Unknown Prey

Chapter 33 32


"Well if you didn't feel anything maybe it was just my imagination. Yeah, my flight leaves at 8 am so I have to check out of the hotel at 6 am. I won't be able to say goodbye to you two in the morning but I'll be seeing you back at home in six days anyway." Will shrugs his shoulders.

Leo sighs inwardly. "Yeah I have six more days to stay with Kitty then I will go home but it's much too dangerous for Kitty to fly with me. So I'm going to leave her in the care of her grandmother and fly back by myself." He frowns as he says that. "I'll be coming back in two and a half months so I can be here for Kitty when our baby is born. Then I hope to bring them both home safely." He finished off his cup of coffee. "Since it'll be my baby I'll get the time off pretty easily. Also, the higher-ups keep pushing me to take a vacation. I took a week off and the higher-ups were so shocked they actually called me to ask if I was joking." He chuckles.

Kitty looked over at Leo covering for her. 'I knew I made the right choice to mark him as mine.' She placed her hand on his arm. "I know that it's not ideal but it's the best choice. I was asked to come home to do paperwork. I didn't even know I was pregnant at the time and I didn't have Leo's number and I didn't want to disturb Sam and yourself. The two of you just got engaged after all. My grandmother is so excited to meet the baby as well. So we'll probably head back to Leo's home when the baby is 2 weeks old. I am honestly debating if we should drive back though." She places her finger on her cheek like she was thinking about it seriously.

Cindy came back with their food at this point. "Kitty the chef says that there's a new dessert he would like to sever you after the meal. A special treat to celebrate." She says as she hands out the food. "Would you guys like some more coffee?"@@

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