Unknown Prey

Chapter 241 241 Kyra's Appearance

Kitty ignores Ketan and cuts the connection and pops herself over to Nettie and Tobias's place. She knocked on the front door that she landed in front of. "Knock knock."

Nettie raced to the door and saw that it was Kitty. "Jeez, you scared the crap out of me. The alarm that a supernatural went off but we disabled the alarm when I realized that it was you. I did not think that you would appear before us so early. What brings you here?"

"Kyra, she is not the age that you think that she is and it would be better if no one saw her until she goes back to the age that she is meant to be. She was used as a catalyst in a dark magic spell and I did not have the time to tell you yesterday. We managed to save one more clan member but for now, the girl thinks that she is the last one. I will let them met once she has calmed down." Kitty looked up and saw a door open.

Kyra walked out and went up to Kitty, "you are the one that saved me. Thank you for releasing me from that spell yesterday. I want to know who else has survived. I am already suffering. Do you think that it is fair that I do not know who has survived with me and how did they survive? I never felt my beloved leave this world and I hoped that it was he whom had survived."

Nettie looked at the girl and was shocked that she aged by two years overnight. "I did not know how old you were and I was excited that I was gaining a new family member. I am sorry that I treated you like a little girl."

"There is nothing that could be done about it and I did not mind. I am only gaining some of my memories back. It hurts so much." Kyra stopped moving and grabbed her head.

"Stop trying to force your memories to return. If you remember your beloved name then you will remember what happened in the past when you can tell me certain things then and only then will I be able to tell you who has survived with you. For now, I want you to rest well and gain back what you can. Your magic is weak from being repressed for so long. I want you to know that the clan that took over has been eradicated. You do not need to worry about one of them coming back for you. I can say this as I witnessed their demise. I do not take well to underhanded tricks. How dare they use another clan to get to me. I will not stand for this. I only wish that I knew what they wanted." Kitty looked back at the wall and started to think about things that happened the night before.

"The one that took over Elio said that the Advocate would fall for a trap and that she would… ouch...dammit this is hard. I want to be more help please give me a moment." Kyra focuses on the fake Elio, "He said that you would get what was coming for you and that your powers would be useful." She stumbled forward and Nettie caught her. "Sorry, that is all I can recall at the moment. I feel like there is more but in this state, I do not think I will be much help."

Nettie caught the girl and picked her up as Kyra was talking. "Sorry, I think that you can not keep yourself steady so I merely helping you."

"Nettie, take Kyra back to the room that she is staying in. She needs to rest up as much as possible." Kitty reached her hand out and covered Kyra's eyes and thought about the girl falling asleep. She watches as the girl falls asleep in Nettie's arms and she sighs. "She has had a rather rough time."

Tobias came out of the room and was surprised by Kyra's appearance. "She looks a lot older than last night I can only conclude that is why you are here with us this morning and she must have been put through some rough magic to be in the condition that she is in. What age will she reach when she is back to her natural state?" He reached his arms and carried Kyra back to the bedroom and then closed the door then went back to the girls.

"She will reach the age of sixteen. She was held in place by dark magic. I want you two to not let her force her memories to return if she does that it could damage her. I need to research more on the dark magic that was used and I do not know how long that will take but I know that I must do this as she is in dire need of answers. Kyra's speech is already reverting back to a teenager." Kitty looks between the two.

"I will do as you have asked. You are giving us a chance to have a child living with us. I do not mind that she is going through a rough time. I think with staying with her kind we will be able to help her recover. Tobias and I will also look into how to help her as well. I do not have an extensive knowledge of the darker magic but I will be able to help her sleep and heal." Nettie looked at Tobias.

"I have some knowledge but it is not enough I think to help in this case but I will do some digging around as well. I am capable of minor memory suppression if you think that will help?" Tobias was looking at Nettie and glanced at Kitty.

Ketan appeared behind Kitty, "If you were going to travel you should've told me I thought that you went back into the house but no. You went and took off to the witch and warlock house in town. You should know that I could help you with her and yet you did not say anything about what you were up to."

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