Unknown Prey

Chapter 240 240 Blood is a Powerful Tool

Kitty turned and walked out of the kitchen. 'Fucking idiot, fighting the urges all to show that he is a tough guy. I wonder if it will happen soon or will there be a while yet. I have a feeling about when it might happen. I might need to give my blood to that moron. Then again it is different this time and I do not know if my blood will be able to suppress him anymore.' Kitty sits back down in her chair and watches Tiana eating a bear pancake.

"Mother, do not frown I am sure everything will go well today." Luke was watching Kitty and had heard what was said in the kitchen but noticed that it was pretty quiet in there now.

Leo brought out the tea and saw how Kitty was now deep in thought he placed the teapot down in front of her. He touched her cheek and caressed her cheek. "Is there anything that I can do?"

"Not really but watch him closely. His eyes will tell you when he is hungry the deeper the red the more hungry he will be. He will hide it from you but I know better than most. His eyes are a dark red but they flashed black. He may attack someone and so I sent him out of the house. I know he wants a certain person's blood." Kitty opened her eyes and looked up at Leo. ~I can not have his accidentally attacking one of you.~

~What would happen if he drank your blood? I know he said that it was hard to drink your blood in the past.~ Leo patted her shoulder and sat down.

Luke heard the beginning of the whispered conversation. Focused on making sure that Tiana did not hear.

~It is hard to say. In the past, it would empower him but it was deadly to him. I was able to gain complete control of him at some point. My blood is a poison to those that are not the same as I am. My blood is too powerful. I think that it would be hard on him this time but there is a chance that it does not have the same effect. There will come a time where he will lose control. I will have to take him away and force him to drink my blood. Do not worry he will not be bonded with me. I have not fed him enough times for that to happen. I will take his essence and he will be forced to drink my blood. I will have to do that soon anyway. I can feel the need for essence slowly building.~ Kitty took a bear pancake and sighed.

Carlos and Cindy both came out of the kitchen with food and placed the plates on the table. Cindy sat down and started to grab some of the food. Carlos went back to the kitchen.

Nathan was shocked at everything that he just found out but still got the bacon off the grill and added it to the plate. 'Wow, that was completely unexpected to find out. I was expecting that would be what I would be told. Then again I knew that there were three main categories I did not know that there were so many subcategories. To learn that a vampire knew more than me is a bit scary.' He finished what he was doing in the kitchen and came to the table and placed the bacon down. He stood watching as the others started eating.

"Nathan, come sit down next to me," Carlos pulled out the chair beside himself and smiled. "Do not worry, we all eat together on most days."

Kitty slowly ate her food and once she ate just enough she drank the tea. ~Darling, I will go check on Ketan and then Kyra.~

~Alright, you do what you need to do. If you are hungry later you can eat then. Be safe a hungry vampire can be very dangerous.~ Leo slowly ate his breakfast and watched as Kitty faded away.

Kitty walked to where Ketan was and she saw the essence of the beast still inside the beast. 'Hmmmmm, it would seem that he does not need the essence. Maybe that is something that is different for a vampire hybrid.' She touched Ketan's shoulder,  "Ketan."

Ketan finished all the blood in the beast and heard his name. He could hear her heart beating calmly. He pulled her down and bit her neck. He drank a few gulps then released her. "Drink its essence. You shouldn't have come here."

Kitty drank the essence of the animal and the bite mark healed. She dropped the animal and looked at Ketan. "You are almost able to handle my blood. You know what that means?"

"Do not go there. Kitty please I can not get attracted to your blood. You have a partner in mind and I do not carry any feeling for you anymore. This is not like in the past. I once wanted you but I found out what you were and I knew that I would not be able to have you. You have always belonged to another. Hybrids do not pick their partners easily. Leo is yours and I know who mine is. From the first moment, the draw to her is insane. It is eating away at me. I know I want her but does she want me?" Ketan leaned against the tree and closed his eyes.

"The only way for you to know is if you go to her and find out. She is the only one that can tell you if she wants you. You should know that attraction works both ways. I am almost certain that she is longing for you. There is nothing that you can do about that. She is a gentle quiet soul that wants to be loved. You did not chose wrong but you need to give in to your desires and stop holding back Ketan." Kitty stood up and left Ketan to think about what she said.

~You do not fight fair. Thank you for the blood. I will go to the house as soon as you return.~ Ketan says these thoughts to her.

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