Unknown Prey

Chapter 247 247 Leo is Learning Something New

Kitty heard Charlette cry and got out of bed. She walked to the nursery, opened the door and saw Leo holding Charlette. "You need to lay a blanket down. The plastic is going to be too cold for her little body." She walked to the wardrobe and pulled out a sheet-like blanket and laid it down.

Leo laid Charlette back down and didn't hear her cry. He let out a sigh, "Sorry for troubling you, I meant to let you sleep and here you woke up and instructed me on what to do." Quickly he changed her diaper and once he was done he felt somewhat accomplished.

Kitty picked up Charlette then carried her back to the bedroom and the little head started looking for food. "I will feed you in a moment. Let me get on the bed." She walked back to the bedroom and Leo followed behind opening the doors for her. She sat down and started to fed Charlette the milk and when Charlette was done she burped her gently. "Good girl."

"I can take her back downstairs while you rest more. Anna pulled out a cradle and that is the best option as she is so tiny right now." Leo reached out his arms to take Charlette from Kitty.

"Okay, I will rest more and make sure that she does not get overwhelmed by all the people" Kitty yawned and handed Charlette into Leo's arms. "You behave for Daddy and when Mommy is less tired I will take care of you more. Until then be a good girl for Daddy."

Leo held onto Charlette and rocked his arms. He watched as Charlette fell asleep in his arms. "If you are too tired to get out of bed. I will bring you breakfast in bed. Relax for now. I will take care of everything." He walked to the door still rocking Charlette in his arms.

"Okay, I will let you know how I am feeling later. I will rest up and get my strength back. I might be able to come down for dinner but if I am not able to I will take you up on the offer for food being brought up to me." She relaxed into the pillows and closed her eyes.

Leo left the bedroom quietly and brought Charlette downstairs with him but instead of placing her back down in the cradle he held onto her. He watched his daughter sleep in his arms and laid back in the corner of the couch. Charlette didn't stir and slept soundly in Leo's arms.

Luke looked over and saw who small his sister looked in Leo's arms. 'She looks like she is being swallowed up by Leo's arms but I think that is to be expected since she was born before she was supposed to come. I am glad that mother's powers will stabilize now and that must be a relief for Leo.' He finished the sketch of his sister then started a new one of Leo sitting on the couch holding he small baby in his arms.

Tiana got up and walked towards Leo and Charlette. She didn't say anything but leaned over and kissed Carlette on the cheek before running back to the floor.

Cindy sees that interaction and thought that it was very adorable and she pulled out her camera and had taken a picture before Tiana ran away. She looked at Charlette and realized that Leo was holding her properly without any guidance. 'This must not be his first time holding a baby.'

"You look surprised, Cindy. Is it because I am holding my daughter with ease. I only followed how Kitty held her earlier. There is nothing more important to me than family. I want to do what I can to have my daughter recognize me. I thought that holding her would be a good idea. If I am not mistaken that is a good way for a baby to get used to you and I won't be home all the time because of the job. I will be able to bring Kitty to work with me. I do not think that it would be wise to bring such a little baby on the plane. Would she be okay fast traveling I wonder?" Leo looked down at his daughter with a tender expression.

"It is safer for her to fast travel. Since she will be used to it already. With the number of times, Kitty has used that ability the baby will be able to resist the effects." Sylvie stepped out and looked at the baby. "It is good that everyone survived. I never got to finish telling you the story from before. Kitty will be done soon but honestly, she should stay in bed and rest up. I think that she will continue to push herself. It has not been all that long since she freed a demon and agreed to his terms." She reached down and touched Charlette on the cheek.

"You know about the pact that she made with the Demon?!?!" Ketan raised his voice and grabbed Sylvie's shoulder.

"You will disturb Charlette if you raise your voice like that, Ketan. Sylvie, you shouldn't have told him that you knew about this. You could've gotten away with not knowing anything about what was happening but now he knows he is going to be pissed off." Kitty held out her hand and frozen Ketan to the ground. "You do not know that half of what we went through to get this all lined up. You need time to cool off so stay in the ice and think about what I have said." The ice slowly engulfed his legs and went up to his torso.

Ketan lost the will to fight and let Kitty encase him in the ice. ~I will do this and reflect on why you guys did this and maybe once I have thought about it you will tell me the truth and not any more half-truths.~ He glanced around the room before he was frozen almost solid.

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