Unknown Prey

Chapter 284 - 284 The Director and Fashion Designer

"I'm sorry for your loss Kitty." Brielle walked up to Kitty and gave her a hug.

"Thank you, Brielle." Kitty lowered her head on Brielle's shoulder. Then disappeared from sight. She reappeared in her room and took the map to her study. She knocked on the door and opened it.

"Good afternoon, Kitty. I am all done with this room what do you think?" John looked around the room proudly.

Kitty looked around the room and was shocked that it was finally complete. "This is amazing! Thank you so much, John. I will send you the next assignment as soon as I finish sketching it out. I want to redo the shed in the back. I want to be able to hold more dried herbs and such." She touched the wood and smiled. 

"Sure thing. Oh, before I forget! Here are the keys to the locked cabinets that you requested. I have them colored so that you can figure it out, red is north, blue is east, green is south, and yellow is west." John hands her the keys and smiles. "I will be on my way. I will look forward to the next project when you have time." He picked up the last of his things and left the room.

Kitty looked at the keys she was handed and smiled. 'Well, at least there is something to look forward to.' She placed the keys on the shelf for now and placed the map on the floor. She looked around and didn't see anything that she could use as a weight. She went back to the bedroom and grabbed four random objects in the room and walked back into the room. Ketan followed her this time and helped her unravel the map. "This is now somewhat outdated. Look here this is where Jaxson and company were but they are no longer there." 

"Yes, I think some of the supernaturals have moved. Do you think that we should connect telepathically with all those that we can?" Ketan looked at some spots on the map. 

"No, there are some clans that will take offense to not meeting in person. I will have to go to a lot of the water clans. There are a few that I can connect with but they are not connected to my element and more just connected through me being the Advocate." Kitty studied the map and then remembered that the producer would be here soon. "Shit, Ketan stay here and look at the map some more, I will be back in about an hour." She rushed out of the room and went to her room. She sat down and did her makeup and pinned up her hair and then got dressed in a navy blue asymmetric hem one-shoulder dress. She put on a pair of slip-on black shoes and she went down the stairs as the doorbell rang. 

Luke got up and saw Kitty on the stairs. Before he answered the door he looked at Kitty and saw that she had nodded. He opened and saw two people he did not know at the door. "Hello, how can I help you?" 

"My dear boy. I am lookin for Katherine!" The male spoke in a posh high tone.

"Riccardo, it is good to see you again." Kitty approached the door. 

"Girl, you look amazing. Totally ravishing! I thought you were expecting?" Riccardo looked her up and down and then walked around her.

"I was, I had a baby girl. Shall we discuss the details of the job in the dining room? My study has not been set up yet." Kitty walks away to the kitchen leading the guests in. 

Luke watched them and saw Kitty signals him to warn the others to stay out of the dining room. He walked to the living room and whispered to Cindy and Stella who was here. He picked up Charlette and went into the dining room with her. 

Kitty sat down and offered them both a seat. "How are you doing director?" 

"Katherine, you know how I prefer that you call me Liz. We are not strangers anymore." Liz smiled and looked at Kitty, "you have finally decided to settle down. It is a pleasant surprise and your fans will not like it but I am sure that they will be supportive of you."

"When you find your better half everything just seems to fall into place. Luke, you can enter the dining room." Kitty looked at the entrance and smiled. 

"Sorry, it's just that Charlette has been looking for you all morning. You needed your rest so we let you sleep." Luke brought Charlette to Kitty, "Can I bring you guys anything to drink?" 

"Please, could I have coffee." Liz looked at the boy and smiled.

"Oh my, you are such a sweetheart I will take a coffee as well." Riccardo smiled and then looked at the baby, "is this teh baby?" 

"Liz, Riccardo, meet Charlette Maison. This is my daughter that I had with the love of my life." Kitty held Charlette so that they could see her. Charlette looked at them with her eyes slightly opened. When she heard Kitty introduce her she squealed and flailed in Kitty's arms. 

"Katherine, she is just so precious if you do not mind, may I hold her?" Liz looked at the baby and waited for permission. 

"Of course you can but I want to hear the details of the jobs." Kitty handed Charlette over to Liz. 

Liz held the baby girl and rocked her causing Charlette to make happy baby sounds. 

"So for the modeling job we are thinking of having you promote the new pregnancy clothes line. Now that you are no longer pregnant it won't cause any issues. We can use some props and no one would be the wiser!" Riccardo smiled and then pulled out the designs to some Kitty. Slowly he placed the pictures down one after another.

"Nicely done. You outdid yourself this time. If I was still expecting these would be the clothes that I would want to wear." Kitty flipped through the pictures slowly admiring the colors.

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