Unknown Prey

Chapter 283 - 283 Valdis's Confession

Leo looked at everything and did not think that the chemical was formed around these papers and slowly started packing them up. "Thank you guys for all your help. I know that this was not an easy task especially since you were on 'holidays'. I will apologize to Sam for you Will." 

"No, it is quite alright she knows that this job is like that sometimes. She is already used to me being pulled away. The only time she would get mad is if her wedding got interfered with... She would kill you, Leo, if it came down to that. So just promise me that those days off are still set in stone?" Will moved to the piles of things on the floor. He packed up the chemicals in a box and set it aside. 

Leo sifted through the files and slowly organized on what was to be taken to his place and what could go back to the office. "I will be careful of those dates. I have them programmed into the computer system already. So there will be no call-outs for you at that time and I will still have Brielle with me so all will be well at the office."

Brielle looked at the piles and did a final check of the room making sure that nothing was missed. She disabled a few more traps that got missed but nothing major popped out right away. She disabled the last trap in the room and the wall shifted behind her. She turned to see a rolled parchment which she grabbed and turned to leave. She stepped out of the room with it and started to unroll it on the ground. 

Ketan was curious about what she had found and held the corners of the one side so that she could unravel it all the way. "I will hold this side, go ahead."

Leo stopped what he was doing and went to check out was being revealed. He looked at all the red X's on the map and the blue circles. "This will come home with me. I need to get a closer inspection of this but I think these are areas he had scoped out. The mountains here have an X but also, a question mark."

Ketan looked at the map and recognized the areas, "this is a map for supernaturals. This spot with a circle was Kitty's hometown and this one here is a fire spirit clan. The X's must be where he found nothing and the X's with a question marks could be that he needs to attempt to explore." 

Brielle lost her focus and the map rolled back up, "oh my! That would be rather bad for the supernaturals that are hiding in these places. I am glad that I took the time to explore the room more. I didn't think it would be so bountiful." 

Ketan picked up the map and handed it directly to Leo, "this is something that is dangerous for our kind. I know that I can trust you and Kitty with it. There are too many supernaturals that would be in danger if this was found out." 

Leo took the rolled-up parchment and smiled, "I know. I actually want you to bring this to the sleeping one. She can wake now, I think. I want her to look at this and confirm and if at possible see if she is able to get the individuals to move." 

Ketan took the scroll and left the group. He touched Kitty's eyes to awaken her. "I am sorry that I put you to sleep but it has been a few hours and you need to see this." He handed the rolled parchment to Kitty and waited for her reaction. 

Kitty had been glaring at him until she got handed the rolled parchment. Her curiosity peaked as she unrolled it and she froze while looking at the marks on the map like paper. She disappeared from sight and went straight to Leo. "Darling, did you find this here?" 

"Yes, it was Brielle that found it in that room over there." Leo pointed towards the room.

Kitty walked to the room and frowned, she walked away to the computer and started typing on the keyboard that was there. The computer roared to life and she started sorting through the video files and found one that was what she put on the screen.

Valdis appeared on the screen, "I have finally pinpointed all the supernaturals and their so-called safe havens. I will slowly destroy each one and even if I am captured, I still have some minions that will do my bidding for me. I will slowly kill off all of them. The plan will start with the blasted fox demons that corrupted Sandra and Robert. I can not believe that all my efforts to convert them were wasted but that is besides the point. After two weeks have passed I will either be released or I will be a prisoner. If I become a prisoner that I can always escape and my next targets will be attacked regardless." The image chuckles and the screen goes blank. Kitty starts copying the videos as quickly as she can as the computer started to corrupt itself. She inserted a USB drive and copied all that she could save to be seen at a later date. Before her drive could be corrupted she pulled it out of the port. She tossed the USB drive to Leo. "This is all that could be saved from here. The computers are self wiping I worked and got as much as I could. That map you gave me I will make good use of it." 

Leo caught the drive but was frowning from the video, "I hope that the one you played was saved. It is exactly the confession that we need." He placed the USB drive in his pocket.

"To think that he would be stupid enough to make a video and think that we would not be able to extract it would be silly. I am not happy knowing that he tried to do something to your parents Leo. Do you think he is the reason they…" Will couldn't finish the question as he saw the grave expression on Leo's face.

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