Unknown Prey

Chapter 205 205 Red is Not a Normal Eye Color

"Thank you for calling, this is Tobias. How can I be of service today?" Tobias picked up the Cafe's work phone.

"Tobias, I just wanted to give you a heads up that I will be coming into town with four people in the household I was wondering if I needed to reserve a table and if it would be helpful for you guys to have a heads up?" Kitty spoke happily.

"Kitty, thank you for the call. It helps us out a lot if we know in advance. Will Leo be with you? I will reserve a bigger table for your party. Who all will be eating with you and do you have an idea of what you might order? If you don't know it is not a big deal." Tobias starts writing down the table that he would need for the group.

"Leo is at work so he will not be joining me. Luke will be with me, oh also, I have temporarily adopted a little girl she is only five years old I think something like chicken nuggets and fries would be a good option for her. I think we will come in around five in the evening it just depends on how long the trip takes with Cindy driving." Kitty looks down at Tiana that had some cheese sauce on her face.

Luke picked up a napkin and wiped Tiana's face for Kitty. "There now your face is all clean. Don't force yourself to eat everything. You are only so big so you do not need as much food as I do."

"Okay!" Tiana beamed in happiness and ate a bit of the pasta salad. She stopped eating and sighed, "the food here is so nummy. Thank you for the food!"

"Oh my, she sounds adorable. I will make sure since Luke is coming and give you guys a more private booth so that he can eat as much as he would like without prying eyes. I know that kid can eat a lot and is embarrassed to do so out in public. It is also a good time to check up on you. Let me put Nettie on." He rushed to the kitchen and placed the cordless earpiece in her ear.

"Hello?" Nettie looked at Tobias strangely.

"Good Afternoon, Nettie. You seem a bit confused right now." Kitty chuckled and smiled.

Nettie's expression softened, "Kitty. It is good to hear from you. I know it hasn't been that long since I was last over at your place but how are you feeling?" She continues to knead the dough that she was working on.

"I have recovered immensely since the two of you both came over. I will be stopping by for dinner and I gave Tobias the information already." Kitty looked down at Tiana.

Tiana looked up at Kitty and smiled, "Tiana is all done eating. Is there something I can play with?"

Luke stopped eating and got up from the table, "I will go grab the coloring book so that she can play with that while you eat and I finish eating." He left the room and went upstairs.

"Tiana, are you scared of me? I will hold you on my lap so that you can color while Kitty eats her food." Sylvie held out her hands to the little girl and waited to see how she would react.

Tiana looked up at Kitty and saw that she was looking down at her. When she noticed that Kitty nodded her head. She held her hands out to Sylvie. "I will trust you since pretty Kitty trusts you.

"I did something that I shouldn't have and angered a friend but other than that, I am doing a lot better." Kitty released her hold on Tiana.

"... Kitty... Was that a little girl that I heard just now? You know what, when you come to the restaurant I will hear you out. I will prepare something special for the little angel. We will await your arrival later today." She finishes kneading the dough and starts to divide the dough up.

"Yes, it was a little girl. I will explain everything to you at dinner time. I am going to eat my lunch now and I will see you soon enough." Kitty hung up the phone and then served herself some food.

Tiana looked up at Sylvie with big round questioning eyes. "Red, your eyes are red."

"Does the red scare you? I promise not to hurt you." Sylvie looked at the girl and felt happy to have her in her arms. 'Is this what it is like to have a child in your arms? I am not used to this I was going to have Kitty teach me since she is having a baby soon.'

"A wittle. Red is not a normal eye color. Like the other scarie lady." She buried her head into Sylvie's shoulder.

Stella watched in shock, "I'm sorry that I am scary to you. I will make it up to you so that you will not be scared of me anymore. Until you are ready I will not force you to deal with me but I do have to follow Kitty around as it is what Sylvie, the one who is holding you, has requested me to do."

Kitty started eating and sighed inside. 'The poor girl it traumatized after seeing her parents killed and if not for Leo she wouldn't have made it through the transformation. She is too young and innocent. I am glad that I brought her home and there really isn't much that I can do about what has happened. At best I can give the little one all the attention and have the others continue once she allows them too.'

Luke came downstairs and placed the animal coloring book down with some old crayons. "I know that these are not very pretty looking and that the book is almost completely colored but we will get you some new things later today." He walked back to his chair and started eating again.

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