Unknown Prey

Chapter 204 204 I'sm Sorry

"I understand where you are coming from, Ketan. I will go check the room and Carlos here," Leo tosses him the camera, "I will be back in a moment." Leo walked to the back room and saw that there were all sorts of weird and strange instruments. 'What the fuck is all this for?' He spotted a cell in the back and saw that it was empty but saw that there was a guy who was laid down on the table. "Are you about to speak?"

The guy moved his eyes much like the others in the other room.

Leo sighed and looked at the guy. "I am sorry. You have become like the rest and there is nothing that can be done to save you. We will end your suffering quickly." He did one final sweep of the room and then walked back into the room with the others and shook his head. "The only thing I want from this place is the files and book I found from the office. I hate that so much went unnoticed until now. Frist the vampires and now this."

Ketan shook his head and brought the files outside. "Let's get out of here soon, please." Ketan walked up to the girl and placed his hand on her shoulder and he lit the clothes that she was wearing on fire.

Carlos watched the girl melt like wax. "Whoa, that is insane! Did you know that this would happen, Ketan?"

"I suspected that it could happen but I did not know what would really happen." He watched until the girl's heart stop beating. 'With this your long suffering has come to an end.'

Leo stepped out with a small box and looked at the group. "Ketan, finish your work here and Carlos, you bring Peter and come with me outside." He stepped away to leave.

Carlos followed Leo outside. "It is interesting how a vampire's mind works. Almost everyone I know makes them out to be a killing machine that will do anything to kill but Ketan is not really any different from you or me."

"This is something you learn over time I think. I am no longer surprised by the people that are around Kitty she has a strange way to draw in those around her. I am also one of those people but I'm happy." Leo looked at the box in his hands and sighed. "There are still three more locations that need to be dealt with. There is not enough time in a day to complete them all today now and here I was hoping that we could get them all done by nightfall," he sighs, "what a pity." Leo walked over to a pine tree and leaned up against it.

Tiana looked at Luke and what he brought to the table. "That looks tasty too. Can I have, please?" she reaches her little arms out.

Cindy brought the plate and cutlery to Kitty, then sat down across from her. "So we have a human girl to look after while you have a baby on the way. Are you trying to work me to death?

"She is safer with us then if she was to be taken to a human home. Besides who are you to be complaining? You love children and always gushed at how adorable they are. She will be a part of our family until we are able to find a suitable family for her or if she decides to stay then what is one more mouth to feed?" Kitty took the serving spoon and placed some macaroni and cheese in the bowl. She blew on the food until the noodles were cooled down enough for Tiana to eat.

Tiana picked up the dessert fork and beam with happiness. "It's a fork made for Tiana." She started eating the macaroni and cheese.

Cindy giggled, "that is true and with your spouse you do not have to worry about money although you didn't have that concern before with all the paintings that you have sold over the years."

Luke had sat down and started to serve himself some food but also decided to make a small plate of berries with some pasta salad for Tiana. "Since she will stay with us there will be no issues as there is no shortage of rooms for her and I for one do not mind if you will need my help. It is not like she will trouble me. I still have a coloring book and some crayons in my room so that will entertain her. Mother, do you what to go into town and get her some clothes and a few toys?"

"I was debating on that actually. I know that all the clothes that I have in the baby's room are going to be way too small for Tiana and we weren't expecting to pick up a little girl but it is a fact that we have picked her up. So for now, I think we should go pick up some things for her. When we are done eating let's make a trip into town to get what will be needed." Kitty looked at those at the table.

Cindy nodded her head, "since you have already made the call, there is nothing that can be down about it. Although I do not like that you want to go to town in your condition, I also can not stop you from doing so."

Sylvie glared at Kitty sharply, "if you are going then I will advise that you take Stella with you. I know that Luke and Cindy will go but I want you to have all the protection that you could use."

"Yes, please let me come with you. It would be a good idea for me to get a layout of the town." Stella smiles happily.

"I was playing on taking Stella with me. Since we will be out we will have dinner at the Cafe. I will call Nettie and let her know that we are coming." Kitty pulled out her phone and gave Nettie a call.

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