Unknown Prey

Chapter 206 206 Heading Ou

Tiana looked down at the crayons and picked one up. "Pretty color!" She finally sat down and opened the book and found a page that was not colored and started scribbling on the page.

Kitty, Cindy, and Luke finished eating and Cindy stood up, "I will go and pull the car out front. Since Kitty and Luke are the ones that Tiana is used to then you guys will have to stay in the back. I do not want Tiana to be frightened the entire trip." She took off and got ready to go.

Luke reached his hands out to take Tiana from Sylvie. "Come let's get ready to go out."

Tiana looked at her picture and then showed it to Luke. "So pretty. Thank you for letting me color in your book."

Kitty looked at the coloring and smiles, "You did a good job, Tiana. I am proud of you. I am going to make a quick phone call and then meet you outside." She got up and went upstairs to her bedroom. She dialed Leo's number.

Leo looked at the caller while waiting for Ketan. "Love, how are you doing?"

"I am doing alright now. I wanted to give you a heads up that I decided that we need to go into town so we are getting ready to leave. Tiana needs clothes and a few toys to play with. So I thought that you would like to know that I am heading into town. We are going to eat lunch at the Cafe and then come home." Kitty pulled out a hat and placed it on her head while smiling.

"Ahhhh, yes. I think that it is a good idea to get that done while you can. She is little right now and one day she will not remember that this even happened to her but in the meantime, we will work hard to help her as much as possible. I get the feeling that we just adopted another child before ours is even born. Anyways, do not worry about how much you spend and get whatever you need for her. I may be later than I planned due to the first house having so much in it." Leo looked around and sighed.

"Rough day so far, Darling? I am sure that you will get it all done and if you are late, do not worry there is more than enough protection here. I will be safe." Kitty adjusts the hat and makes sure her tail is hidden by using some magic.

"I am relieved to hear you say that. Go have fun shopping and I will see you soon." Leo smiles and then hangs up his phone.

Kitty looked down at her phone and chucked. 'Worrywart.' She walked downstairs and walked up to the group at the door. "Why are we all standing around here for? Let's head on out." Kitty was carrying a small purse and smiled.

Tiana ran up to Kitty's and hugged her legs and then grabbed her hand and started pulling her towards the door. "Am I able to get a dolly?"

"If you find one that you like I will buy it for you." Kitty walked to the door sat down, then proceeded to put on her shoes.

Luke chuckled and walked up behind the two. "Leo must have said that you could buy some things for Tiana. I will help choose some things for her and if it is alright with you I would like to pick up some picture books. It would be useful to start reading to her and maybe teaching her so that she can go to school. I am not a normal human but I think she needs to go to a proper school. "

"Leo granted me to get whatever might be needed but I think that it would be a wise idea to teach her all that we can and then send her to school. Let's also get a chalkboard so that we can teach her how to print. I was thinking since she is going to be living with us we should get her an identity so that she can go to school. I think Leo will be able to get that sorted out for us." Kitty finished getting her shoes on and took Tiana's hand.

"A new dolly all for, Tiana!! I hope she will be pretty." Tiana skipped happily to the car.

Luke held onto Tiana's other hand and lead her to the car. "OH! Is it going to be okay for her to sit in the car? We do not have a booster seat and she is so small."

"We are going to hold her in place and we will not get into an accident and we will pick one out right away so that we will not get into trouble with the cops but I think that Leo's vehicles are registered and we should be okay if we bend them just a little bit. I will not allow harm to come to this little girl." Kitty opened the door and let go of Tiana's hand.

Tiana struggled to climb in so Luke lifted her on the seat. She frowned when she couldn't see out the window. "Can't see."

Kitty walked to the other side and go in. "Do not worry on our way home you will be able to see. It is a bit of a long drive but remember we will get you new toys and clothes."

Luke did up Tiana's seatbelt and then got in. He placed the bag he brought with him on the floor and opened it up. "I brought the coloring book so you can color a bit on the travel table." He set up the table and placed the coloring book on top.

Cindy was already in the driver's seat, "I chose the same car I have already driven but we may need to acquire a van if we are going to be taking long outings or big shopping trips."

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