Unknown Prey

Chapter 24 23


He wiped the tears in her eyes away from behind her. "If I couldn't figure out that you were a demon, no one else would be able to. Although I must admit the reason I helped you was because I wanted to take you home with me and make you mine. It was exhilarating stealing you away from the other guy at the party...very satisfying." He sneered. "That guy was a pest. I was hoping that he would be more of a challenge. It was more of a trill like when on a hunt but without the actual hunt. Catching you made me want to keep you. I'm not used to not getting what I want but that might do with being the strongest hunter. Stepping back won't be easy but we are going to have a family. The hunter association takes families as a higher priority than the hunts themselves." He smiles at remembering that. 'If we are going to make that work we'll need to announce our engagement but of course after the baby is born.'

At hearing that her secret won't so easily be figured out she calms down. She listens to his emotions from their first meeting. "I caught a look of you when I first arrived and I was blown away at how handsome you were. I am not the type of person who makes a connection easily. I acted aloft and let you come to me. There is no such thing as love at first sight but there is such a thing as lust at first sight. With the way you felt is proves my statement to be true." She smiled closing her eyes completely letting her guard down in front of Leo. "The reward from the challenge is the best prize you could receive. You were the one I wanted from the moment I saw you. I was thankful you came for me and that I didn't have to go to you." She paused and smiled. "With you being the strongest hunter and with me being the head of my clan we will be able to protect our child. It's good that the hunter association cares about family. When do you need to go back?" She closed her eyes relaxing in his arms.@@

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