd.

“Roar, hehe…”

The beast called the Vault of Heaven, and the mountains and rivers were dark.

“Boom, bang!”

Covered with palms, the body of the wild beast has burst and the blood is raining.


In the distance, two old man teleportation, the style of the hand straight into the black silhouette of the air.

“Martial Breaking the Heaven and Earth!” black silhouette stunned, screaming and ignoring their attacks.

The two old men are stunned, they are trying to escape, and the palms are already covered.

“Ah, ah…”

In the screams, the two men exploded and died.


On the ground, the last palm fell and the sky trembled.

At this time, countless pieces of broken bodies were covered with the ground, and blood gathered into the river and turned.

The thick bloody smell fills every corner and smells vomiting.


The beasts are rushing again, follow closely from behind, and the tens of thousands of silver swords and swords are as strong as the waves, and they are killed here.

“If you dare to commit my Covering Heaven Sect, you will be punished by the Ten.” Over the Vault of Heaven, an old sound that almost destroyed the stars rang.

“Kill, kill…”

The beasts and the people are invincible, and all objects, whether trees, mountains, or rocks, are carved into fly ash.

Not far away, it is a large city with a population of no more than a million.

“You courting death!” The black silhouette shouted in the air, and banged out.

“Dare!” The old voice reappeared. Then, he appeared in front of the wild beast and blocked the attack of the black silhouette.

“You rushed to kill, this person was handed over to the old man.”

“Roar, hehe…” The ground beast is boiling, and the speed of killing is getting faster and faster.

“Ah, flee, run away…” It’s clear that in the city, people are in a hurry.

“hong long long !”

In front of the army of the beasts, several silhouettes suddenly appeared. They jointly attacked and killed nearly 10,000 wild beasts.

“Where are you from, dare to intervene in my Covering Heaven Sect?” The old man looked down and shouted a few people.

“damned old man, this Sovereign doesn’t kill you, swears not to be a dragon.” A little child in a golden gown yelled.

“The old man is mad, give them to the old man.” Old man was furious and ordered a storm.

“Longlong, you have to kill a lot, one can’t let go.”

“Yes, Old Lin is big!”

At the same time, several people stood up to intercept tens of thousands of troops.

“hahaha, arrogant, you are too arrogant!” Old man saw only a few people, dare to block tens of thousands of wild animals and human race powerhouse, could not help but laugh.

“hmph, old bastard, you really have to die 10,000 times.”

“brat, what is your name? Dare to be against us?”

“Listen, Young Master is Lin Xiao!”

“Lin Xiao?” old man, he has never heard of it.

Lin Xiao can ignore this, the divine sense is fretting, with a wave of his hand, at the height behind him, there are more than 10,000 silhouettes in the air.

Each person is wearing a white gown, and it is an imposing mountain. Among them, there are nearly a thousand white clothed beauty, which makes Heaven and Earth shine.

“Elder!” All white clothed people are screaming, their voices are thundering, and the beasts on the ground are stunned.

Lin Xiao pointed below, shouted: “One is not left, all killed.”


More than 10,000 white clothed people are full of momentum, and a burst of energy that smashes the sky has smashed the space, making people who are millions of kilometers away tremble.


The tragedy is thrilling, blood dyed red sky.

“You…you…” In the sky, the old man looked towards Lin Xiao’s eyes completely changed, and he was terrified.

“Remember, my name is Lin Xiao, Star Sect Elder.”

“Ah You……”



Old man is miserable, Lin Xiao swung out, and the old man instantly exploded.

“kill them!”

Lin Xiao shouted, the palm of the hand, like a human form beast, rampage in the wild beasts and the enemy, let dredched with blood.

“Fast escape!” In the end, the silver sword’s disciples were shocked and began to escape.

However, they often figured up and were smashed by a sword qi, leaving no residue.

“Roar, hehe…”

Everyone is crazy, sorrowful, murky heavens dark earth, sun and moon lightless, tragic fight does not stop.

In the distance, countless powerhouses arrived, and after seeing this scene, the shock of the heart was unspeakable, from head to toe, through the cold.

That murderous aura, that machine, the bloody, they are daunting.

Many people, with a white face like a wax, and a body tremble, can’t say a word. What’s more, I fell directly to the ground and couldn’t get up for a long time.

“Roar 嚎…”

The battle is coming to an end, and countless savage beasts are dying. The broken limbs are covered with ground and the blood forms a lake.


The silver robes disciples wolves rushed to the cleft, when the aggressive 10,000 disciples came, less than a hundred people escaped at the moment.


Along with the last loud noise, an Immortal Emperor powerhouse blew himself up, and the two white garments were fried and rolled up a few times. Finally, they fell to the ground safely.


Seeing this, everyone was frightened, the Immortal Emperor period of self-destruction, that is the power, but the two white clothed people, actually just rolled over, no damage.

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