Unknown Prey

Chapter 249 249 Leo's Given Name

Kitty placed Charlette in Luke's arms and repositioned his hands so that he was supporting her neck while looking down at her.

Charlette makes a coo sound while looking up at Luke. She flailed her little body happily.

Luke walked over to the love seat and sat down with Charlette. "I'm your Big Brother Luke. I am glad that you are here finally. I can't wait for you to get bigger and then we can all play together."

Kitty transformed as she touched Leo's chest. "My powers are now stabilized and they will go to my chosen partner." She glowed a soft blue color and her mark on Leo glowed the same color.

Leo felt the burning as he sat on the couch. The pain was almost unbearable and he grabbed onto the couch cushion. He couldn't stay conscious anymore and passed out from the pain.

Kitty touched his forehead and helped him relax. She waited until he came to and then helped him off the couch. "Cindy, I need to run so bad. It's been such a long time since I have been able to."

"Take Leo and go for a run I will watch Charlette for you both." Cindy looked at Luke who was happily holding his sister and she smiled.

"Thank you!" Kitty dragged Leo outside and into the forest. "Darling, the change is going to happen quickly. Take off your clothes. I am struggling to hold my human form but I need to walk you through this."

"Kitsune, go transform I will walk Leo through the steps. I can tell you are at your limits." Carlos followed them as he saw how excited Kitty was. "I am not really able to help with the baby but this is something that I can do, especially since it is not my time to transform."

Leo looked at Kitty and saw how excited she was. "I will let you teach me, Carlos. My sweet, go and I will join you soon."

Kitty leaned over, kissed Leo on the forehead and then ran into the woods. She took off her clothes and she thought about the transformation process. She crawled back to the edge laid down waiting for Leo to complete his first transformation.

Carlos walked up beside Leo, "I did not mean to take Kitty away from you but she was itching to run. I could sense it from her. Ever since she got pregnant she has been unable to transform. Now if you do not want your clothes to be shredded I do suggest that you take them off."

Leo looked at Carlos, "how are you so calm?"

"It's because this is a normal everyday thing for me. I deal with transformations every single month and I have helped others through this process. Kitty had to help Luke because I did not prepare properly. If I had known I would be helping a young werewolf complete his transformation I would have gone out for several runs but that is it okay because I can pay her back by helping you transform." Carlos explains himself and watches as Leo starts to not be able to hold his human form.

Leo tried to focus on getting his clothes off but his body did not want to listen to him. He started shifting and his clothes torn and got destroyed in the process.

Carlos touched the center of Leo's back, "focus on this spot and think about becoming a fox. It will happen quickly if you focus on what you want to become."

Leo did as he said and he transformed quicker and he rested his snout on his front paws. He looked at the fur on his paws which was black in color.

Kitty trotted over and licked Leo's cheek. ~You did well and you lost more clothing because of me today. Once you have rested we will run around and you can test to see how fast you are.~

Leo looked up at her, ~we are opposite. You are a white no...silver fox but you have nine tails?~

~He, he. It is because I am the ultimate being but also it matches my hair color. So a silver off white color is correct. When you are ready, I will race you. We will run around a bunch.~ She looked at Carlos and pointed to the house with her snout.

"Yes, yes. Now that my use is done here I will take my leave. I will come with some fresh clothes for Leo. I did not think that he would transform so fast. Damn you fox demons and your speedy transformations." Carlos watches as Kitty scoffs at him and he turns to leave and go back to the house.

~Do you normally push his buttons like that?~ Leo got up and tested his balance and took a few steps and walked to Kitty and rubbed himself against her.

~Of course I do! He is so fun to tease. I transformed for the first time with the pact when I was I think six. I ran with Jaxson and company when I was younger and Carlos has a rough past I had to coax him back into transforming but that is a story for another time. How do you feel?~ She looked into his eyes and her eyes were glittering.

~I see. I feel amazing actually. I never thought that I would feel so much energy after transforming for the first time. What is the plan?~ Leo looked at saw the mischievous look she was giving him.

~Now we run!~ Kitty took off and ran right and then hid in the bushes.

Leo tore after her and ran but didn't see that she hid in the bushes he looked around and kept going straight.

Kitty started stalking Leo very carefully. She saw the perfect opportunity and she quietly runs up the knocked over tree and when Leo stopped to find her she jumped down on him. ~Caught you. How are you liking this so far?~

~Only you have caught me in your trap. I am glad that you are doing well. I am enjoying this. Kitsune since I am like you and your powers are now with you what is my name?~ He laid pinned on the ground happily underneath her.

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