Unknown Prey

Chapter 248 248 Mother, May I?

Kitty transported Ketan to a cave where he could cool off and once he was in the cave the ice slowly melted. Kitty saw that through the wall and then shook her head softly. "Sorry, about that. I shall explain to everyone what is going on. Sixteen years ago I help Sylvie and Ketan's parents. There are a few details that can not be said out loud but I will tell you all that I can. I was asked to do something that is meant to be impossible. There are entrapment spells and immortality spells that should never be used but a warlock decided to test these spells out on his nephew and with doing so a demon got trapped inside the young warlock's body. The warlock got cursed with living forever in an unnatural way. The other warlock was trying to create a god. He failed miserably and the vampire King and Queen gave up their lives to save the warlock leaving their daughter in his care but she disappeared from the house. I never met the old King and Queen but I met their daughter and son in law. I became friends with their children and I thought of a way to save him. Before they sealed my powers I placed something on the man. Who sealed my powers but also I placed something on Ketan." Kitty touched the wall and a reflection showed of a ten-year-old Kitty, Sylvie, and Ketan.

Sylvie walked up and touched the picture. "This was something that happened so long ago but it will forever be etched into my memories. I wanted to be the one to pay the price but I did not match up with the demon. Ketan was the perfect match. Kitsune cut into my brother's skin and then traced the same runes on her body using my brother's blood. It was something that was painful to watch. I did not want them to be in pain but I watched all three of them deal with pain. Kitty sealed away Ketan memories of that night and my father took her away from there. It was at this new location that he sealed all of her powers away. I went with them it was then that I let her drink my essence and I must say for that happening for the first time it feels like your soul is being ripped apart but for every month after that, I would go to her as I could feel when it would be time. If that makes any sense?"

Leo looked at the memory on the wall and was surprised "You were such a young girl when all this happened but you look like you had it all figured out already. How did you feel about everything that happened all at once?"

"Honestly, I already knew it was going to happen. I dreamed about it many times before. I greeted each person before they could introduce themselves and it was what made them realize that I was like their children so they decided to help me. Mother and Father knew my choice before I went there. I told them about the dream and they both supported me. I knew what I was doing and how to do it. As you can see from the memory that I did not hesitate. There was no reason to hesitate as I knew what was going to happen and how to get it done but after my powers got sealed so did some of my memories. I think that it was because they wanted to save me as well. I could not have access to all of my powers anymore. I know that there are some that I still do not have access too now and when I gain access to them the world will shift in a new direction." Kitty walked to the couch and sat down next to Leo. She held out her arms and waited.

Leo sat up and handed Charlette over to her. "How are you feeling now?"

"It's already healing. My powers are speed recovering and I was not expecting it to happen I thought that I would feel like I was suffering for at least three weeks but I should be feeling fine in only a few days. I blame the unlocking of my seals." Kitty smiled and looked down at the sleeping Charlette. ~Ketan you heard all of that? I want you to get familiar with that place. When the time comes it will become my resting place.~

~Resting place? You can not die you are immortal. If you say this is a place I need to look after for you I will put up the barrier and start reinforcing the area. I will see to it that I protect this area. What exactly do you want to be done?~ Ketan touched the walls and then stepped near the entrance.

~Make it not accessible to anyone but the two of us for now. When the time comes I will use this area.~ Kitty looks at her daughter happily. 'Charlette I am glad that you made it into this world safely. I am sorry that you got pulled in before you were ready to come out.' She kissed Charlette's head and smiled happily.

Charlette opened her eyes and flailed in Kitty's arms.

Leo smiled and looked down at Charlette. "Do you think she will recognize me even after all the work I need to do?" He reached over and touched her little hand.

"I think as long as you spend your time at home with her she will recognize you. I think that everyone here is happy to see her grow up. A child of a goddess. It is rare enough for someone of my kind to survive but at the same time, a child from my kind is also unheard of. I am glad that you chose to become mine, Leo. I am blessed with such a big happy family. Leo my powers will go to you now. Luke, would you like to hold Charlette?"

"Mother, may I?" Luke got up and walked over to Kitty and held out his arms.

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