Unknown Prey

Chapter 285 - 285 Will You Take the Job?

Luke came back with the coffees and placed them down in front of the two guests. He placed a teacup in front of Kitty and then went back to the kitchen. He came out with the teapot and poured her some tea and sat down. "I hope that my presence will not impede the work discussions?" 

"Boy, your daddy taught you well. Thank you for the coffee, you can sit in but it may not be all that interesting to listen to." Riccardo picked up the coffee mug and took a sip. 

"Riccardo, I will do this job. I think that with some manipulation we can make it work." Kitty smiled and then turned to Liz, "I will take her back so that you can run through the commercial, Liz."

"Yes, my adoptive father was strict but he taught me many things and for that I am grateful." Luke took the compliment and smiled happily.

Liz handed Charlette back to Kitty reluctantly, "So for this job, we need you to wear a wedding dress. We are going to be shooting a bridal commercial but we have not picked your Mr. Right partner. There are not a lot of individuals that can match you perfectly. They need a cold but also have a gentle demeanor and we would prefer that he be slightly taller than you. Why are you so perfect Katherine?" 

~Ketan, can you grab Leo for me? I will only need him for a moment so it won't cause too many issues.~ Kitty smiled and rocked Charlette. "It is not that I am perfect but, that I can do a lot of things. There is not a lot of people that are multi-talented but it takes time to hone the skills. I did not all of a sudden become good at what I do. I spent a lot of time getting good at what I have mastered."

~On it.~ Ketan appeared before Leo and the other two. "Kitty is asking for you. We have set a plan and we will work on talking to those that we are connected to right away." 

Leo looked at Ketan and remembered that the director was coming over today. "Since today is already a bit of a write off might as well get this over with. When you take me back let's take a few boxes back as well. That way there is less trips." 

"Show me what needs to come and after I drop you off I will go ahead and take them to the same place as the rest of the items if that works for you?" Ketan looked at Brielle and smiled before looking back at Leo.

"Leo, we will finish what is here, it is not like there is a lot left and since we are already almost done we can all go to the next place together. With there being two extra sets of eyes we can finish that much faster." Brielle smiled and went back to sorting. 

"I already told Sam that I would be out late as I did not know what the job I was doing entailed. So I am free to stay until I think around six in the evening." Will shrugged his shoulders and also got back into the papers. 

Carlos looked at them, "go before she gets impatient. When we finish here we will set up to go to the next location. I seriously am hoping that we will be able to finish today. I really miss my kitchen." 

"Alright. I will leave this place to you guys Brielle and Will, Ketan knows the next location I will send to the information on your phone so if you finish do not wait up for me and head on over." Leo nodded at Ketan.

Ketan popped Leo into the bedroom, "good luck," he quickly said before leaving him there. 

Leo got changed and went to the bathroom. He checked out his reflection and saw that he wasn't covered in too much dirt but took a face cloth and wiped his face. He walked down the stairs and walked into the dining room. "I see that your guests arrived. I am Leo Maison." 

Liz jumps up from her seat and rushes towards Leo and starts walking around him, "For the love of all things holy, Katherine...I swear you must have been a goddess in your past life." Liz stepped back and pulled out her business card, "I am Liz a director of many things and if I could be so bold to ask you to act as Kitty's partner in this filming set?" 

Leo accepted the business card and looked at Kitty who was giving him the I told you so look. "Let me see what the job entails and if we are able to work around my busy hectic work schedule I don't see why not." He walked up to Kitty and bent down to kiss her cheek and kissed Charlette's cheek as well. He patted Luke on the shoulder, "You did a good job today, thank you for all your help." 

"I do not think that I did much that warrants thanking, Father. I only did what I felt was right." Luke smiled at Leo and got up from the chair and let Leo sit next to Kitty. 

"Man you are smoking! If you were to enter the entertainment world you would become famous in a heartbeat. I'm Riccardo. I am a clothes designer so I will be making the clothes for the commercial and modeling job. I already have Kitty's dress planned but as the male counterpart has not been chosen there was no inspiration to go off but I see why the fair maiden has chosen you." Riccardo talked and pulled out a pad and quickly drafted the suit for Leo, and one for Luke as well and since he had started he designed a dress for Charlette. 

"So as I was telling Kitty we are doing a wedding commercial and we had not found a male lead that fit in with the parameters. If you are willing to do this then I would be most grateful." Liz bowed and then pulled out the scripts and handed one to Leo and Kitty. "We will leave you two to discuss what you want to do. I will be awaiting your reply and Leo we can and will work around your schedule." She got up and glared at Riccardo.

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