Unknown Prey

Chapter 203 203 Files...

"Alright, we have enough vampires from this place so please end their suffering, Ketan." Leo looked at Peter and gestures for him to lead the way.

Peter held his head and then slowly walked towards the hidden place. He got to the door and then stepped off to the side. "I hope that you find what it is that you are looking for."

Carlos looked at the door and lifted his leg and kicked the door in. "There is no time to be messing around with keys," then he shrugged.

"Nice work Carlos. I want you two to stay out here and guard just to be on the safe side. I will ask for help if I need it." Leo walked down the stairs and opened the door at the bottom. He stepped into the room and was mortified on what he saw. All around the room were humans and supernaturals that looked like they were taxidermied. Leo walked to the back of the room and found an office. He opened the door and started searching inside the desk. After searching the room he finally found a loose floorboard so he pulled it up and pulled out a witch book and a stack of files. He saw the picture of one of the girls and read the file.

Sept 18/2000

Today I perfected the embalming treatment with my first living subject. The girl in the photo was the first subject that has lived through this procedure. Test subject 267 was different from the rest as I was finally able to perfect the technique. This subject may have endured it but even now her heart still beats. I wonder how long a human will live like this? I will keep track of her data until either she passes or I get bored.

Sept 28/2000

Test subject 267 is still alive. I have an intravenous going so that she will have the nutrients that she will need but you can not tell that it is hooked up. I have it in her back so that I could run the tubes down her back and leg and then under the floorboards.

Leo unable to continue reading drops the papers on the floor and walks back to the girl in the photograph. "I am sorry that this happened to you. I promise that I will end your suffering." Leo watches the girl's eye move left and right.

Ketan walked into the room and looked at each individual in the room. "Leo...did you…" Ketan walked up to the girl and touched over her heart to confirm his suspicions.

"I am aware that they are all still living. I started to read a file but I had to stop and I confirmed that this is not the first attempt. I will have to get Valdis convicted for what he did and he will receive the death penalty. I can not allow him to live. I am sorry but I will not be able to reverse what has been done to you. I will be able to help end your suffering." Leo looks at the girl.

Carlos unable to wait outside walked down with Peter in tow. He listened to what they said then he looked around the room. "Just how many of them are alive?"

"All of them, I can hear their heartbeats. Some of the heartbeats are weaker than others. I am unable to turn them back and the weaker ones are already dying. Leo, what do you want to do?" Ketan looked at the girl and saw that she was looking relieved.

"I know that this may be a long shot but are you able to drink their blood?" Leo looks at the girl's pupils contract as if in horror. "I was merely asking dear to see if there was a way to save you. Otherwise, we will have to kill you and if I could save you I would prefer to do that. You have lived like this for so long now." Leo looked at Ketan and couldn't get a read on Ketan.

Ketan looked at the girl and could not find her veins in her body and then shook his head, "I'm sorry whatever that bastard did I can not find the veins and her mouth is sealed shut. It would be crueler to try anything on them. As sad as it may be, we have no choice but to kill them." He saw that the girl calmed down and even looked like she would welcome it. He touched her hair and tried to enter into her thoughts. ~Can you hear me?~

The girl's eyes contract. ~'How is this possible? It has been so long and no one has been able to hear my thoughts.' she cries softly in her mind.~

~Thank god this worked. Normally I can not share my thoughts without tasting the blood of the one I want to talk to. I am a vampire so I have abilities that no one really knows about. Is there going to be anyone that would be looking for you? And what do you think would be the easiest way for you to die? I know that is harsh but I can not save you.~

Carlos walks up to Leo and whispers, "telepathy?"

Leo nods his head and watches what was going on closely. "We will find out more information after he is done."

~Ahhhh. How I wish that death to come to me. I'm a castaway. No one is looking for me. I only wish to be released from this curse. Kill all of us by fire but check the back room there might be someone that you can save before you burn this place to the ground.~

~Thank you for the information we will check there and I promise that I will burn this building down when we are done. Just hold on a little longer.~ Ketan cuts the connection and pats the girl on her shoulder. "We need to check the back room and get all the information you want from here and burn the place down. Unfortunately, there is nothing that I can do other than use my fire powers to burn this place down. The girl does not think that anyone is looking for here but I would take some pictures just in case their loved ones are looking for them. I feel bad for the people that here."

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