Unknown Prey

Chapter 328 - 328 Emotions are High

Luke finally got up and walked over to the group, "Mother, are you okay?" He kneeled down next to her and started crying. "I-I am so sorry. If I had not come into the woods you would not have been harmed. I am soo sorry." Luke hiccupped as he was apologizing to her. 

"Luke, she is going to be okay. Kitty will not die from such a small wound. Besides. It would be harder to heal you then it is to heal her. I will go and grab our clothing. Luke, watch Kitty and I will be back in a moment." Leo got up and went towards the house. 

"I ruined the hunt. I am deeply sorry." Luke was still crying and bowed his head.

Ketan left the scene and did as Kitty asked. 

"Lavatis, you didn't do anything wrong nor did you ruin the hunt. I knew that there was a fifty percent chance that you would come into the woods. I will recover by the time Leo comes with the clothing. Vampire's blood works wonders on a body. If Ketan wasn't here I would've been able to heal it. So please calm down. I did not want to risk losing you. I am not worried over such a small wound." Kitty didn't show her pain and reached out to pat Luke on his head.

"I'm sorry…" Luke was bawling at this time and felt her pat his head. That was when he looked up and saw that Kitty was smiling as she patted his head.

"It's okay Luke, what has been done is done. There is nothing that can be done about it now. Besides, I already knew what was going to happen. I am really glad that you are safe and sound." Kitty closed her and relaxed on the ground. 

Luke grabbed Kitty's hand and held on. "I still feel bad that you got injured." 

Ketan can back after moving the bodies. "She really will be fine. You don't need to worry about it as much as you are. This is not the first time she has been shot and I doubt that it will be the last time. With you being a young werewolf, you may not know this but there will come a time where normal bullets will be ineffective on you but you are still young and just completed your first change recently." 

Leo was carrying the clothes back and heard what Ketan said. "The ones that do get killed by normal bullets are usually the young, sick, or elderly. I know that it is not always easy to kill with a bullet and I had tried in the past but there was one type of bullet that became effective." Leo walked to Kitty and looked at the wound that was starting to fade away as nothing had happened.

"The silver bullets. With the hunter's invention, it became apparent that the hunters had learned about the way to kill werewolves." Kitty opened her eyes and looked at Luke and smiled. "If everyone can move away, I would like to get dressed." 

"You and I will go for a short walk away." Ketan walked over to Luke and helped him stand then guided him away until they were out of sight.

"How are you really doing?" Leo looked at her with deep concern. 

Kitty listened to the footsteps receding and looked up at him. "It was painful but the blood is already mending everything that was damaged. I will need a little help. My arm is slightly tingling from the healing process. Other than that I am fine. It will be healed fully in an hour. The bullet did some bad damage but that is to be expected ." Slowly she stood up and leaned against the tree for support.

Leo walked over to her and held onto her waist. "You should know by now that I am willing to do anything that I can for you. I am happy to help you. I want what is best for you. When I saw you get shot I was afraid that it would cause you some fairly bad damage and I was wrong but you can not fault me for thinking about it. I love you so much. I worry about you all the time. I am yours and yours alone." Leo leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips. 

Kitty kisses him back. "I feel a little strange kissing in the middle of the woods nude and covered in blood. How are you doing? I know that it is a scary thing to witness." She held onto his shirt with her good arm. 

"I am fine, maybe a little shaken up but that is nothing compared to you being injured." Leo placed the dress on the ground for her to step into. While supporting her. He held her waist as she stepped into the opening of the dress. He pulled the dress up but while doing so he kissed up her legs, stomach, chest, and stopped at her neck. 

She followed his lead and let him kiss up her body. "I am glad that you are okay. Maybe a little freaked out but that is okay." Her body shivered from the kisses. Her one hand had held onto his shoulder for support as he kissed up her body. Each kiss made her heart race and she could feel the desire building up inside. "Erebus, I want to go home and shower." 

Leo hugged her and did up the dress as he was hugging her. "Okay, I figured that is something that you would want to do. I will walk on your injured side and that way if you need support I will be able to provide you with what you need." 

"That sounds great, Darling. I trust you so let's go home. I know that you brought my undergarments but there is really no need to worry about that right now. I want to get home and wash off the blood but no fast traveling or else it will make everyone think that something bad happened. Although with the way Ketan left the house it is already a bit panic-filled." She lets out a loud sigh.

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