Unknown Prey

Chapter 31 30


"You bet Kitty. I'll be back with your drinks. Kitty will you order the same dessert today as well or do you want to think about that and see how you feel after you eat?"

"Let's wait and see how the little one makes me feel and decide afterwards." Kitty replied and Cindy bowed and walked away. "I've been eating here on and off since I came home. If I didn't eat at the restaurant I would get it delivered. The staff here are really friendly." She smiled. 'Cindy is after all one of my people. She knows to keep a secret and besides everyone is on edge about the hunters being in town but with me in the restaurant, it'll ease their minds at least a little bit.'

Leo looked at Kitty and watched her interactions with the waitress and noticed it was different from Sam. She was a little protective and super friendly. "An old friend I take it?" Leo asked at last. He leaned over and kissed the top of her head.

Will watched the whole interaction in silence. "I think the town seems a little on edge but now that we're having dinner here it seems like I was mistaken."

Kitty slightly paused at Will's words. "You could say that Cindy is an old friend. Wouldn't you be surprised if all of a sudden you had two very handsome men come to this far away hotel? And to boot, they came alone but are staying under the same company name?" Kitty looks at Cindy coming back with the drinks. "Cindy, this is Will. He is engaged to Sam. The girl I was telling you about." She points at Will and then turns and looks at Leo. "And this handsome gentleman is Leo the father of the baby in my belly." She left the words my future partner for life unspoken. As it could cause problems if Will found out that they weren't human. 'Will is very keen on emotions so let's test my theory and hopefully, I can throw off his suspicions.'@@

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