Unknown Prey

Chapter 32 31

Cindy's eyes starting sparkling. "He's the father of the baby!? Oh! The baby is going to be so freaking adorable!!!! I mean I know any baby you would have would be cute but with the two of your genes, the baby is going to be even more stunning! Oh, I'm sorry. It's just that most of us are very excited for the baby." She blushed and handed out the drinks. "If you guys need anything just wave me down and I'll be happy to help." She said then she happily skipped away.

Leo looked down at his girl and saw that Kitty's face was beet red. 'She's so embarrassed I must say I am quite enjoying all her reactions. This is my first step into her life I guess I can expect more adorable reactions from her in the future.' He grabbed his coffee and took a sip. "That was unexpected. Thanks for introducing us to your friend."

Will watched everything and calculated that he was indeed overthinking things. The way that girl gushed was completely unexpected. 'Who is Kitty really? She seems to be a big member in town here?' He was thinking to himself and decided to ask. "Kitty, who are you really?"

Kitty looked Will in the eyes at his question. "My family founded this town over a hundred years ago. I grew up here but my mother and father's work took us to many places all over the world. I'm a descendant of this town so a lot the people who live here know me very well." She answered carefully not missing a beat. "Leo, I will introduce you to everyone eventually but now since we are just starting date I don't want to overwhelm you."

Leo looked at his friend and started to worry that he could've figured out something about this place wasn't normal. He himself noticed it when he landed but Kitty had told him enough to know that there was something big was here. "Will, I think that's enough questions like that. I didn't notice anything strange about this town when I arrived." In a lower voice, he said. "Other than your target." He was covering for Kitty as this was her home and the baby was going to born here. "You fly back tomorrow morning correct?" He swiftly changed the topic.

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